
* has instructions which look very similar to this page, albeit perhaps simpler and more condensed. (They have a page for Feisty, too.) However, they require you to install a somewhat mysterious initrd from a tar file they provide on that site, without any explanation. Does anybody know anything more about that site?

* Feisty will not be persistent on a USB pendrive due to a version mismatch between Unionfs and the kernel. Here's the launchpad entry and a forum thread describing the problem. Apparently there should be a workaround involving a Feisty/Herd3 hybrid installation. You could probably also download the source to a new Unionfs, compile it and merge to the pendrive, but I have no idea how - HelgeDK

**WINDOWS** my pen drive did not immediately boot: using "syslinux -sma <drive>" fixed this. i didn't test, but i suspect the option i needed was "a", setting the partition to active.

I selected "c" for win95 fat32 (LBA) - dogshed


LiveUsbPendrivePersistent/Comments (last edited 2008-12-27 22:56:42 by 211)