In order to boot Ubuntu (Hoary) on an IBM ThinkPad 600X, I had to supply the following kernel options at boot time:
- acpi=off
May also be required:
- ide=nodma noapic
The 'acpi=off' also seems to be required on Breezy (5.10) Otherwise you may wind up in the brown screen of death...
Also: Be aware that incremental kernel upgrades within Breezy may require you to re-add the boot option in the grub menu.lst file. It doesn't seem to be carried forward by the installation scripts. [ Or wasn't in my case... ]
In addition to this page, I have successfully installed Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper) on my Thinkpad 600X.
The installation routine after starting it from the live CD runs whithout any problems. All hardware was recognized. As the first linux distribution, from all I have tested, ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper) also installed and configured the soundcard.
The systemspeed is o.k., considering (my configuration) it`s running on a Pentium III 500MHz with about 500MB RAM and a 30GB HDD.