== Status == Pulished, removed contact details == Letters == === My Response === Hi Tim This would be no problem at all. If you could please reply (phone or email) with some specific questions, I will pass the questions onto the group, get a answer from the group and i can then forward it on through email. i am available at - | de@gmail.com What sort of time frame are you on? If you could call tonight (anytime really), I can get the answers in approx 48hrs. Thanks Ben DE and the LoCo Australia Team === Further Reply === Hi Ben, I am a freelance journalist who does a bit of work for APC Magazine. Dan Warne has forwarded your email about Dapper Drake to me and asked me to get in touch with you. Are you able to chat with me on the phone about a few things, with a view towards getting something about the group written up in APC? Cheers, Tim -- Tim Gaden Freelance Journalist === Initial Reply === 19/06/06 17:31 From: apcnewstips@acpmagazines.com.au To: de@gmail.com CC:TSarno@acpmagazines.com.au WMaher@acpmagazines.com.au DEKennedy@acpmagazines.com.au dancollect@gmail.com Hi Ben, We're very interested! I'm just running out the door but will get in touch in the next few days. Cheers Dan Dan Warne News & Online Editor APC Magazine | http://www.apcmag.com dwarne@acpmagazines.com.au ACP Magazines Limited === Inital Email === to '''apcnewstips@acpmagazines.com.au , tsarno@acpmagazines.com.au''' ''note emails are correct, its acp not apc in the url'' Hi, my name is Ben DE and I am writing on behalf of the Ubuntu Australian Local Community Team. We would like to request if you could feature the latest version of Ubuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' on an upcoming cover DVD. CD images can be downloaded via http://www.ubuntu.com/download and DVD images are available from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/6.06/release/. I'm sure you have heard all about Ubuntu so I need not talk about how wonderful it is. I'd also like to suggest helping the Ubuntu Australia Team grow by possibly making a small comment about the Australian Group. We currently have around 43 members. Things the Australian Team are involved with: *The distribution, advertisment and demonstration of Ubuntu within Australia *Promoting Ubuntu and Open Source, specifically in Homes/Schools/Businesses *Giving presentations to the wider Linux/Open``Source community *Having release parties on milestone updates There is always a constant conversation going on in our own IRC channel at #ubuntu-au on irc.freenode.net, and this is a primary way to receive/give help with Ubuntu issues in general. We have a community site at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam and http://ubuntu.com.au, and you can see where our users live at http://www.frappr.com/UbuntuAustralianTeam. If you could only write a small article, we would really appreciate the website and the IRC channel published. I am sure it would assist many of your readers if you included comments whether a product was compatible with Ubuntu and other recent Linux distributions as part of your new product reviews. On behalf of the Australian Local Community Team I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this, and look forward to seeing Ubuntu 6.06 LTS on the cover of your next issue. --- Ben DE Member of Ubuntu Lo``Co Team Australia ---- CategoryMarketing