<> <
> ||{{attachment:IconsPage/IconNote.png}}||'''Latest News'''<
>The [[http://www.ubuntu-lb.com| new website]] of our team is up and running.|| ##at [[http://www.ubuntu-lb.com|http://www.ubuntu-lb.com]] - no need to add the link of the website twice :) ##||{{attachment:IconsPage/IconWarning3.png}}||'''Latest Events'''<
>Coming Soon|| ##uncomment the above line by removing ## if you want to re-add the event part ||<>|| {{attachment:LebanonLOCO.png}} = Welcome = This is the wiki page of the Lebanon Local Community Team. We aim to provide free community support to users of Ubuntu as well as advocating the use of Ubuntu to individuals and organizations. Our main target is universities and schools; helping students to have a better view of Ubuntu and know it better. We keep in touch via our [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-lb| Mailing list]] and [[LebanonTeam/IRC| IRC channel]]. = Main Target = This group is for anyone in Lebanon who use or aim to use any Ubuntu Flavor. This group is for people of all technical abilities from Beginners to Advanced. Everybody is extremely welcome, advocacy is our aim, spreading Ubuntu everywhere, concentrating on Networking, Administration, and Security without forgetting all Linux development languages, and our message will be to cycle the best of our information anywhere for everybody. = Join us! = There is no formal process to join, everybody is welcome on our [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-lb| Mailing list]] or your welcome to chat in our Internet Relay Chat ([[LebanonTeam/IRC| IRC]]) channel (#ubuntu-lb on {{{irc.freenode.net}}}). You can also add yourself to the list of current members in [[https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-lb| launchpad]] and it would be nice if you could update the [[LebanonTeam/LebanonLugMembers| LUG Members Page]] if you are indeed a member of a LUG or [[LebanonTeam/OtherGroups| Other Groups Members Page]] if you are a member of any other Linux related groups. We would be glad also to hear your comments and ideas on our [[http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=272| forum]]. Please read the [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat | documentation]] about IRC on how to connect with software clients. And if you need a web based IRC, please use [[http://webchat.freenode.net/ | this]]. = Support = Our local volunteers team will do their best to support you as much as they can. <
> *'''IRC chat''': connect to the Lebanese team's channel, {{{#ubuntu-lb}}} on irc.freenode.net using your favorite [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat#IRC%20Clients|IRC client]] or [[http://www.ubuntu-lb.com/chat|using our link service with Freenode]]. *'''Mailing list''': don't hesitate to send an email to ubuntu-lb@lists.ubuntu.com - Please subscribe to our mailing list [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-lb | here]] *'''Forum''': another way to contact us, is by posting a new thread on the [[http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=272|team's forum]] *'''Official documentation''': support is also available from the [[https://help.ubuntu.com/|Ubuntu community documentation]] = Goals = * Spread the word of Ubuntu, Open Source & Free Software. * Make our name known. * Build relationships with Universities, Schools, Students, etc. * Develop an approach to promote Ubuntu to people with a non-technical background. * Offer local support for getting and using Ubuntu. * Setup a fest with free sessions for everyone. * Build our own web page & forum. Visit our [[LebanonTeam/Roadmap | Roadmap page]] for a list of on going goals/projects. This is where you can find where to help, and suggest things to be done by the LoCo. ---- CategoryLoCoTeams