#REDIRECT ChristerEdwards ||<>|| = About Me = My name is Christer Edwards. I am 27 years old and work as a full-time Internet Marketing Consultant. I founded the Ubuntu Utah LoCo Team in the fall of 2005 and spend much of my time organizing and supporting that. The team has grown quite a bit since it was first founded and honestly is one of my biggest passions. I'm very happy to be able to contribute to the Ubuntu project as a team leader. Currently I am working with other local LUG leaders to organize the Utah Open Source Conference for mid-2007. == My interest in Ubuntu == I first tried Ubuntu in April 2005. In an effort to find a less troublesome OS I came across multiple suggestions for Ubuntu. It was actually Ubuntu vs Fedora Core 4 at the time and, since one CD downloads faster than four, Ubuntu won and I never looked back. Since that time I've absolutely dived into the community support and enjoy every minute of it. '''Ubuntu is my passion!''' I was simply amazed that everything "just worked!" I have tried a number of other distributions (including FC4, FC5, FC6, RH9, Mandrake, Slackware, openSuSE 10.1, SLED 10, and Gentoo). I was very impressed at the hardware support! I didn't have to configure my sound or video. I had no trouble with my printer or scanner. My digital camera and USB drive all worked! I was sold! After maybe a week of testing & making sure I had what I needed I "made the switch" and used 5.04 on both of my machines. Since that time my network has grown. I now use Edgy on my Desktops (2) and Notebooks (2) & Dapper runs on my Servers (2). The rest, as they say, is history... I love to see people get excited when they realize they don't have to pay high prices for software anymore. I love to be there when they realize that viruses DON'T have to be a part of everyday life. I love helping give them a choice! I share Ubuntu with those around me (I carry Ubuntu CDs with me always). I'm a big supporter of the open source community and use OSS whenever possible. I really feel that communication and information should be free (as in freedom). I don't (yet) have much expertise in programming so I contribute in any other ways that I can. I try to make healthy contributions to the Ubuntu Forums, I spend time on #ubuntu-utah on irc.freenode.net (IRC) and, where possible, contribute to the wiki. It's great to have something that I'm really passionate about and I'd love to support this group for years to come. == Contact == * My Public Key: B6724E04 * Email me if you like: christer {dot} edwards {at} ubuntu {dot} com * Jabber: christer {dot} edwards {at} gmail {dot} com * Find me in the #ubuntu-utah channel on irc.freenode.net (Kuyaedz / Zelut) * [[http://christer.homeip.net/|My Ubuntu Tutorials]] = Community Contributions = == Utah Team Founder == I am the original founder and main contact for the Utah LoCo Team. We provide local support and education about Ubuntu for the state of Utah. My current focus is to work with existing area Linux User Groups to help localize the support throughout the state. I aim to work closely with each group by offering support, CDs and materials. <
> For information about our team please see [[UtahTeam]], [[http://launchpad.net/people/utahteam|Launchpad Team Page]] or our [[http://ubuntu-utah.org|Home Page]]. == Ubuntu Tutorials == I maintain a blog that focuses mainly on Ubuntu Tutorials. I use this to try and document the steps it sometimes takes to install or configure different programs or aspects of Ubuntu. I also hope to port many of these tutorials to the existing (or non-existent) Ubuntu Wiki pages. == Laptop Testing == The following pages are the results of my testing on my laptops. * [[LaptopTestingTeam/EmachinesM5312]] (Hoary/Breezy/Dapper) * [[LaptopTestingTeam/HPZE1210]] (Breezy) * [[LaptopTestingTeam/Thinkpad380ED]] (Hoary/Dapper) * [[LaptopTestingTeam/AsusZ92U]] (Breezy) * [[LaptopTestingTeam/HPN5450]] (Hoary/Breezy/Dapper) == Wiki Contributions == * [[SourcesList]] * [[Ntop]] * [[VirtualNetworkConnection]] * [[CompileGaim]] * [[JigdoDownloadHowto]] == Ubuntu Forums == * [[http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=19085|Forum Posts]] (817 as of 11/11/06) = Ubuntu Member = (Status : Approved) I advocate OSS and Ubuntu Linux in the state of Utah. I would love to see OSS more widely used in homes, businesses and government offices. Below are our [[UtahTeam]] proposed steps: === Step 1 === As a Team we are working on recruiting more local users. This is done through regular CD distribution in Universities and local hardware/service shops. A stronger local support base will be critical to growing & supporting Ubuntu in the state of Utah. === Step 2 === We are planning on presenting the state offices with information on migrating to OSS. Drafts and letters to be made available as they are produced. We also plan on distributing Edubuntu/Ubuntu within local school districts. === Step 3 === Support! We have setup a website, IRC channel and mailing list to support continued growth in the area. This is the key step. Without the support of a strong and widespread team base these goals will not be possible. ---- CategoryHomepage