I bought this same model a few months ago but is currently running Slackware. I tested this on the Hoary LiveCD and the basic functionality (like ethernet, wifi) works out of the box. -- JeromeGotangco

Regarding the xinerama setup, maybe this forum post could be of any help : http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=24054&postcount=3

I've got Hardy Heron running on my R50e, it's installed on an external hard drive. Ran into a slight problem after installing - I couldn't log in, it would hang without any error messages or dialog boxes. Apparently this problem occurs only when installing to an external drive or USB stick. Logged into single-user mode (cntrl-shift 1? can't remember), had a look at dmesg, googled the error message and found a fix. (Just tried to google it again and couldn't find it, sorry.) Anyway, hardy installed to external hard drive works with this laptop, with a little bit of hacking.

LaptopTestingTeam/Old/ThinkpadR50e/ThinkpadR50eTalk (last edited 2010-03-02 13:03:20 by host226-241-dynamic)