## page was renamed from Lubuntu/Developers/Accessibility #refresh 3 https://phab.lubuntu.me/w/lubuntu-dev/ Please note you'll be re-directed to in 3 seconds <> ||<>|| {{{#!wiki warning {X} This wiki should be considered '''unmaintained''' and '''deprecated''', though some information may still be relevant. Please instead refer to [[ https://lubuntu.me | Lubuntu.me ]]. }}} === Work items (things to fix) === * lxpanel titles. === The story === Lubuntu have only a few devs, who also have full time jobs, plus someone who is familiar with [[http://www.w3.org/WAI/ |Web Accessibility Initiative]]. We do not currently have people with the experience to guide Lubuntu on what is required for Lubuntu to be fully accessible. We ask that if anyone would like to assist in the road-map of what Lubuntu should be concentrating on and striving towards, that they please make a quick introduction via the [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/GettingInvolved | mailing list]]. As we await to see how much accessibility is inbuilt in the 'official' ISO building, this area is on hold. There is a rough guide of requirements, below. Without some assistance it is extremely unlikely Lubuntu can get any of these things in place for 11.10. Urgent: Screen-reader, magnifier, on-screen keyboard, mouse/switch dwelling settings (mousetweaks) for non-keyboard users Contact has been made for a desktop theme for those with poor eye-sight, but again this is unlikely to be available in time for 11.10. '''Lubuntu is committed to accessibility''' It will happen, it can happen faster if people help. Below are some of our chats. === Documentation === * http://developer.gnome.org/accessibility-devel-guide/stable/ * https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-accessibility * https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-accessibility/2011-May/005252.html === Note from Knoppix === {{{ in my own efforts to get orca better with LXDE I conversed with Klaus Knopper the author of Knoppix. I have put his notes below.. I also tried with nto much success to try and figure out why orca did not work with thunar though it claims to have great gtk support. Please find notes below and hope it is helpful. export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN="gtk" GTK_MODULES="gail:atk-bridge" before starting a GTK program makes it aware of orca as screenreader. You need to start orca as well, of course. The panel containing the menu (lxpanel in our case) will send the "highlighted" menu item to orca automatically if the two variables mentioned before are set before starting lxpanel. The tricky part is to pop up the menu without the mouse. Unfortunately, lxpanel does not have a "hotkey" for this on its own, but the command "lxpanelctl menu" will notify lxpanel to show the menu. Now you add this command to the window managers hotkey list (which is different in compiz-fusion and metacity), and you are there. Once the hotkey (Alt-F1 in Knoppix) is pressed, lxpanelctl menu will be called, and the menu pops up. I did not find a way yet to browse through the dock icons in lxpanel, though it must be possible somehow, since using the mouse will focus the icons and lets orca speak them. Maybe, just the internal link between icons and a hotkey for selecting them is missing. pcmanfm works quite well with orca, though the "desktop background" version of it is not very talkative. If you start the windowed version of pcmanfm, you can switch between canvases with eithger TAB or the cursor keys (sometimes it's not very intuitive to understand which one to use). It should be possible, yet I'm unsure how to make the desktop manager part of pcmanfm put the focus on the first icon on the desktop. Once one item has the focus, you can browse through the desktop icons with the cursor keys. surely pcmanfm could need some accessibility enhancements concerning hotkeys and their documentation. in regards to accessing the panel, The only way I found so far is the "lxpanelctl" command which is to be called by the window manager. Alt-F1 pops up the menu in Knoppix. The hotkey modifications for compiz-fusion and metacity concerning the lxpanel menu is present in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/45knoppix. Here is an excerpt: -- case "$STARTUP" in *lxde|lx*) # Need to change Alt_F1 and Alt_F2 hotkeys in order to make LXDE menu accessible sed -i -e 's/as_main_menu_key *=.*$/as_main_menu_key = Disabled/g' \ -e 's/as_run_command0_key *=.*$/as_run_command0_key =