== Previous Agenda == ||Who||What|| || Czajkowski || [[LoCoCouncil/LoCoTeamReApproval|Re/Approval Process]] || ||Country or area||Wiki page||Homepage||Contact||Date||Reason||Outcome|| ||Belgium|| BelgianTeam/ReapprovalApplication2010 || http://www.ubuntu-be.org || Jan Claeys || 16/02/10 || reapproval || +4 || ||Quebec|| [[QuebecTeam/ApprovalApplication]] || http://www.ubuntu-qc.org || [[FabiánRodríguez]] || 16/02/10 || approval || +5 || ||Mexico|| [[UbuntuMxTeam/ApprovalApplication]] || http://www.ubuntumexico.org || [[FedericoTorres]] || 16/02/10 || approval || Will Return Next meeting || == Summary == Czajkowski, JanC, and itnet7 were in Attendance. "Approvals" Quebec was asked apply for their approval status first. We looked at their Wiki Page, and Web Presence. MagicFab represented his team, and there were many supporters in the channel. We took a vote and all voted +1 for a total of 3. We told MagicFab that we would be having the rest of the council vote after checking the details of the channel log, and the Approval Application/Team Wiki, and Web Site. This is to be handled from this point on the LC ML and we will contact the Teams after the decisions are reached. Mexico was up next. They also had a strong presence with their team in the Channel. They are doing a lot of really great things in the community for advocacy, support, and more. Their Wiki needs to reflect all of the activities they were mentioning to us verbally in #ubuntu-meeting. We collectively asked for them to return next month with some revisions to their Wiki, and more details of what they are accomplishing as a team. They were very positive about returning next month. "Re-Approval" Belgium Team has been doing tremendous work for the Community. Their Re-Approval wiki really highlights their efforts. We took a vote and both Czajkowski and itnet7 voted +1. JanC had to refrain from voting due to being Team Contact. == Logs == {{{ 14:59 < czajkowski> Aloha 15:00 < fetova> czajkowski, hi :) 15:00 < svaksha> czajkowski: hi 15:00 < Toluxero> czajkowski: hi :) 15:00 < jean7491> hello, good evening 15:00 < czajkowski> all early :) good stuff 15:00 < pvandewyngaerde> hi 15:01 < fetova> :) 15:01 < Toluxero> jean7491: good afternoon here in Mexico :P but good evening... 15:01 * MagicFab brandishes the Quebec flag 15:01 < czajkowski> popey: JanC itnet7 meeting time 15:01 * fetova the mexican one :D 15:02 < JanC> yep, I'm here 15:02 -!- rulus [~rulus@unaffiliated/rulus] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 15:02 -!- pmatulis [~peter@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 15:02 -!- shang [~ShangWu@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 15:02 < czajkowski> lovely 15:03 < czajkowski> huats will be a little late 15:03 -!- jamesjedimaster [~jedimaste@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 15:03 -!- Tonio_ [~tonio@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 15:04 < mongolito404> Hi 15:04 * komputes is here to show support for ubuntu-qc 15:04 -!- meraz [~meraz@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 15:04 < cyphermox> komputes, MagicFab: \o/ 15:04 < JanC> popey: ping ? 15:04 < czajkowski> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncilAgenda Agenda 15:05 < czajkowski> we need more than JanC and myself here though.. 15:05 < dupondje> i'm here also :) 15:05 * DuCkNeT is here also to support ubuntu-qc 15:05 -!- PlainFlavored [~monsquaz@174-25-138-208.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 15:05 * jamesjedimaster is here to support for ubuntu-mx 15:06 * Toluxero is here to support for ubuntu-mx 15:06 < fetova> jamesjedimaster, Toluxero :P 15:06 -!- Tonio__ [~tonio@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 15:07 < MagicFab> ah, the agony :) 15:07 * Gargadon is here to support for ubuntu-mx 15:07 < Gargadon> hehehehe... 15:07 < fetova> :P 15:07 < paco> ya 15:07 -!- pvandewyngaerde [~id984031@144.208-246-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 15:08 < Toluxero> Gargadon: wow, you're here, I'am surprised! 15:08 * fetova is nervious... :P 15:08 < czajkowski> fetova: no need to be 15:08 < czajkowski> we just need more of us here, just give us a few mins 15:09 < czajkowski> people probably having pancakes :) 15:09 < fetova> xD 15:09 < Toluxero> plop 15:09 < Toluxero> xD 15:09 < fetova> i want! :P 15:09 -!- pvandewyngaerde [~id984031@144.208-246-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 15:09 < czajkowski> while we are waiting are there any questions regarding the RE approval process ?? 15:09 < paco> si el foro es soporte en español 15:09 < fetova> sorry, i need to practice more my english, have me patience :) 15:10 < czajkowski> fetova: that;s ok :) 15:10 < paco> por que todos escriben en ingles 15:10 * MagicFab hugs akgraner fetova asac brettalton cjwatson cody-somerville czajkowski dinda DuCkNeT elky formolQC highvoltage jcastro Joeb454 jpds kees kirkland komputes mdeslaur mvo NCommander nijaba ogasawara ogra pleia2 RoAkSoAx shang Snowrunner stgraber swe3tdave zul 15:10 < czajkowski> MagicFab: yay *hugs* 15:10 < brettalton> MagicFab: yaay, why me? 15:10 < MagicFab> brettalton, side effect 15:10 < komputes> I loves me some hugs 15:10 < fetova> paco, el idioma oficial del canal es ingles, necesitas ayuda? 15:10 < meraz> im here supporting for ubuntu-mx 15:10 * Snowrunner cheers at MagicFab 15:10 < fetova> :P 15:10 < akgraner> MagicFab, *hugs* rock :-) thanks! 15:11 * formolQC cheers for Ubuntu QC 15:11 < paco> creo que si un poco 15:11 < Toluxero> meraz: o/ partner 15:11 < paco> no se mucho de ingles 15:11 * RoAkSoAx *hugs* MagicFab back :P 15:11 < MagicFab> Y donde está la barra del mx ?? 15:11 * mdeslaur is here for Ubuntu QC 15:11 < shang> yeah~ QC 15:11 -!- boredandblogging [~nali@ubuntu/member/boredandblogging] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 15:11 * shang hugs MagicFab 15:11 * shang shang_QC 15:11 -!- pvandewyngaerde [~id984031@144.208-246-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:11 < pmatulis> if ubuntu qc joins we'll need to have a special clause that will prevent "separation" 15:11 -!- shang is now known as shang_QC 15:11 < DuCkNeT> w00t w00t QC 15:11 * swe3tdave cheers for Ubuntu QC 15:11 -!- Snowrunner is now known as Snowrunner_QC 15:11 < cyphermox> pmatulis, nice ;) 15:12 < Toluxero> MagicFab: here! de mexico mi estimado 15:13 < jamesjedimaster> MagicFab: aqui de mx tambien 15:13 < highvoltage> heh, thanks MagicFab! 15:13 < paco> es que stoy intentando instalar el sistema ubuntu en mi lap 15:13 < paco> pero se traba 15:13 -!- pvandewyngaerde [~id984031@90.232-245-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 15:13 < Gargadon> paco: pues entra a los canales de soporte 15:13 < MagicFab> Viva México :D 15:13 < fetova> paco, de donde eres? 15:13 -!- DavidLevin [~dslevin@67-210-33-186.ul.warwick.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 15:13 < fetova> MagicFab, \o/ 15:13 < highvoltage> what meeting is this? 15:13 < paco> mexico 15:13 -!- luis_lopez [~luis@ubuntu/member/luislopez] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 15:13 < komputes> pmatulis: like a prenuptial agreement? 15:13 < MagicFab> highvoltage, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncilAgenda 15:13 < paco> vengo del foro ubuntumexico.org 15:13 < fetova> metete a #ubuntu-mx 15:14 < pmatulis> komputes: anything, just write it down 15:14 < fetova> en el canal nos cuentas que te pasa ;) 15:14 < MagicFab> we're relaxing while all the voting parties arrive 15:14 < MagicFab> luis_lopez, ~o~ 15:14 < luis_lopez> MagicFab: yo! 15:14 < fetova> :D 15:14 < Toluxero> paco: el canal de ayuda es #ubuntu-mx este es un canal internacional para juntas :D 15:15 -!- olujicz [~quassel@unaffiliated/olujicz] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 15:15 < paco> ok 15:15 < MagicFab> paco, en #ubuntu-co también te ayudan 15:15 < paco> thank's ya entre a mx 15:15 < paco> thank's 15:15 < pmatulis> shouldn't we be working? 15:15 -!- nizarus [~nizarus@ubuntu/member/nizarus] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 15:16 < fetova> :P 15:17 < MagicFab> czajkowski, remind us who is missing to start the meeting ? 15:18 < czajkowski> MagicFab: there is only myself and JanC here at present, we need at least 3 if not 4 to vote. 15:18 < czajkowski> MagicFab: popey hutes and itnet7 and keffie-jax 15:18 < czajkowski> so I think right now, rather than delaying folks, we're going to have to reschedule 15:18 -!- dupondje [~dupondje@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:18 -!- PlainFlavored [~monsquaz@174-25-138-208.ptld.qwest.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 15:18 < MagicFab> so we need 3 of them to come by :( 15:18 < czajkowski> I'm sorry 15:18 -!- noy [~Noy@wesnoth/developer/noy] has quit [Quit: noy] 15:19 < czajkowski> if anyone has any questions myself and JanC are here to answer 15:19 < czajkowski> but there isn't any oint in going through the applications as there can't be any voting done 15:20 -!- dupondje [~dupondje@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 15:20 < itnet7> here now sorry 15:20 < czajkowski> ok so we have 3 15:20 < czajkowski> whoo 15:20 -!- vish [~Vish@unaffiliated/macvre] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 15:20 < czajkowski> making progress 15:20 < jamesjedimaster> good 15:20 < jono> who from the council is not here? 15:20 -!- dupondje [~dupondje@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:20 < czajkowski> jono: popey hutes and keffie 15:21 < jono> hmmm 15:21 < cjohnston> :-( 15:21 < czajkowski> huats will be on later 15:21 < jono> this is not good 15:21 < czajkowski> he had said he'd be late 15:21 < jono> were they aware of the meeting? 15:21 < JanC> s/hutes/huats/ 15:21 < jono> popey, are you around? 15:21 -!- davmor2 [~davmor2@cpc2-wolv15-2-0-cust199.wolv.cable.virginmedia.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:22 < JanC> huats said he might be late because an important IRL meeting at work 15:22 < jono> it seems like there is just not enough members to join 15:22 < czajkowski> we still need a 4th I think due to there being 6 of us 15:22 < jono> how many members are here? 15:23 < czajkowski> so again, sorry about this, but if anyone has any questions relating to loco issues 15:23 < czajkowski> or re approval we're here 15:23 < itnet7> o/ 15:23 < czajkowski> jono: me itnet7 and JanC 15:23 < jono> two of your? 15:23 < jono> ahhh three 15:23 < itnet7> Sorry had to put out some fire's for work 15:23 < jono> ok you need one more member 15:23 < czajkowski> jono: aye 15:23 < komputes> jono: ubuntu member and ubuntu-qc member here o/ 15:23 < jono> so maybe you can all vote and then follow up on the list 15:23 < jono> that will be a good use of the time 15:23 -!- olujicz [~quassel@unaffiliated/olujicz] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere."] 15:23 < JanC> maybe if huats shows up later..., we can start to look at the approvals already 15:24 * komputes agrees - can we vote now so I can eat 15:24 < jono> sorry folks I need to run to the airport 15:24 < komputes> jono: ciao 15:24 < jono> I recommend council members vote here and then follow up on the list with missing members 15:24 < itnet7> safe travels 15:24 < jono> ok, later all 15:24 < czajkowski> ok 15:24 < JanC> also, I can't vote on re-approval of my own team, so we actually need 2 more for that ;) 15:24 < czajkowski> jono: safe travels 15:24 < czajkowski> ok 15:24 -!- jono [~jono@ubuntu/member/jono] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat] 15:25 < DuCkNeT> janc: can we still proceed with the other 2 approval ? 15:25 < czajkowski> lets start with the Quebec LoCo 15:25 < czajkowski> and we can work on things that way 15:25 < czajkowski> ok 15:25 * MagicFab -> fireworks 15:25 -!- PlainFlavored [~monsquaz@174-25-138-208.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 15:25 < czajkowski> So who here is from Quebec 15:25 * Snowrunner_QC cheers for Ubuntu-QC 15:25 -!- genii [~genii@unaffiliated/genii] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 15:25 < komputes> o? 15:25 < cyphermox> o/ 15:25 * swe3tdave cheers for Ubuntu QC 15:25 < komputes> o/ 15:25 * DuCkNeT cheers for quebec 15:25 < Snowrunner_QC> o/ 15:25 * DuCkNeT is here 15:25 < DuCkNeT> for quebec 15:25 < MagicFab> luis_lopez, ^ shang_QC pmatulis and others too :) 15:25 < luis_lopez> o/ 15:25 < DuCkNeT> hum.. ubuntu-qc 15:26 < czajkowski> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuebecTeam/ApprovalApplication 15:26 * itnet7 looks over the App/Team Wiki 15:26 < pmatulis> o/ 15:26 * shang_QC cheers for Ubuntu-QC 15:26 -!- jorgevazq [~c8226d14@gateway/web/freenode/x-qzggnadzjywcbsjo] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 15:26 < czajkowski> so who from the Quebec would like to tell us about some of the stuff you've been doing 15:26 < czajkowski> ? 15:27 < komputes> czajkowski: well Fabian has started the Ubutnu Hour, let him talk about that 15:27 < komputes> then I will talk about globaljam 15:27 < komputes> MagicFab: floor is yours 15:27 -!- dscassel [~dscassel@dsl-207-112-50-223.tor.primus.ca] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 15:27 < czajkowski> ok 15:27 < czajkowski> sounds good 15:27 < swe3tdave> then i will talk about ubuntu drupal 15:27 * DuCkNeT rolling the red carpet 15:27 < MagicFab> Yes, we've come up with some simple but effective ways to do more with less people 15:28 < MagicFab> komputes, and cyphermox here have been stars at the last Global Jam 15:28 < MagicFab> and we're gearing up for another good one 15:28 < cyphermox> yep :) 15:28 < komputes> I was one of the organizers of the first Ubuntu-QC Global Bug Jam last year, and will be organizing the second one this year. 15:28 < czajkowski> MagicFab: yes we've even taken a leaf out of you book and running our own. great idae. 15:29 * komputes is checking member count for the LoCo 15:29 < czajkowski> Idea 15:29 < MagicFab> we have great people in Quebec joining our parties - like stgraber (who just made it in the Ubuntu tech board) and all his colleagues from Revolution linux 15:29 < itnet7> Your LoCo has done some extraordinary work!! 15:29 -!- leoquant [~leoquant@ubuntu/member/leoquant] has quit [Quit: bye] 15:29 < czajkowski> yes well done 15:29 < MagicFab> I'd say our main activity is social stuff - we network. This was mostly visible during the recent tou.tv advocacy sprint for Ubuntu support of a webtv site 15:29 < czajkowski> can you tell me a bit more about that please? 15:29 < Snowrunner_QC> that was amazing! 15:30 < MagicFab> So the team is small but I believe we have great impact 15:30 < komputes> Ubuntu-QC has 89 active members 15:30 < MagicFab> well, Radio Canada, state-run TV + broadcast organization launched a huge site for their webtv (40 thounsand+ fans in Facebook) 15:30 < JanC> http://www.fabianrodriguez.com/blog/2010/02/10/thank-you-ubuntu-qc-and-facebook/ --> nice work 15:30 < MagicFab> well, huge as per our context 15:30 -!- rafael_carreras [~quassel@ubuntu/member/rafaelcarreras] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 15:31 < MagicFab> unfortunately only Flash, and untested in Linux. Our team list picked that up quickly, organized, and pressured into addressing this. 15:31 -!- boredandblogging [~nali@ubuntu/member/boredandblogging] has quit [Quit: leaving] 15:31 < komputes> I have found that Quebec is a great place to find people who agree with the free software ideology. With more events we will gather many new members in no time. 15:31 < MagicFab> I believe community events and simple, visible, tangible efforts like that bring out the best Ubuntu has to all - we plan on keeping doing that. 15:32 < czajkowski> ok so on your roadmap you mention double your numbers, how do you see this happening?? 15:32 < Snowrunner_QC> I must add that this advocacy is the last event of a long struggle against Radio-canada, their website never was linux friendly. 15:32 -!- mongolito404 [~pbuyle@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 15:32 < MagicFab> czajkowski, social networking on sites like Facebook, identi.ca, and in-person-events. 15:33 < JanC> any plans for events to try to reach people who don't know Ubuntu & open source yet? 15:33 < cyphermox> If I may answer that one :) 15:33 -!- vish [~Vish@unaffiliated/macvre] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 15:33 < czajkowski> sure 15:33 < komputes> Word of mouth and events i find are very effecting in having growing numbers in the LoCo 15:33 < MagicFab> We also have great visibility in local media - the Ubuntu "regular users" here in Quebec are hiding but we'll find them . Our FB group brought 400 together which is way more than the 89 we have in LP right now. 15:33 * DuCkNeT proud to be on ubuntu-qc team for what they have done so far 15:33 < cyphermox> Out global jam event is held (and should be again) in a university 15:33 < czajkowski> cyphermox: you make channels highlight when I'm not around :) 15:33 < MagicFab> So I think double is even low. 15:34 < cyphermox> we work with the local LUG and user groups to get this known by a larger body of people 15:34 -!- pmatulis [~peter@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 15:34 < cyphermox> I do usually try to get the release parties advertised by local newspapers, but so far without much luck 15:34 -!- mongolito404 [~pbuyle@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 15:35 < czajkowski> cyphermox: very hard to get local paper s involved I find 15:35 < cyphermox> indeed 15:35 < MagicFab> As you can see ubuntu QC is much more than just me :D 15:35 < komputes> We also have many memvers who are part of bugcontrol which helps. 15:35 < fetova> thats wonderful, MagicFab :D 15:35 < czajkowski> MagicFab: that is is! 15:35 < Snowrunner_QC> About release party, they are often in a 3 floors pub, and people always come asking question on the release party floor about ubuntu. 15:36 < DuCkNeT> also members in the testing.... <---- 15:36 < czajkowski> So is there anything else you'd like to tell us about your LoCo ? 15:36 < Snowrunner_QC> we rock! ;) 15:36 < MagicFab> yes, our parties are known as *the* place to network around Linux :D 15:36 < DuCkNeT> we do rock 15:37 -!- dupondje [~dupondje@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 15:37 < czajkowski> heh good stuff 15:37 < komputes> enough of patting our own backs, but really, we do really rock 15:37 < MagicFab> czajkowski, as a France-born Colombian living in Quebec since 1989, I am very proud this would be recognized as an official team :) 15:37 < czajkowski> that;s a great thing MagicFab 15:37 -!- ikonia [~mattd@unaffiliated/ikonia] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 15:37 < czajkowski> ok so I think we're ready to vote 15:37 < MagicFab> but many others drive it where it is. 15:38 < swe3tdave> lets not forget all the work we did on the web site has been used to create Ubuntu Drupal, other teams are now using and contributing to our code. 15:38 < czajkowski> just to note, while JanC itnet7 and i can vote , we need to get the others to vote, so we will take it to the list afterwards, 15:38 < MagicFab> swe3tdave is right, many Loco teams now have "turnkey" website thanks to the Drupal Theme he initially started :D 15:38 < czajkowski> I think you guys are doing a great job, and look forward to reading more about you +1 15:38 < czajkowski> itnet7: JanC 15:39 * Snowrunner_QC cheers 15:39 < itnet7> +1 absolutely 15:39 < itnet7> very good work! 15:39 < JanC> +1 from me 15:39 -!- noy [~Noy@wesnoth/developer/noy] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 15:39 < czajkowski> and with that we shall pass this information ont the loco council mailing list and get back to you this week. Ok 15:39 * MagicFab pour Aguardiente - throws a cup over his shoulder for the other teams 15:40 < fetova> gratz! :D 15:40 < czajkowski> okie dokie 15:40 < komputes> thank you guys - good luck to ubuntu-mx! 15:40 < MagicFab> czajkowski, np - thank you! And thanks to all who cheered for the team - you rock! 15:40 < fetova> ty! :D 15:40 < Snowrunner_QC> thank you! 15:40 < czajkowski> ok so who's here for Mexico 15:40 < fetova> me! 15:40 < czajkowski> Aloha :) 15:40 < fetova> Aloha 15:41 * MagicFab installs the Quebec flag in the hall, awaiting official confirmation 15:41 < jamesjedimaster> me from mx 15:41 < fetova> :P 15:41 < czajkowski> fetova: is it just you? 15:41 < czajkowski> oh 2nd person also good. 15:41 * Toluxero from mx 15:41 < fetova> nope 15:41 * Gargadon too, from mexico 15:41 < JanC> ubuntu-qc: maybe you can do more at places that are less likely to know Ubuntu already, but I know sometimes that's also dependent on opportunities ☺ 15:41 * jorgevazq form mexico 15:41 < jorgevazq> *from 15:42 < jamesjedimaster> hahaha he's nervous 15:42 < Snowrunner_QC> JanC, yes, will do! 15:42 < jorgevazq> yeah, and kinda cold... isn't supposed to be this cold here :S 15:42 < MagicFab> JanC, ack that 15:42 < czajkowski> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMxTeam/ApprovalApplication 15:42 < czajkowski> ok so let us continue with Mexico 15:42 < fetova> sorry, i'm at work now... this is hard :P 15:42 < fetova> ready :) 15:43 -!- rgreening [~rgreening@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 15:43 < fetova> shoot :P 15:43 < meraz> here i am 15:43 < czajkowski> ok so can you tell me a bit about your LoCo 15:43 < czajkowski> how you get things done? 15:43 < jorgevazq> excuse me in advance, I'm at webchat right now, so I may experience problems... pidgin is trying to fly over the Firewall 15:43 < jorgevazq> all ready 15:43 < czajkowski> jorgevazq: ok :) 15:43 -!- jorgevazq1 [~jorge_vaz@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 15:43 < meraz> hi there jorgevazq 15:43 -!- jorgevazq [~c8226d14@gateway/web/freenode/x-qzggnadzjywcbsjo] has quit [Disconnected by services] 15:44 < fetova> ok... 15:44 -!- jorgevazq1 is now known as jorgevazq 15:44 < itnet7> jorgevazq: lol 15:44 < Toluxero> jorgevazq: :) 15:44 < fetova> we have sub teams to work 15:44 < paco> I am already here 15:44 < fetova> we have a artwork team 15:44 < fetova> a doc team... 15:44 < fetova> mentoring, podcast :D 15:45 < fetova> marketing 15:45 < meraz> support team too 15:45 < czajkowski> you have a large break down of teams, are there many in each teams, and how do you get people to take part ? 15:45 < meraz> off course lol 15:45 < fetova> all be small teams 15:46 < jorgevazq> czajkowski: the largest team would be podcasting 15:46 < fetova> and we try to involve the people on them 15:46 < fetova> seeing what they do 15:46 < fetova> example 15:46 -!- Snowrunner_QC is now known as Snowrunner 15:46 < fetova> someone ask a lot of faq... 15:46 -!- shang_QC is now known as shang 15:47 * JanC remembers ubuntu-be "stole" one of ubuntu-mx's members recently ;) 15:47 < fetova> we try to involve him on the doc team to apport ideas 15:47 < fetova> really? :( 15:47 < jorgevazq> fetova: focus 15:48 < fetova> ok... 15:48 < JanC> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-be/2009-December/006194.html 15:49 < fetova> i see... 15:49 < fetova> well... 15:49 < fetova> a permanent work on ubuntu-mx is... 15:49 < fetova> get the people together 15:50 < jorgevazq> get people's ideas and make them work 15:50 < fetova> a lot of people know ubuntu, use ubuntu... spread ubuntu... 15:50 < czajkowski> ok and in the past, I'm only seeing 4 events listed 15:50 -!- a|wen [~quassel@unaffiliated/awen/x-326362] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 15:50 < czajkowski> all in 2008 what happened in 2009 15:51 < jorgevazq> in 2009 we had the H1N1 situation 15:51 < jorgevazq> which... kinda stopped several events from happening, such as FLISoL 15:51 < czajkowski> jorgevazq: why aren't these on the wiki page ? 15:52 < czajkowski> were there no other meet ups? 15:52 < jorgevazq> some of them were 15:52 < jorgevazq> we actually had presence in events in universities, but failed to collect proof 15:53 < jorgevazq> besides, the podcast project started in 2009 15:53 < JanC> jorgevazq: you can list them without proof too 15:53 < jorgevazq> from scratch 15:53 < jorgevazq> JanC: didn't know about it ;) 15:53 -!- Lex79 [~Alessandr@ubuntu/member/lex79] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:54 < fetova> good to know :) 15:54 -!- pvandewyngaerde1 [~id984031@90.232-245-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 15:54 < JanC> and for the future you can ask people to write (short) reports of such events 15:54 -!- pvandewyngaerde [~id984031@90.232-245-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 15:55 < jorgevazq> JanC: good to know, what happened is that th organizing staff of several events 15:55 < czajkowski> yes like add a blog post on an event or an update to your reports 15:55 -!- dupondje [~dupondje@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 15:55 < jorgevazq> such as FESoL, promised to email us the pictures... but haven't had the time to do so 15:55 -!- The_Toxic_Mite [~calvinps@host86-136-53-159.range86-136.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 15:56 < jorgevazq> czajkowski: what we were thinking was to mention those activities "on air" in the podcast 15:56 < czajkowski> jorgevazq: great idea, don't get me wrong, but it'd be nice to see them listed on the wiki. 15:56 < JanC> it doesn't have to be staff, everybody present can make a blog post or whatever 15:56 < jamesjedimaster> but it's a good idea to have them on the forum 15:56 < jorgevazq> czajkowski: ok, we'll do our best to keep our wiki updated from now on ;) 15:57 -!- tremolux [~glasker@pool-71-174-55-121.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Bye] 15:57 < czajkowski> jorgevazq: thank you 15:57 < jorgevazq> FYI: we do have pictures on FESoL 2009, just failed to put the exact date (is the last event marked) 15:57 -!- noy [~Noy@wesnoth/developer/noy] has quit [Quit: noy] 15:58 < jorgevazq> anyway... we also had several organizational improvements on 2009 15:59 < jorgevazq> an example would be the creation of ubuntu-mx-council, which we believe have helped to quicken the entire process of getting things done 15:59 < jorgevazq> ubuntu-mx-council is actually composed by the LoCo Leader (fetova) and 3 team leaders 16:00 < jorgevazq> but once other projects take off, then their leaders will also be invited to become part of the council 16:00 < itnet7> I would like to see more clearer documentation and some photos, I do think that all of you are dong a good job though 16:01 < JanC> ubuntu-mx: we'd like to propose that you come back next month with more activities listed 16:01 -!- fader_ [~fader@pool-98-110-168-38.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 16:01 -!- imlad|away [~imlad@pool-98-110-168-38.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 16:01 < itnet7> I agree with JanC ! 16:01 -!- paco [~bdbcd0f9@gateway/web/freenode/x-fivtebiuuerwaica] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 16:01 -!- awe [~espy@209-6-38-30.c3-0.smr-ubr1.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 16:02 < czajkowski> you've done some good, work, but think your wiki could do with some more activities on it 16:02 < czajkowski> do come back next month please 16:02 < jamesjedimaster> ok, we will work on it 16:02 < jorgevazq> ok, we'll do 16:02 < czajkowski> Thank you 16:02 < jorgevazq> anyway its just a matter of listing what we have already done 16:02 < fetova> ok, we will work more on the wiki :) 16:02 < JanC> for example I also see on your site you have sort of a local distribution network for CDs (from what I understand) which isn't listed on the wiki page either? 16:03 < fetova> yeah, we have it :) 16:03 -!- binarylooks [~quassel@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:03 < Toluxero> JanC: czajkowski too much info is posted into the forum. 16:03 < czajkowski> Toluxero: forum is not the wiki page 16:03 -!- EtienneG [~etienne@ubuntu/member/EtienneG] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 16:03 -!- fader` [~fader@pool-98-110-168-38.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 16:03 -!- imlad|away [~imlad@pool-98-110-168-38.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 16:03 < JanC> Toluxero: okay, so link to that from the wiki page too ☺ 16:04 -!- cyphermox [~mtrudel@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.active.cyphermox] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 16:04 < czajkowski> ok 16:04 < czajkowski> so moving on please 16:04 < czajkowski> ok so next up is the Belgian LoCo https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/ReapprovalApplication2010 16:04 < fetova> well... thanks :) 16:04 < czajkowski> 1st reapproval to be done 16:04 < czajkowski> :) 16:04 < czajkowski> who here is from Belgian LoCo ? 16:04 < jean7491> yes 16:04 -!- zuzuzzzip [~zuzuzzzip@unaffiliated/zuzuzzzip] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 16:04 -!- fader` is now known as fader_ 16:05 * mongolito404 is from Belgium 16:05 < czajkowski> jean7491: aloha! 16:05 < JanC> o/ (which means I won't comment of course) 16:05 * rulus is a Belgian Being too :) 16:05 * zuzuzzzip is also from Belgium 16:05 < czajkowski> right so 16:05 -!- Gargadon [~gargadon@] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away"] 16:06 < pvandewyngaerde1> hello from belgium 16:06 < czajkowski> this is the application https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/ReapprovalApplication2010 16:06 < czajkowski> nice work 16:06 -!- jamesjedimaster [~jedimaste@] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["bye"] 16:07 * MagicFab offre un peu de caribou aux amis belges :) 16:07 < czajkowski> you do a lot of work at different events, how do you organise it. how do you get people to take part? you've come a long way since 1st setting up,, how have you changed or done things differently in that time 16:07 < itnet7> You all have done some outstanding work! 16:07 < czajkowski> MagicFab: send me white chocolate! 16:07 -!- Yos [~Yos@pdpc/supporter/active/yos] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 16:08 < jean7491> 1st is the activation of an events team ... 16:08 < itnet7> good show of support! 16:08 < jean7491> looking for events and contacting people to find local coordinators 16:09 < pvandewyngaerde1> and enthusiastic people with lots of time in weekends 16:09 -!- Tallken [~f2f93bf57@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 16:09 < jorgevazq> if you excuse me, I'm currently in class... shouldn't even be chatting 16:09 -!- jorgevazq [~jorge_vaz@] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] 16:10 -!- dupondje [~dupondje@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 16:10 < jean7491> and looking for ad-hoc local teams with volunteers (and entousiastic people 16:10 < jean7491> 2d thing for the events team is to look where it is posible to work with other groups - clubs 16:11 < czajkowski> nods 16:11 -!- Toluxero [~quassel@ubuntu/member/toluxero] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere."] 16:11 < itnet7> Your team seems good in the collaboration dept. taking part in Fossdem, and your other listed projects 16:12 -!- nUn_ [~94e98853@gateway/web/freenode/x-ebziatxrxmttqzpo] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 16:12 < jean7491> so we were able to organize a lot of events and projects ... 16:12 -!- nUn_ is now known as Nun-- 16:12 -!- meraz [~meraz@] has quit [Quit: meraz] 16:12 < jean7491> like fosdem or international fair in ghent, thanks local contact 16:13 < czajkowski> yes your team was very present at FOSDEM 16:13 < czajkowski> How do you think you'll still draw new people in? to take part? 16:13 < jean7491> yes , but fosdem is not my personal level, i'm only end-user 16:13 < JanC> several team members are also FOSDEM organizers, so we actually lose some possible volunteers for our booth there ;) 16:14 < czajkowski> hehe 16:14 < czajkowski> well they get bonus points for running fosdem so! 16:14 < czajkowski> :) 16:15 < itnet7> I think I'm ready to vote, czajkowski ? 16:15 < czajkowski> ok again we cannot vote on this properly 16:15 < itnet7> Yeah 16:15 < czajkowski> but I think you guys are doing a great job 16:15 < czajkowski> +1 from me 16:15 < JanC> for finding possible volunteers we ask people on the forums & on our support points map 16:15 < Nun--> it's here and now the event UbuntuMx Loco team? 16:15 < itnet7> +1 from me also, as before we will have to wait on the mailing list 16:15 < itnet7> Ubuntu-be is doing really great things!!! 16:15 < czajkowski> ok 16:16 < czajkowski> thanks to all those who came sorry it took a while to kick off 16:16 < JanC> maybe other locoteams using drupal for their site will be interested in the new supports point map that will be a drupal module 16:16 < czajkowski> for Quebec and belgium we shall get in touch with you this week 16:16 < itnet7> I would really like to apologize for holding everyone/anyone up 16:16 < czajkowski> mexico see you next month 16:16 < czajkowski> with that I've to dash off to another meeting 16:16 < itnet7> Defiinitely looking forward next meeting! }}}