This page contains a list of wiki banners which are currently being developed. <> When you add a banner to a page, you should provide a comment directly below the banner briefly explaining the reason for adding it to the page. You should also write a relevant comment about the addition of the banner in the box marked ''Optional comment about this change'', directly below the main page-editing box. == Unsupported Version == === Usage === * Pages which provide instructions __exclusively__ for unsupported versions of Ubuntu. * Import this code in page: {{{ [[Include(DocumentationTeam/WikiBanners/UnsupportedVersion)]] }}} === Example === ||||'''Unsupported Version:''' This article applies to an unsupported version of Ubuntu. |||| == Content cleanup required == === Usage === * Pages which do not follow the content guidelines set out in the wiki guide. For example: * Pages with poor spelling, punctuation and/or grammar. * Pages with confusing or inadequate structure. * Pages which are 'over-structured' (i.e. too many short sections) * Import this code in page: {{{ [[Include(DocumentationTeam/WikiBanners/ContentCleanUp)]] }}} === Example === ||||'''Content Cleanup Required:''' This article should be cleaned-up to follow the content standards in the Wiki Guide. |||| == Style cleanup required == === Usage === * Pages which use non-standard styles. Standard styles are dictated by the Ubuntu Style Guide and Wiki Guide. * Pages which use inappropriate or excessive formatting. * Import this code in page: {{{ [[Include(DocumentationTeam/WikiBanners/StyleCleanUp)]] }}} === Example === ||||'''Style Cleanup Required:''' This article does not follow the style standards in the Wiki Guide. |||| == Needs Expansion == === Usage === * Pages which do not provide sufficient detail on the subject which they are supposed to cover. * Pages which are unfinished. * Import this code in page: {{{ [[Include(DocumentationTeam/WikiBanners/NeedsExpansion)]] }}} === Example === |||| '''Needs Expansion:''' This article is incomplete, and needs to be expanded. |||| == Page too long == === Usage === * Pages which are too long. * Pages which should be split up into sub-articles to help improve navigation. * Import this code in page: {{{ [[Include(DocumentationTeam/WikiBanners/PageTooLong)]] }}} === Example === |||| '''Page too long:''' This article is too long, and should be split into sub-articles. |||| == Candidate for moving == === Usage === * Pages which cover subjects which are inappropriate for the Help wiki, but are appropriate for the Team wiki. These might include: * Personal pages. * Planning or development information. * Blueprints. * Import this code in page: {{{ [[Include(DocumentationTeam/WikiBanners/CandidateForMoving)]] }}} === Example === |||| '''Candidate for Moving:''' This article may not be appropriate for this wiki, and should be moved to the Team wiki.|||| == Candidate for deletion == === Usage === * Pages which cover subjects which are inappropriate for the Help wiki. These might include: * Spam or advertising material. * Links to malicious files or other unsavoury websites. * Pages which are useless to all Ubuntu users. * Import this code in page: {{{ [[Include(DocumentationTeam/WikiBanners/CandidateForDeletion)]] }}} === Example === |||| '''Candidate for Deletion:''' This article may not be appropriate for this wiki, and may be deleted. |||| == Duplicate article == === Usage === '''Note:''' When adding this to a page, make sure that you include a comment with a link to the page you suspect that it is a duplicate of. * Pages which cover the same material as another page. * Pages which cover a subset of the material of another page. * Import this code in page: {{{ [[Include(DocumentationTeam/WikiBanners/DuplicateArticle)]] }}} === Example === ||||'''Duplicate Article:''' This article covers the same material as another article. ||||