Currently this web page needs more information, but some information could be:

My idea as a Kubuntu user is to make XMMS be installed by default in the next Kubuntu release.

The main Idea

Today a important part of the music files are .mp3 files. Many users of Windows are becoming Linux Users continuously, many of them use .mp3 music files by default. So it would be much easier for them to have a program which can be used easily, then, XMMS seems to be the best alternative to be the program designed to listen mp3 music files in the new Kubuntu release.

After that reason, XMMS is a program that much people use, it doesn't require a lot of space on the disk, not much space as a .deb package... it's simply a good option.

Sorry, but this is one of the most uneducated things I've read in quite some time, and without exaggeration, it makes me a little mad, really. xmms is a gtk-application, and is not just a (still somewhat common) disease, it's something nearly as bad as cancer. It lacks unicode support (hint: Ubuntu's default locale is $LANG.UTF-8), and is the ONLY reason - if installed - to keep a whole gui-toolkit, dog-old gtk, on your disk (and loaded in memory, too, once xmms is running). Xmms keeps living on much too long by now, since there's already the SECOND fork of its codebase, ported to the much better and more widely used gtk+, readily available (beep-media-player, which itself is abandoned already!, and audacious, which keeps on living somehow). There's Amarok, and there's kaffeine. We don't need another application in Kubuntu to play back MP3, and even if we did, it would just not be xmms, period. For the love of got, let it die in peace. Rant end.

- colo

It was just a suggestion, anyway it's your opinion and I respect that.

- AlejandroLeon

Nice to see this did not go unnoticed Smile :) I'm sorry if I sounded somewhat rude before, but I've been having a hard day trying to get rid of unnecessary dependencies on my Kubuntu system, and was somewhat stressed out. I didn't mean to sound inflammatory.

- colo

The XMMS Project

The main page of the XMMS project is this one, so you can find more information there.


Kxmms (last edited 2008-08-06 16:19:10 by localhost)