Agenda from the Meeting:
Who |
What |
all |
LoCo Team {re}approvals |
all |
Updating Application with new headings |
Topics Discussed
LoCo Team {re}approvals
- Ubuntu-ZA - Re-approved
Ubuntu-TAM - Needs to come back on the next LoCo Council Meeting (the 17th of August)with a more detailed application page
- Ubuntu-RS - Re-approved
- Updating Application with new headings
- popey to create pdfs of successful team re approvals as examples to help teams
- huats to set up a sample new wiki page for applications and to kick off email for loco council to work on
20:07 < czajkowski> #startmeeting 20:07 < MootBot> Meeting started at 14:07. The chair is czajkowski. 20:07 < MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] 20:07 < viky> i am from india 20:07 < czajkowski> Aloha LoCO Council meeting is underway! 20:07 < czajkowski> [link] 20:07 < MootBot> LINK received: 20:08 < huats> hello viky 20:08 < czajkowski> we have a short agenda tonight just two teams and a topic for us to discss, but I know it's late for some people so lets start with applications 20:08 < viky> hello 20:08 < czajkowski> [topic] South Africa 20:08 < MootBot> New Topic: South Africa 20:08 < drubin> czajkowski: Hi 20:08 < czajkowski> [link] 20:08 < MootBot> LINK received: 20:09 < czajkowski> drubin: hi there 20:09 < crabbytag> OK. im on my droid but here 20:09 < nuvolari> whoop! we're up :D go drubin! 20:09 < czajkowski> right so there is 4 council members so we're good to go 20:09 < maiatoday> go drubin 20:09 < drubin> czajkowski: questions? 20:09 < czajkowski> drubin: so care to tell us about your loco please 20:09 < drubin> So an introduction is something that explains who what we are... Kinda hard really because we are every one.... 20:10 < stefanlsd> heys, if south africa can host a world cup, we can host a loco :) 20:10 < drubin> So we as a loco are from the Southern Part of Africa. 20:10 < drubin> stefanlsd: ^5 20:10 < highvoltage> yes we can! 20:10 < czajkowski> grin 20:10 < drubin> czajkowski: We are the place were ubuntu kinda started with Mark ;-p 20:10 < czajkowski> ok can you tell us how you share out roles and oraganise events 20:10 < highvoltage> there's some people in the loco that also really stepped up the last year or so and have been doing great work 20:10 < drubin> czajkowski: we don't really have a formal proccess ;/ 20:10 < nuvolari> ^5 20:11 < czajkowski> drubin: so how does stuff get done? 20:11 * tumbleweed waves as a new ZA MOTU 20:11 < highvoltage> like maiatoday who hosted and awesome release party at her house (which is just one of many cool things she did) 20:11 < drubin> czajkowski: There was a gap this year right after we lost our website but after speaking to superfly (where is he) 20:12 < drubin> he basically redesigned our site and well came out ;-p 20:12 < drubin> czajkowski: That is something I would actually like to change the whole roles thing but every one seems *very* busy at the current momment 20:12 < drubin> as with every one. ;-p 20:13 < czajkowski> *nods* 20:13 < czajkowski> of course 20:13 < drubin> So the whole formal role thing is a bit much, but people all help out where they can when they can. 20:13 < crabbytag> drubin: can you talk a bit ab out the case stickers? 20:13 < drubin> makes special note of sueprfly, maiatoday, and tumbleweed 20:13 < drubin> crabbytag: which ones? 20:13 < Kilos> hiya. im here 20:13 < drubin> crabbytag: both maiatoday and me make case badges ;-p 20:13 < nuvolari> ya, some employers don't fully support passion for ubuntu :( But I try to wedge in time where I can :) 20:13 < highvoltage> drubin: I assume the ones on the re-application wiki page :) 20:13 < crabbytag> thats the one :) 20:14 * inetpro comes to join the ubuntu-za croud - sorry for being late 20:14 < drubin> Ok will start with mine 20:14 * Morganvd here to help where i can with ubuntu-za 20:14 < drubin> basically I just got my laptop and I didn't like the fact it said "powered by widnows Vista" so phoned around got a quote and printed 4000 20:14 < drubin> they wouldn't print any thing less and I thought well I can give them out so I did. 20:15 * maiatoday likes shiney case badges with ubuntu logos 20:15 < Morganvd> i need a few of those 20:15 < drubin> << maiatoday's badges happened I think because she showed me the design at one of the ubuntu hours and I was like OMG that is awesome I want like 20 20:15 < MootBot> LINK received: << maiatoday's badges happened I think because she showed me the design at one of the ubuntu hours and I was like OMG that is awesome I want like 20 20:15 < drubin> so she got them printed as well 20:15 < highvoltage> maiatoday also had human badges! 20:15 * inetpro received a set of stickers from drubin all the way in Pretoria 20:16 < drubin> We both kinda gave them out to people and said they can donate what they can/want to 20:16 < drubin> 20:16 < MootBot> LINK received: 20:16 < drubin> we also had CAKE!!! come cake ftw 20:16 < czajkowski> how many people turn up to your events? say a relase party? 20:16 * nuvolari also got badges from drubin 20:16 * helger also got badges 20:16 < drubin> czajkowski: mmm We kinda lost ourwiki posts 20:16 < drubin> highvoltage: ^ 20:17 < drubin> czajkowski: but at the last global jam we hadd +-50 people come though 20:17 < drubin> and at the release part in CPT/Stellenbosch there were +- 35 20:17 < maiatoday> czajkowski: there are sometimes simultaneous events in different places in the country 20:17 < drubin> people made the 55min drive effort to come 20:17 < crabbytag> nice! 20:18 < drubin> CPT = Cape town (city) JHB = another city 20:18 < czajkowski> ok 20:18 < drubin> exact numbers are odd. 20:18 < nuvolari> In Bloem we had around 8 people the last time, and I think Brandfort also had that, or a greater number 20:18 < stefanlsd> south africa is pretty big... takes like 15 hours to drive across it. 20:18 < drubin> but at the Karmic release party we had +- 5 or 6 release aprties in cpts 20:18 < drubin> Lucid we had like 3 it was less of a hipe. 20:18 < Morganvd> There was 6 in Johannesburg for Karmix 20:18 < Morganvd> Karmic* 20:18 < drubin> I guess people were really busy. 20:18 < inetpro> we've had release parties in Gauteng with every release that I can remember of 20:19 < drubin> btw the same as the report thing, I might be the contact but well every thing is a team effort 20:19 < nuvolari> yay for superfly :D 20:19 < nuvolari> :P 20:19 < superfly> sorry I'm late 20:19 < drubin> btw hamslaa1 is the System admin for one of the Universities in A 20:19 * txwikinger cheers on superfly 20:20 < drubin> and he has pretty much helped out getting ubuntu regonised and every thing in the uni. see 20:20 < superfly> ohi txwikinger 20:20 < drubin> basically the reason that is better to have a different wiki is this one is "Free access to studnets" so they don't use their Internet hours to access ubuntu resources (because it is local) 20:21 < czajkowski> ok 20:21 < drubin> wow huge stats on the SUN wiki. 20:21 < drubin> czajkowski: any other questions? 20:21 < czajkowski> ok lets vote 20:21 < helger> bandwidth is still quite expensive in SA 20:21 < huats> drubin, I think you made your point :) 20:21 < czajkowski> [vote] please vote on the Ubuntu Sa team re approval . only council members vote. 20:21 < hamslaa1> u bet it is and very scarce 20:21 < MootBot> Please vote on: please vote on the Ubuntu Sa team re approval . only council members vote.. 20:21 < MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot 20:21 < MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting 20:22 < crabbytag> +1 20:22 < MootBot> +1 received from crabbytag. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1 20:22 < drubin> Only concil vote btw 20:22 < czajkowski> +1 20:22 < MootBot> +1 received from czajkowski. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 2 20:22 < nagaraja> +1 20:22 < MootBot> +1 received from nagaraja. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 3 20:22 < thangam_arun> +1 20:22 < MootBot> +1 received from thangam_arun. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 4 20:22 < huats> +1 20:22 < MootBot> +1 received from huats. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 5 20:22 < highvoltage> well done team ZA 20:22 < popey> +1 20:22 < MootBot> +1 received from popey. 6 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 6 20:22 < viky> +1 20:22 < MootBot> +1 received from viky. 7 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 7 20:22 < crabbytag> whoh 20:23 < inetpro> wow 20:23 < nuvolari> :> 20:23 < popey> whoops 20:23 < tumbleweed> thanks guys :) 20:23 < drubin> \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ 20:23 < stefanlsd> yay!!! congrats guys :) 20:23 < inetpro> drubin: is our man \o/ 20:23 < drubin> thanks -council. 20:23 < Morganvd> Thank you all 20:23 < huats> congrats za 20:23 < crabbytag> grats drubin :) 20:23 < nuvolari> thank you! \o/ \o/ 20:23 < popey> Keep doing great work guys and gals! 20:23 < nelydajo> =====< paarp 20:23 < czajkowski> #endvote 20:23 < drubin> inetpro: No ubuntu-za is our team 20:23 < hamslaa1> baie dankie !! 20:23 < czajkowski> [endvote] 20:23 < MootBot> Final result is 7 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 7 20:23 * maiatoday has a big grin 20:23 < nuvolari> congrats drubin :D 20:23 < thangam_arun> Drubin, Congrats 20:23 < nuvolari> and everyone involed :D 20:23 < czajkowski> grrr please in future let council only vote 20:23 < hamslaa1> well done dave ! 20:23 < nelydajo> Well done guys! 20:23 < Kilos> congrats drubin 20:23 < viky> Congrats drubin 20:23 < Kilos> go za 20:24 * drubin accepts congrats for the whole team 20:24 < robbit> Great stuff guys. You did an awesome job. 20:24 < huats> I don't know if you notice but just when sabdfl connects, the ubuntu-za gets reapproved :) 20:24 < Morganvd> Congrats Drubin you earned it 20:24 < sabdfl> YOU CALLED 20:24 < superfly> yay! :-D 20:24 < sabdfl> ;-) 20:24 < popey> haha 20:24 < nagaraja> Congratz drubin, tumbleweed and all ur team guys 20:24 < popey> convenient 20:24 < drubin> sabdfl: we did we just got approved Ubuntu-za 20:24 < tumbleweed> re-approved 20:24 < sabdfl> rocking news :) 20:24 < drubin> ye that one. 20:24 < czajkowski> great stuff folks 20:25 < czajkowski> ok moving on 20:25 < Morganvd> cya all in ubuntu-za 20:25 < sabdfl> is there a center of gravity to the team, or distributed across za? 20:25 < czajkowski> [topic] Indian LoCo Re approval 20:25 < MootBot> New Topic: Indian LoCo Re approval 20:25 < sabdfl> no need to answer, keep going with the mtng 20:25 < drubin> sabdfl: all around, but we seem to be pretty active in Stellenbosch of all places 20:25 < inetpro> now we just need to get sabdfl to our SFD in Pretoria :-) 20:25 < nagaraja> yes 20:25 < czajkowski> [link] 20:25 < MootBot> LINK received: 20:26 < czajkowski> nagaraja: ok anyone else here with you ? 20:26 < nagaraja> yes , amachu, viky , arulalan , thangami arun 20:27 < czajkowski> ok welcome folks nice to have you here, I know it's late 20:27 < nagaraja> its midnight 1 at India 20:27 < czajkowski> nagaraja: so can you tell us a bit about your team, how you are doing ? 20:28 < amachu> czajkowski: the wiki's timeline is to get updated but we can give you references for blanks 20:28 < amachu> m3swamy: hey! 20:28 < czajkowski> amachu: so why wasn't that done before the meeting ? 20:28 < nagaraja> ya ,, we are spreading the features of ubuntu across tamil nodu by conducting various public functions , seminars in colleges and distributing free cd's across tamil nadu 20:28 < m3swamy> hello amachu : 20:29 < popey> where is the approval application? 20:29 < czajkowski> popey: 20:30 < czajkowski> just not named as an application 20:30 < nagaraja> its on our wiki page 20:30 < amachu> czajkowski: all are in Tamil.. to do in English.. lazied 20:30 * popey pokes the wiki with a stick 20:30 < czajkowski> nagaraja: ok, well the layout we suggested and naming hasn;'t been followed 20:31 < czajkowski> amachu: nagaraja I don't think we can process this application today 20:31 < czajkowski> it's lacking any of the information 20:31 < czajkowski> we'd suggest you have a look at 20:31 < czajkowski> and come back on August 17th 20:31 < amachu> czajkowski: yep 20:31 < amachu> thats fine with us 20:32 < nagaraja> yes ofcourse 20:32 < czajkowski> it's just we can't process that page as there isn't much information there 20:32 < czajkowski> if you need help the council can help we idle in #ubuntu-locoteams 20:32 < amachu> czajkowski: thats fine 20:32 < popey> we can certainly help you prepare the wiki page 20:32 < huats> it is in order to give us a clear view of your work 20:32 < nagaraja> we have designed the layout and info. to be in tamil 20:32 < popey> but we would need that done before the next loco council meeting 20:32 < czajkowski> [agreed] Indian LoCo to come back on August 17th with up to date wiki application 20:32 < MootBot> AGREED received: Indian LoCo to come back on August 17th with up to date wiki application 20:32 < nagaraja> sure ,, 20:32 < czajkowski> ok 20:32 < czajkowski> so moving on 20:33 < nagaraja> agreed 20:33 < czajkowski> [topic] Serbia LoCo re Approval 20:33 < MootBot> New Topic: Serbia LoCo re Approval 20:33 < thangam_arun> czajkowski: ok 20:33 < uros1> Greetings from Serbia, we send application as well and we are ready to discuss it if it is possible 20:33 < amachu> czajkowski: we understand.. its that we noticed the meeting to be held couple of days back & didn't want to miss out 20:33 < bojce> Greetings from Serbia 20:33 < czajkowski> [link] 20:33 < MootBot> LINK received: 20:33 < uros1> members present are bojce coordinator, Githzerai, Prvul, olujicz, archmalac and me. 20:33 < czajkowski> ok thanks folks for coming 20:33 < prvul> o/ 20:34 < nagaraja> nice 20:34 < czajkowski> over 4000 members on your forum, that's a lot 20:34 < popey> woah, over 4000 on the forum, nice work 20:34 < uros1> tnx 20:35 < Githzerai> tnx, we hope to inprove ;) 20:35 < czajkowski> so is a lot of your team work done via the forums? 20:35 < uros1> yes, biggest activity is on form helping new users to get fammiliar 20:36 < uros1> with Ubuntu 20:36 < popey> whats going on there, looks like a lot of attentive people learning about lucid :) 20:36 < MootBot> LINK received: whats going on there, looks like a lot of attentive people learning about lucid :) 20:36 < uros1> its release party on Lucid with 100+ people 20:36 < uros1> in Belgrade downtown 20:37 < czajkowski> wow impressive 20:37 < czajkowski> so how do you go about organising your events? 20:37 < czajkowski> does everyone just help ? 20:37 < popey> excellent stuff 20:38 < uros1> LoCo core team is active in organisation, but other users have great role in events as well 0:38 < czajkowski> oh good I like to hear that 20:38 < Githzerai> we usually have minor problems during organisation, but things somehoe just work out 20:38 < huats> do you have pictures of the material you are doing ? (like tshirt and stuffs you mention) ? I am a big fan of sharing this kind of stuffs (well the sources) so that teams that have less artists can also do their own 20:38 < czajkowski> Githzerai: such as? 20:39 < Githzerai> Well biggset problem is finding appropriate place to hold such event 20:39 < uros1> T-shirts 20:39 < uros1> maybe 20:39 < czajkowski> Githzerai: yes it can be hard. 20:40 < popey> Githzerai: same issue every loco has I'm afraid :) 20:40 < czajkowski> Githzerai: is it size/location or cost issues you face? 20:40 < popey> Githzerai: if you find a magic venue, let other locos know! :D 20:40 < Githzerai> :) 20:40 -!- mode/#ubuntu-meeting [+o czajkowski] by ChanServ 20:40 < uros1> :) 20:41 < Githzerai> Most of the time we manage to find some location for free, but timing schedule is a problem. 20:41 <@czajkowski> so is there any issues you faced in the last 2 years since you were first approved? 20:41 < uros1> yes, server problem 20:41 < olujicz> huats, we mainly use materials from 20:41 < Githzerai> Server troubles, so we are currently in a process of migrating to a new host 20:42 <@czajkowski> Githzerai: ok 20:42 < huats> olujicz, ok so it is already shared ! great 20:42 -!- mode/#ubuntu-meeting [+o popey] by ChanServ 20:42 -!- mode/#ubuntu-meeting [+o huats] by popey 20:42 -!- mode/#ubuntu-meeting [+o inetpro] by popey 20:43 -!- mode/#ubuntu-meeting [-o inetpro] by popey 20:43 <@czajkowski> so any other comments you'd like to mention to the council 20:43 -!- mode/#ubuntu-meeting [+o itnet7] by popey 20:44 < paultag> I'm back. Sorry folks. I'm on WiFi now 20:44 -!- mode/#ubuntu-meeting [+o paultag] by popey 20:44 < uros1> no thats all i think, maybe to take a look at new site, forum... 20:44 < bojce> yes, we change branding for new server 20:44 < uros1> 20:44 < MootBot> LINK received: 20:44 <@czajkowski> uros1: we notice a lack of team reports 20:44 < uros1> 20:44 < MootBot> LINK received: 20:45 <@popey> new site looks beautiful 20:45 <@huats> uros1, I think you are doing a good job. I'd like to see reports in your applications 20:45 < uros1> 20:45 < MootBot> LINK received: 20:45 <@paultag> +1 on that. New site rocks 20:45 <@huats> have you think of doing some ? 20:45 < uros1> thanks 20:45 <@czajkowski> uros1: do you know about team reports? 20:46 < prvul> we know 20:46 <@paultag> prvul: are you considering making them a regular thing? 20:46 < Githzerai> That is one of the things we would like to improve. 20:46 < uros1> yes we know and we do that 20:46 < uros1> in close future 20:47 < prvul> yes! but until now we havent used ubuntu oficial wiki 20:47 <@czajkowski> Githzerai: I hope to read serbia report so in Next months news letter 20:47 < prvul> because we have our own 20:47 < prvul> we alredy set up basic pages for reports 20:47 < prvul> just didnt fill them 20:47 < prvul> :) 20:47 <@popey> we could look at how to make it easier for people to contribute reports on external wikis 20:48 < uros1> yes thats great idea 20:48 <@czajkowski> [vote] please vote on the Serbia LoCo Re Approval. ONLY COUNCIL MEMBERS VOTE PLEASE 20:48 < MootBot> Please vote on: please vote on the Serbia LoCo Re Approval. ONLY COUNCIL MEMBERS VOTE PLEASE. 20:48 < MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot 20:48 < MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting 20:48 -!- mode/#ubuntu-meeting [+m-mtn] by popey 20:48 <@huats> +1 continue the good work 20:48 < MootBot> +1 received from huats. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1 20:48 <@czajkowski> +1 20:48 <@paultag> +1 20:48 < MootBot> +1 received from czajkowski. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 2 20:48 < MootBot> +1 received from paultag. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 3 20:48 <@popey> +1 20:48 < MootBot> +1 received from popey. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 4 20:48 <@paultag> Keep up the good work uros1 20:48 <@paultag> And the rest of the team :) 20:48 < uros1> tnx man 20:48 <@itnet7> +1 great work!! 20:48 <@czajkowski> looking forward to reports next month 20:48 < MootBot> +1 received from itnet7. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 5 20:48 <@paultag> For sure. REPORTS! 20:49 <@czajkowski> [endvote] 20:49 <@paultag> Please :) 20:49 < MootBot> Final result is 5 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 5 20:49 <@czajkowski> great well done folks ! 20:49 <@popey> nice work! 20:49 < bojce> thx 20:49 < Githzerai> Thank you ! 20:49 < uros1> :) 20:49 < prvul> \o/ to! 20:49 <@popey> look forward to photos from the 10.10.10 release party! 20:49 <@huats> congrats ! 20:49 <@popey> Dont Panie! 20:49 <@popey> *panic 20:49 < olujicz> Thank you 20:49 < uros1> wow, thanks! 20:49 <@itnet7> congrats! 20:50 <@czajkowski> ok so moving onto council items 20:50 < stas> hey, wait a minute 20:50 < stas> hi all 20:50 < Githzerai> it's been a priviledge being a part of Ubuntu LoCo last 5 years, and we hope to improve in the future. 20:50 <@czajkowski> [topic] Updating Application with new headings 20:50 < MootBot> New Topic: Updating Application with new headings 20:50 < stas> czajkowski: i asked last week about ubuntu-ro reapproval 20:50 <@paultag> stas: Romania? 20:50 <@czajkowski> stas: RO ? 20:50 < stas> yes 20:50 < stas> me and Cracknel and riddickbm 20:50 <@paultag> czajkowski: sent an email, right? 20:51 <@czajkowski> romanian 20:51 < stas> wiki 20:51 <@czajkowski> I sent an email earlier on today to the team 20:51 <@czajkowski> to adi 20:51 < stas> hmm, didn't get it 20:51 < stas> adi is away 20:51 <@czajkowski> it was sent 20:51 <@czajkowski> you were re approved 220:48 < MootBot> +1 received from itnet7. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 5 20:48 <@paultag> For sure. REPORTS! 20:49 <@czajkowski> [endvote] 20:49 <@paultag> Please :) 20:49 < MootBot> Final result is 5 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 5 20:49 <@czajkowski> great well done folks ! 20:49 <@popey> nice work! 20:49 < bojce> thx 20:49 < Githzerai> Thank you ! 20:49 < uros1> :) 20:49 < prvul> \o/ to! 20:49 <@popey> look forward to photos from the 10.10.10 release party! 20:49 <@huats> congrats ! 20:49 <@popey> Dont Panie! 20:49 <@popey> *panic 20:49 < olujicz> Thank you 20:49 < uros1> wow, thanks! 20:49 <@itnet7> congrats! 20:50 <@czajkowski> ok so moving onto council items 20:50 < stas> hey, wait a minute 20:50 < stas> hi all 20:50 < Githzerai> it's been a priviledge being a part of Ubuntu LoCo last 5 years, and we hope to improve in the future. 20:50 <@czajkowski> [topic] Updating Application with new headings 20:50 < MootBot> New Topic: Updating Application with new headings 20:50 < stas> czajkowski: i asked last week about ubuntu-ro reapproval 20:50 <@paultag> stas: Romania? 20:50 <@czajkowski> stas: RO ? 20:50 < stas> yes 20:50 < stas> me and Cracknel and riddickbm 20:50 <@paultag> czajkowski: sent an email, right? 20:51 <@czajkowski> romanian 20:51 < stas> wiki 20:51 <@czajkowski> I sent an email earlier on today to the team 20:51 <@czajkowski> to adi 20:51 < stas> hmm, didn't get it 20:51 < stas> adi is away 20:51 <@czajkowski> it was sent 20:51 <@czajkowski> you were re approved 220:48 < MootBot> +1 received from itnet7. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 5 20:48 <@paultag> For sure. REPORTS! 20:49 <@czajkowski> [endvote] 20:49 <@paultag> Please :) 20:49 < MootBot> Final result is 5 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 5 20:49 <@czajkowski> great well done folks ! 20:49 <@popey> nice work! 20:49 < bojce> thx 20:49 < Githzerai> Thank you ! 20:49 < uros1> :) 20:49 < prvul> \o/ to! 20:49 <@popey> look forward to photos from the 10.10.10 release party! 20:49 <@huats> congrats ! 20:49 <@popey> Dont Panie! 20:49 <@popey> *panic 20:49 < olujicz> Thank you 20:49 < uros1> wow, thanks! 20:49 <@itnet7> congrats! 20:50 <@czajkowski> ok so moving onto council items 20:50 < stas> hey, wait a minute 20:50 < stas> hi all 20:50 < Githzerai> it's been a priviledge being a part of Ubuntu LoCo last 5 years, and we hope to improve in the future. 20:50 <@czajkowski> [topic] Updating Application with new headings 20:50 < MootBot> New Topic: Updating Application with new headings 20:50 < stas> czajkowski: i asked last week about ubuntu-ro reapproval 20:50 <@paultag> stas: Romania? 20:50 <@czajkowski> stas: RO ? 20:50 < stas> yes 20:50 < stas> me and Cracknel and riddickbm 20:50 <@paultag> czajkowski: sent an email, right? 20:51 <@czajkowski> romanian 20:51 < stas> wiki 20:51 <@czajkowski> I sent an email earlier on today to the team 20:51 <@czajkowski> to adi 20:51 < stas> hmm, didn't get it 20:51 < stas> adi is away 20:51 <@czajkowski> it was sent 20:51 <@czajkowski> you were re approved 20:48 < MootBot> +1 received from itnet7. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 5 20:48 <@paultag> For sure. REPORTS! 20:49 <@czajkowski> [endvote] 20:49 <@paultag> Please :) 20:49 < MootBot> Final result is 5 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 5 20:49 <@czajkowski> great well done folks ! 20:49 <@popey> nice work! 20:49 < bojce> thx 20:49 < Githzerai> Thank you ! 20:49 < uros1> :) 20:49 < prvul> \o/ to! 20:49 <@popey> look forward to photos from the 10.10.10 release party! 20:49 <@huats> congrats ! 20:49 <@popey> Dont Panie! 20:49 <@popey> *panic 20:49 < olujicz> Thank you 20:49 < uros1> wow, thanks! 20:49 <@itnet7> congrats! 20:50 <@czajkowski> ok so moving onto council items 20:50 < stas> hey, wait a minute 20:50 < stas> hi all 20:50 < Githzerai> it's been a priviledge being a part of Ubuntu LoCo last 5 years, and we hope to improve in the future. 20:50 <@czajkowski> [topic] Updating Application with new headings 20:50 < MootBot> New Topic: Updating Application with new headings 20:50 < stas> czajkowski: i asked last week about ubuntu-ro reapproval 20:50 <@paultag> stas: Romania? 20:50 <@czajkowski> stas: RO ? 20:50 < stas> yes 20:50 < stas> me and Cracknel and riddickbm 20:50 <@paultag> czajkowski: sent an email, right? 20:51 <@czajkowski> romanian 20:51 < stas> wiki 20:51 <@czajkowski> I sent an email earlier on today to the team 20:51 <@czajkowski> to adi 20:51 < stas> hmm, didn't get it 20:51 < stas> adi is away 20:51 <@czajkowski> it was sent 20:51 <@czajkowski> you were re approved 20:51 < stas> i called him just some hours before 20:51 < stas> oh, thanks guys 20:51 <@paultag> stas: you were +1'd unanimously 20:52 < stas> thanks, didn't know 20:52 <@paultag> stas: sure :)_ 20:52 <@czajkowski> ok so getting back to 20:52 <@itnet7> congratulations stas, sorry for the delay 20:52 < stas> keep up the great work :) 20:52 <@paultag> stas: back at you! 20:52 <@czajkowski> this is the wiki page teams are referred to, to create their applications 20:52 <@czajkowski> I think it'd be a good idea to add some more headings so that if teams need to do things via email it would have more content 20:53 <@czajkowski> but adding team reports would also be a heading I'd like to see 20:53 <@czajkowski> [link] 20:53 < MootBot> LINK received: 20:54 <@huats> czajkowski, I agree I think the team reports would help a lot 20:55 <@czajkowski> huats: any other headings you think might be a good idea to include? 20:55 <@paultag> Yeah, I agree 20:55 <@paultag> czajkowski: this is just the display page, yeah? 20:55 <@czajkowski> perhaps this is something that should be worked on and released for next cycle..... 20:55 <@paultag> czajkowski: not the actual report page that is <<Include()>>'d 20:55 <@paultag> right? 20:55 <@czajkowski> this would be for the TEAM/ApprovalApplication TEAM/REApprovalApplication 20:56 <@paultag> Oh dur, right. 20:56 <@czajkowski> paultag: ^^ 20:56 <@czajkowski> but one heading would be Team reports 20:56 <@paultag> Yup, +1 on that here. I think that will work very well 20:56 <@popey> something really simple, we need to keep the overhead for the teams low 20:56 <@popey> especially those non-native-english 20:56 <@paultag> +1 popey 20:56 <@popey> barrier to re-approval should be low for those who have plenty of stuff to show us 20:56 <@czajkowski> indeed 20:56 <@popey> it should be as easy for them to show it to us as it is for them to document it in the first place 20:57 <@czajkowski> atm it's KEy DEtails, Roadmap, and Experience 20:57 <@huats> I'd like to see the evolution since the last vote of the council 20:57 <@popey> maybe we can take copies of successful team re-approvals as examples? 20:58 <@czajkowski> popey: nice idea 20:58 <@czajkowski> colombia france were excellent ones 20:58 <@popey> yeah 20:58 <@czajkowski> but they are very detailed, we could do wiht one also for a smaller loco ? 20:58 <@popey> maybe make pdfs out of them 20:58 <@popey> freeze them in stone 20:58 <@czajkowski> great idea 20:59 <@czajkowski> popey: can I action that to you 20:59 <@popey> sure 20:59 <@czajkowski> [acton] popey to create pdfs of successful team re approvals as examples to help teams 20:59 <@czajkowski> [action] popey to create pdfs of successful team re approvals as examples to help teams 20:59 < MootBot> ACTION received: popey to create pdfs of successful team re approvals as examples to help teams 20:59 <@huats> I'd like to see in the reapproval application, the linkto the pdf of the approval application 20:59 <@popey> yup 21:00 <@huats> it is always nice to compare the planned roadmap to the real stuffs that happened 21:00 <@czajkowski> ok so perhaps we need to work on this a bit behind the scenes and then come back with some ideas/drafts of wiki pages and then come up with the new page ? 21:00 <@huats> czajkowski, I agree 21:01 <@czajkowski> ok so 21:01 <@czajkowski> huats: can I action you this item to kick off a mail and a sample wiki page of some new headings for council to work on 21:01 <@huats> czajkowski, go ahead 21:01 <@huats> :) 21:01 <@czajkowski> [action] huats to set up a sample new wiki page for applications and to kick off email for loco council to work on 21:01 < MootBot> ACTION received: huats to set up a sample new wiki page for applications and to kick off email for loco council to work on 21:02 < ActionParsnip> yo yo yo 21:02 < ActionParsnip> sorry a bit late, work was a pig 21:02 <@czajkowski> ok are there any other areas we need to cover, EMEA is on next 21:03 <@paultag> I think that's it :) 21:03 <@huats> thanks everyone for the meeting 21:03 -!- mode/#ubuntu-meeting [-o paultag] by paultag 21:03 <@czajkowski> #endmeeting 21:03 < MootBot> Meeting finished at 15:03. 21:03 <@czajkowski> thanks folks