|| '''Launchpad''': || [[https://launchpad.net/people/mneptok|mneptok]] || ||<|1(> '''IRC''': || '''mneptok''' (''freenode'') || ||<|1(> '''Email''': || kurt@ubuntu.com || ||<|1(> '''Location''': || [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albuquerque|Albuquerque, NM USA]] || == Who? == My name is Kurt, and I won't bog down this page with unnecessary personal details. If you want to know more about who I am as a person and what makes me tick, there are some external sites that may interest you. Among them: [[http://www.mneptok.com/|My website]] [[http://blogs.gnome.org/mneptok/|My GNOME blog]] I'm a longtime free software advocate, however with a significant streak of pragmatism. I promise to understand and respect your principled position if you promise to understand and respect my pragmatism. Free software is a big tent. == What? == I'm employed by [[http://askmonty.org|Monty Program Ab]] as Chief Community And Communications Officer. It's a fancy way of saying I herd cats. I'm also an active [[http://gnome.org|GNOME]] Foundation member, although perhaps less so than in past years. I serve as part of the all-volunteer sysadmin team, mostly handling account requests and changes. I've been know to futz with GNOME's Mailman instance, as well. I also run the bots for the sysadmin IRC channel. In the Ubuntu community I'm most active on IRC, where I serve as part of the ops team in the official channels. You can find me using the nick "mneptok." I'm happy to help users when I can, I only ask for a little understanding of my professional commitments. IOW, I may not /msg back in the first 12 seconds. Grab a juice box. Or a nap. If you're a GNOME hacker or user, you can find me using the same nick on GIMPnet, the GNOME IRC network. I can be found in #sysadmin. I consider these roles as my privilege to serve, not a shoulder epaulet denoting some perceived rank. Feel free to ask if there's anything you think I may be able to do to help either project. == How? == If you're interested in my free software interests, I use [[http://www.gnome.org|GNOME]] and/or [[http://icculus.org/openbox|OpenBox]] to get my GUI world running. I have a somewhat unhealthy deep affection for [[http://zsh.sourceforge.net/|the Z shell]], where I spend most of my day. I'm beginning to realize I have a [[http://bazaar-vcs.org/|Bzr]] addiction. I use nano in the shell from years of pico keybinding familiarity (thanks pine!) and [[http://www.openkomodo.com|KomodoEdit]] for a GUI editor. My favorite programming language is the one that results in the best implementation of the desired goal. I favor function over form, but will happily take both in equal measure. If it's light, clean, stable, and functional, I'm a happy man. I only wish I could demand the same of my own body. ---- CategoryHomepage