
Revision 12 as of 2005-11-16 15:35:55

Clear message

Standard Official Logo using new ttf-ubuntu-title font http://kubuntu.org/art/kubuntu-breezy.png http://kubuntu.org/art/kubuntu-breezy.svg

Crystal version of the logo http://kubuntu.org/art/kubuntu-crystal.png http://kubuntu.org/art/kubuntu-crystal.svg

usplash artwork http://kubuntu.org/art/kubuntu-usplash-639x320-14.png

Everything else

Everything else is in the kubuntu-default-settings package

basse and konqi live at: http://www.kulma.org/linux/kde/kone.php?categ=kubuntu

User contributed

Please make us funky wallpapers, splash screens, kdm themes, whatever. Upload them to http://www.kde-look.org and http://art.ubuntu.com then add a link below