= Key details = * Team started on July 14th, 2005 * Team was registered in Launchpad on March 4th, 2008 * Date of application for approval: May 29th, 2008 * Team contact: TomasŽeimys – zeimys(AT)ubuntu(DOT)com = Resources = * Website: [[http://www.ubuntu.lt]] * Mailing list: [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-lt]] * IRC: #ubuntu at [[http://www.aitvaras.eu/serveriai|Aitvaras]], #ubuntu-lt at Freenode (used rarely) * Launchpad: [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-lt]] * Wiki: [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LithuanianTeam]] * Forum: [[http://www.ubuntu.lt/render/Forum]] = Membership = * [[http://www.ubuntu.lt|Website]]: over 2,400 members * Mailing List: 73 subscribers * Launchpad: 18 members We have our own governance system that consists of a team leader and 4 board members that are reelected each year by ubuntu.lt users (next election will be held on September 1st). Current board members: * [[https://launchpad.net/~zeimys|Tomas Žeimys]] (team leader) * [[https://launchpad.net/~sirex|Mantas Zimnickas]] * [[https://launchpad.net/~jurgis-pralgauskis|Jurgis Pralgauskis]] * [[https://launchpad.net/~mantas|Mantas Kriaučiūnas]] * [[https://launchpad.net/~tmbs|Tomas Valentukevičius]] = Roadmap = * '''Ubuntu.lt website'''<
>We are working on a new version of [[http://www.ubuntu.lt|ubuntu.lt]], which can be found at [[http://www.ubuntu.lt/beta/|ubuntu.lt/beta]]. The new version will include the following: * Informational pages (translations of ubuntu.com content) * Local Wiki installation * Forum will be replaced by a Q/A system (similar to answers.launchpad.net), we doing this, because LP Answers is available only in English * Editable Map/List of people and companies that provide paid support for Ubuntu Desktop and Server editions * Editable Map/List of people who can give away spare Ubuntu CDs * Each user will have it's own profile, with list of favorite applications, hardware description where Ubuntu is running and etc. Many people ask us "Why don't you use available Ubuntu resources like wiki.ubuntu.com or launchpad.net?". The answer is simple - their interface in Lithuanian is unavailable for now and also we would like to strengthen the spirit of by providing a single integrated system for getting help and communication.<
>Basically this will be a combination of “CMS Made Simple” and “MediaWiki” under a single OpenID login. Also the whole website will be linked in various ways with another project we are working on – a social network for OSS users from Lithuania (the project is still in the technical documentation preparation stage). * '''Meetings'''<
>From now on, all the IRC and Face-to-face meetings are going to be schedule based. IRC meetings every 2 weeks, live meetings every 2 months. * '''CD printing'''<
>We are actively looking for a sponsor that can provide us with blank CDs and DVDs that will be used for burning Ubuntu and Baltix CDs for distribution across Lithuania. * '''Conferences and Installfests'''<
>We are planning to organize small installfests every month or two in different cities of Lithuania. Also every half a year on the occasion of release of new Ubuntu version we are going to organize big installfests/conferences. * '''Development'''<
>There are a couple of programmers working on development of a Ubuntu derivative called Baltix (https://launchpad.net/baltix). All changes and bug fixes on Baltix are submitted back to developers of Debian and Ubuntu. * '''Education'''<
>There is a work group helping to bring OSS to schools. <
> They are mainly working on https://launchpad.net/all-ways project. It is used to generate collection of Educational (+ office use) Free Software DVD, which includes 2 in 1 (software for Windows + EduBaltix ([[https://launchpad.net/baltix|Baltix]] + [[http://ftp.akl.lt/Linux/Baltix/Baltix-Ubuntu_packages/hardy/edubuntux-baltix-meta/|edubuntuX metapackages]])) http://mokslui.akl.lt ([[http://popmokslas.projektas.lt/laisvosprogramos/failai/laisvasDVD-virselis.pdf|flyer in Lithuanian]]).<
> The project was partly funded by the Lithuanian Ministry of Education. Each Lithuanian school got this DVD, and the programs were included into [[http://www.emokykla.lt/lt.php/istekliai/117|official database for software to be used in schools]]. <
> This collection was also presented in several educational events (see Experience->Presentations). * '''GreenPC'''<
>GreenPC is a charity project whose main target is reuse of old computers. People and organizations would donate old/broken computers, and our team collaborating with some other communities would be fixing them, installing (X)Ubuntu and giving them away to organizations oriented to upbringing of children (orphanage, after class groups, country schools, etc.). Estimated date of project launch is September 1st 2008. * '''Ubucon Baltic'''<
>Ubucon Baltic is a large exhibition of open-source solutions / series of conferences for people from the Baltic region (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia). The target is 2,000 participants. Project is in “planning / looking for possible sponsorship ways” stage. Estimated date for the event is spring of 2009. * '''Press'''<
>There are plans to edit a FOSS column in the biggest IT magazine in Lithuania - [[http://www.nkm.lt|“Naujoji Komunikacija”]]; the project is still in the stage of negotiations. = Experience = * '''ubuntu.lt'''<
>The [[http://www.ubuntu.lt|ubuntu.lt website]] was launched 3 years ago. Since the beginning the site provides up-to-date Ubuntu and FOSS-related news, forums, articles. Over the site's lifetime we gathered more than 2,400 members. This is the body of our community. * [[http://www.ubuntu.lt/render/Forum|ubuntu.lt forum]] * [[http://www.ubuntu.lt/render/Articles|ubuntu.lt articles]] * '''Installfests'''<
>We contributed to the organization of many installfests and conferences. The biggest has been '''Ubucon'08''': * [[http://ubucon.lt/|Website dedicated to this conference]] * There were ~100 participants * The event was 6 hours long * There were 2 keynote speakers and 6 lightning talks * ~60 Ubuntu CDs and ~50 Baltix CDs were distributed * [[http://ftp.akl.lt/incoming/ubucon08/|Photos]] * [[http://www.ubucon.lt/?page=video|Video]] * [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LithuanianTeam/HardyReleaseParty|Organizational task list]] List of install-fest's: * 2008-05-17 [[http://www.ubucon.lt/|Ubucon'08]] * 2008-02-23 Install-Fest in Kaunas, [[http://www.ubuntu.lt/render/News;nid,345|announcement]]. * 2007-09-15 Install-Fest in Kaunas, [[http://www.ubuntu.lt/render/News;nid,318|announcement]], [[http://sirex.raguvele.lt/installfests/2007/index.html|photos]]. Also before Ubuntu was released core members of our current LoCo under the wing of public organization "Open Source for Lithuania" participated in these install fests, mostly presenting Baltix distribution (Baltix was based on Debian these days): * 2004-04-17 Install-Fest in Biržai, [[http://www.akl.lt/projektai/?doc=InstallFest.html#SEC8|announcement]] * 2004-03-20 Install-Fest in Šilutė, [[http://www.akl.lt/projektai/?doc=InstallFest.html#SEC7|announcement]] * 2004-02-28 Install-Fest in Utena, [[http://www.akl.lt/projektai/?doc=InstallFest.html#SEC6|announcement]] * 2004-02-14 Install-Fest in Vilnius, [[http://www.akl.lt/projektai/?doc=InstallFest.html#SEC5|announcement]] * 2003-12-13 Install-Fest in Panevėžys, [[http://www.akl.lt/projektai/?doc=InstallFest.html#SEC4|announcement]] * 2003-09-20 Install-Fest in Kaunas, [[http://www.akl.lt/projektai/?doc=InstallFest.html#SEC3|announcement]] Participating in Lithuanian IT exibitions InfoBalt (presenting Baltix) * [[http://www.akl.lt/projektai/parodos|2003-2008]] (in 2005 Baltix operating system got the best IT product award in InfoBalt) * '''Presentations'''<
> * Lithuanian IT exhibition InfoBalt<
>During exhibition members were presenting Baltix GNU/Linux distro and other FOSS. In 2005 Baltix (based on Ubuntu 5.10) got the best IT product award in InfoBalt expo. * [[http://www.akl.lt/projektai/parodos/?doc=Infobalt2007.html|InfoBalt 2007 announcement]] * [[http://www.akl.lt/projektai/parodos/?doc=Infobalt2006.html|InfoBalt 2006 announcement]] * [[http://www.akl.lt/projektai/parodos/?doc=Infobalt2005.html|InfoBalt 2005 announcement]] * [[http://www.akl.lt/projektai/parodos/?doc=Infobalt2004.html|InfoBalt 2004 announcement]] * [[http://www.akl.lt/projektai/parodos/?doc=Infobalt2003.html|InfoBalt 2003 announcement]] * All-ways project * [[http://moksleiviams.ljms.lt/index.php?page=ljms-vasara|camps for science-prone youth (in 2007)]] * [[http://www.nmakademija.lt/|summer courses of gifted youth (in 2007 summer and 2008 spring)]] * Science fair [[http://pamatykitaip.visiems.lt/|"Catch a New Sight]]" in Kaunas (2007 and 2008) [[http://popmokslas.projektas.lt/failai/mf/2007/foto/informatikos_kampelis.JPG|Some]] [[http://popmokslas.projektas.lt/failai/mf/foto/2008/laboratorija-kompiuteryje.jpg|photos]] * Science fair [[http://mokslofestivalis.eu|Spaceship Earth]] in Kaunas and Vilnius (2007. Also planning in 2008) * '''Team communication'''<
>Live face-to-face meetings and parties are organized constantly. Each time there are >20 participants. List of all meets: * 2008-05-17 Ubucon'08 after party. * 2008-05-11 Ubucon'08 repetition, [[http://groups.google.com/group/ubuntu-diegyne/browse_thread/thread/5ac63dbfed4858d1|announcement]]. * 2008-04-25 Ubucon'08 organizational meeting, [[http://groups.google.com/group/ubuntu-diegyne/browse_thread/thread/e0897695e0a1eabb|announcement]]. * 2008-03-16 Hardy Release Party organizational meeting (idea about Ubucon'08 was born), [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-lt/2008-March/000129.html|announcement]], [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LithuanianTeam/HardyReleaseParty|list of tasks]]. * 2007-10-19 Gutsy Gibbon Release Party in Vilnius, [[http://www.ubuntu.lt/render/News;nid,326|announcement]]. * 2007-07-05 – 06 Lithuanian Ubuntu community meeting in nature (idea about Install Fest in Kaunas was born), [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-lt/2007-August/000033.html|announcement]]. * 2006-07-24 distribution of Ubuntu T-shirts, Ubuntu Dapper Drake Release Party, [[http://www.ubuntu.lt/meet-07-22/|photo]]. * '''Collaboration with other LoCo Teams''' * On June 26^th^, 2008 we contacted [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LatvianTeam|Latvian LoCo Team]] and started collaborating on organization of Ubucon Baltic * '''Printed press and radio talk shows'''<
>Community members often write articles about Ubuntu and FOSS, participate in debates on the radio, etc.<
>There is an education-oriented FOSS column in the 3rd biggest magazine "Kompiuterija" ([[http://ftp.akl.lt/Dokumentacija/Straipsniai_zurnalams/Straipsniai_Kompiuterijai/|some examples of articles]] are available). * '''Distribution of Ubuntu CDs'''<
>Many thousands of CDs were distributed since the first release of Ubuntu. * '''Translations'''<
>The translation team is active since 2005. Currently around 40% of all Ubuntu software is translated into Lithuanian. * '''Ubuntu book'''<
>Some members are collaborating on writing a book about Ubuntu in Lithuanian language. * [[http://lt.wikibooks.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Linux_žaliems|Ubuntu Book]] * [[http://www.ubuntu.lt/render/News;nid,299|Announcement]], [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-lt/2008-April/000160.html|discussion]]. * '''Ubuntu Members''' * TomasŽeimys