#format wiki #LANGUAGE it <
> || {{attachment:IconsPage/IconNote.png}} || Puoi visitare la mia pagina in '''italiano''' [[http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/LeoIannacone|qui]].|| || {{attachment:me.png}}||__ Who I am __|| || {*} '''Name''': ''Leo Iannacone''|| || {*} '''Residence''': ''[[http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Bologna+Bologna,+Emilia+Romagna,+Italia&ie=UTF8&cd=1&geocode=0,44.494446,11.349231&ll=44.684277,12.008057&spn=5.194055,10.283203&t=h&z=7&iwloc=addr|Bologna]]'' ( {{https://wiki.ubuntu.com/htdocs/ubuntu/img/flag-it.png}})|| || {*} '''Employment''': ''Student of computer engineering at [[http://www.ing.unibo.it/Ingegneria/default.htm|Alma Mater Studiorum]] in Bologna.''|| || {*} '''Nick''': ''[[https://launchpad.net/~l3on/|l3on]] ''|| || {*} '''Site''': ''[[http://www.leoiannacone.com|www.leoiannacone.com]] ''|| <
> || {{attachment:jobs.png}}||__ Activities __|| || {*} Member of [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-it|Ubuntu Italian LoCo Team]] Council|| || {*} Admin of [[http://www.ubuntu-it.org|www.ubuntu-it.org]]|| || {*} '''Sysadmin''' and '''Webdesigner''' of '''Ubuntu-it''' websites|| || {*} '''Ubuntu''' [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-members|Member]] and [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-it-members|Italian Member]] || <
> || {{attachment:contacts.png}}||__ Contacts __<
>|| || {*} '''Email''': <>|| || {*} '''Jabber''': <>|| || {*} '''IRC''': ''l3on'' on `irc.freenode.org`|| || {*} Profile on '''Launchpad''': [[https://launchpad.net/~l3on/|l3on]]|| || {*} Profile on '''Ubuntu-it Forum''': [[http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/index.php?action=profile;u=5827|l3on]] ( {{https://wiki.ubuntu.com/htdocs/ubuntu/img/flag-it.png}} )|| || {*} '''Personal wiki page on Ubuntu-it''': [[http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/LeoIannacone|Leo Iannacone]] ( {{https://wiki.ubuntu.com/htdocs/ubuntu/img/flag-it.png}} )|| || {*} '''OpenPGP''' publick key: [[http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?search=0xD282FC25&op=index|D282FC25]]|| || {*} '''Ubuntu User''' {{https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LeoIannacone?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=ubuntu-counter.png}} on ''[[http://ubuntucounter.geekosophical.net/|The Ubuntu Counter Project]]''|| ##|| {{attachment:notes.png}}||__ More info __<
>|| ##|| The discovery|| ##|| I discovered '''Ubuntu''' in the far '''April 2006''' (now about 2 years ago), after a year using ''Debian'', '''Ubuntu''' immediately struck me (at the time was the '''Breezy release'''), but with the passage to '''Dapper''' has totally won my heart . I still remember the great surprise in seeing an unstable with a ''graphic installer'' ('''Live'''!), from there I thought that '''Ubuntu''' had been able to make road, distinguished from all other distributions for its ''simple way to operate'' and for ''involving the new users'' in a new simpler world. It was for me an amazing event ... Almost immediately I removed ''Debian'' for it.|| ##|| <
>|| ##|| The community|| ##|| Made curious from this new system, I started to bring the '''Italian community''', trying to give my support where there was a need. I started immediately with the '''forum''', but then my attention moved on the '''wiki''' where I started to work in the ''translation'' and ''import'' of new guides from the '''International wiki'''. I raised enthusiasm in work, I liked to change views on how to implement new guide, learned many things a day ... In the meantime continued to give my contribution in the forum and so in [[http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/index.php/topic,53000.0.html|December 2006]] I was appointed ''moderator''. I was excited about myself, but the surprises were not finished yet ... Indeed, in [[http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/index.php/topic,56576.0.html|January 2007]] I was appointed wiki ''editor'' by [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-it-doc|Italian documentation group]]. My happiness had reached the stars. ''These promotions increase my desire to work much more...''|| ##|| <
>|| ##|| Nowadays and future|| ##|| Currently, work mainly to [[http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org|italian wiki]], where now I'm [[http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/GruppoAdmin|administrator]]. In recent months, with help from other '''administrators''', we have refactoried the wiki structure, organizing it into Sections (like [[http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/InternetRete|Internet]] and [[http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware|Hardware]]) to split pages by thematic arguments (''it was an hard work!''), for see more take a quick look to our [[http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Documentazione/Indice|Index]]; we have produced '''new themes''' for the wiki ([[http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/MoinMoin?action=theme&theme=kubuntu-it|Kubuntu]] - [[http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/MoinMoin?action=theme&theme=xubuntu-it|Xubuntu]] - [[http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/MoinMoin?action=theme&theme=edubuntu-it|Edubuntu]]) and '''new macros''' (an [[http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/HardyNoteDiRilascio|hack]] of `TableOfContents` to make it good to look without a dreadful table, and one for managing the compatible releases with the page that you are reading (''currently in testing'')). All decorated by the continued presence in the '''forum''' (where I continue to give my contribution). My work is powered by hope that one day ''' Ubuntu''' will be installed on most of ''computers'', in ''schools'', ''offices'', ''everywhere''. ''Working constantly to make this happen.... but the way to realize is still long...''|| = Cheers for Ubuntu Membership = {{attachment:IconsPage/IconHandshake.png}} Leo is a very active member: he is moderator of Italian forum and is extremely active on the Documentation Team.Nice work, Leo! :) -- PalmaSalvatore <><
> {{attachment:IconsPage/IconHandshake.png}} I would like to sustain Leo's application becouse he's one of the most involved users in the Ubuntu Italian Documentation Team. Its enthusiasm is amazing! You rock! -- NaldiniPaolo <><
> {{attachment:IconsPage/IconHandshake.png}} Leo is a rock for the [[http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org|Italian wiki]] and is a long time contributor! Much of the merit for the new layout goes to him! Keep up the good work buddy! -- Milo <> <
> {{attachment:IconsPage/IconHandshake.png}} Leo is a great forum moderator, very polite and a great wiki admin, he is the one that made possible to have the new theme of the italian wiki, great user :D -- Daniel Schwitzgebel <><
> {{attachment:IconsPage/IconHandshake.png}} Leo is involved in italian Documentation team (he is one of Ubuntu-it Wiki administrators) and italian Forum team (long time moderator). He is very keen and put lots of efforts to provide support to italian users. He really deserves to be Ubuntu member -- LucaFalavigna <
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