- Make: Toshiba
- Brand: Satellite
- Model: 1800
Current Issues
Default screen resolution is 800x600 rather than preferable 1024x768
To fix this (in Kubuntu):
- KMenu
- System Settings
General / Monitor & Display
- Administrator Mode...
- Hardware
- Monitor #1: Configure...
- Generic
- LCD Panel 1024x768
- OK
- Apply
- (hit ok when it comlains about driver/monitor combination not being tested)
- Logout
- Restart X
see also http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=763964
"The file protocol died unexpectedly" and "The media protocol died unexpectedly" errors on login
This is bug #70240 <http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-meta/+bug/70240> - to fix this set the wallpaper to "no picture"