{{attachment:systems-admin.png}} '''Organizer:''' Martin Owens (doctormo) '''Drafter:''' None (yet) We would like to attract people from the IRC and various systems administration/ubuntu technical blog aggregation (planets) to help work out and peer review these classes. This page describes the topics that are important for systems administrators to know as well as links to where information can be found about these topics. There are two main sections: See below for course outlines. == Background Topics == Background information, stuff you wouldn't normally have a class to teach, but is important for students to have access to definitions and an understanding of the concepts. For instance you would need to understand IP-Addresses in order to be able to teach a network management under Ubuntu class, but you wouldn't want to spend a lot of time teaching it. * [[http://doctormo.org/2009/07/15/ubuntu-system-admin-class-command-line-basics/|The Command Line Basics]] Done * [[http://doctormo.org/2009/07/22/ubuntu-system-admin-class-local-computer/|Local Computer]] Done * [[http://doctormo.org/2009/07/27/systems-administration-networking/|Networking]] Done == Classroom Topics == List of topics to cover in a class. Each topic should be direct and if need be, split up into simple modular components of the tasks required to be functional in that area. * [[http://doctormo.org/2009/08/06/systems-administration-package-management/|Package Management]] Done [[SoftwareManagement]] * [[http://doctormo.org/2009/08/12/systems-administration-processes-services-and-deamons-with-apache/|Services, Processes and Daemons with Apache]] Done * [[http://doctormo.org/2009/08/19/systems-administration-user-authentication-and-authorisation/|User Authentication]] Done * [[http://doctormo.org/2009/08/26/systems-administration-remote-access/|Remote Access]] Done * Screen * RDP * VNC * Installation and Deployment * Mass deployments through: netboot, ... * Network Management * iproute * iwconfig | iwlist * ifup | ifdown | /etc/network/interfaces * iptables: [[http://bodhizazen.net/Tutorials/iptables/|ip tables primer by Bodhi Zazen]] * VPN: IPsec, SSL, [[http://openvpn.net/|OpenVPN]], [[http://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH_VPN|VPN over SSH]] * time servers, tiers, .. * Monitoring * SMART disk monitoring: [[http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/|smartctl]] - [[http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/man/smartctl.8.html|Man Page]] * General: SNMP, mrtg, cacti * Network traffic: ntop, vnstat, cbm, .. * Network sniffer: wireshark, iptraf, .. * Processes: top, htop, .. * Remote Server/Services Administration * webmin * ebox * Services * Scheduling System, crond * Printing, cups, lpd * File Sharing, ftpd * Web Hosting, apache, php, MySQL, .. * Remote Access, sshd * DHCP Server, dhcpd * DNS Server, bind * Mail: postfix/sendmail/qmail * Windows file share/domain server, samba * Tomcat * PXE Booting * Client Imaging * Thin Client Setups * Advanced CLI and Scripting * Tiny Shell vs.Bash vs. C shell vs etc... * Python * Perl * PHP * Virtualization * Underlying tech: kvm, xen * management: libvirt, virtualmanager * VirtualBox vs. VMWare vs QEMU vs WINE vs CrossOver * Clustering * Backups * rsync * dirvish [[http://wiki.edseek.com/howto:dirvish|Howto]] * rdiff-backup * rsnapshot * amanda * bacula * Deja Dup * Restricting the Desktop Users * Gconf-Editor * Gconftool-2 * Process for Ubuntu SOE Development * Basic Security Practices * Apparmor * Iptables * File System * Linux file system hierarchy -- ([[http://www.ubuntugeek.com/linux-or-ubuntu-directory-structure.html|Linux/Ubuntu Directory Structure]]) * File Navigation, nautilus * Linux file permissions -- ([[http://www.freeos.com/articles/3127/|Understanding Permissions]], [[http://www.freeos.com/articles/4440/|File Permissions and chmod/chgrp/chown]], [[http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/filepermissions.html|Linux File Permissions]]) * Introduction to the Command Line -- ([[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal|Using the Terminal]]) * Sudo and Root -- ([[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo|Root/Sudo]], [[http://www.easy-ubuntu-linux.com/ubuntu-root-access.html|Ubuntu Root Access]]) * Handling files w/ command line -- ([[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal#File%20&%20Directory%20Commands|File and Directory Commands]]) * Troubleshooting w/ command line * Hardware related command line -- ([[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal#System%20Information%20Commands|System Info Commands]]) * Installing Applications -- ([[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware|Installing Software]]) * Repositories -- ([[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu|Ubuntu Repositories]]) * Adding Repositories -- ([[http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/sources|Enabling Extra Repositories]], [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20Repositories%20in%20Ubuntu|Adding Repositories in Ubuntu]]) * Adding GPG keys -- ([[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Authentication%20Tab|Authenticating Repositories]]) * Add/Remove Programs -- ([[http://linux.about.com/od/ubuntu_doc/a/ubudg17t1.htm|Add/Remove Applications]]) * Aptitude and Apt -- ([[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware#Via%20a%20Text%20Based%20Methods|Text Based Install Methods]], [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide|Aptitude Survival Guide]], [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto|apt-get How-To]]) * Synaptic Package Manager -- ([[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto|Synaptic Wiki]]) * Troubleshooting * Networking * Devices * fstab * Display == System Administration Basics Course == Developed by Martin Owens, taught, Status: Alpha/Drafting * [[http://doctormo.org/2009/07/15/ubuntu-system-admin-class-command-line-basics/|The Command Line Basics]] Done * [[http://doctormo.org/2009/07/22/ubuntu-system-admin-class-local-computer/|Local Computer]] Done * [[http://doctormo.org/2009/07/27/systems-administration-networking/|Networking]] Done * [[http://doctormo.org/2009/08/06/systems-administration-package-management/|Package Management]] Done [[SoftwareManagement]] * [[http://doctormo.org/2009/08/12/systems-administration-processes-services-and-deamons-with-apache/|Services, Processes and Daemons with Apache]] Done * [[http://doctormo.org/2009/08/19/systems-administration-user-authentication-and-authorisation/|User Authentication]] Done * [[http://doctormo.org/2009/08/26/systems-administration-remote-access/|Remote Access]] Done * [[http://doctormo.org/2009/09/02/systems-administration-virtualisation/|Virtualisation]] Done * [[http://doctormo.org/2009/09/09/systems-administration-network-infrastructure/|Network Infrastructure]] Done == Further Material Links == * http://www.firewall.cx/linux-introduction-intro.php * http://www.tcpipguide.com/ * http://www.ubuntugeek.com * http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/ * http://tldp.org/HOWTO/HOWTO-INDEX/howtos.html * http://lartc.org/ * http://www.w3schools.com/ * http://www.debian-administration.org/ * http://en.flossmanuals.net/ * http://howtoforge.com/ * http://littlegirl.hostrator.com/ * http://www.ubuntu-fl.org/2009/08/27/hacklet-apt-cache-redirect/