#title #ubuntu-meeting Meeting Meeting started by greg-g at 20:01:27 UTC. The full logs are available at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-03-20-20.01.log.html . == Meeting summary == *Egypt LoCo Approval ''LINK:'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EgyptTeam/ApprovalApplication (czajkowski, 20:02:51) ''LINK:'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EgyptTeam/ApprovalApplication (greg-g, 20:03:11) *AOB *approval/reapproval process ''ACTION:'' SergioMeneses to update LoCo Council wiki pages with updated text (greg-g, 20:24:19) ''ACTION:'' czajkowski to ask dpm for translation help (greg-g, 20:25:08) ''ACTION:'' czajkowski will add the announcement to the Council blog (greg-g, 20:25:30) ''ACTION:'' greg-g to write a quick post re the updated policy document (greg-g, 20:27:12) ''ACTION:'' xdatap1 to separate out the list of Council members to separate page and <> where appropriate (greg-g, 20:29:44) Meeting ended at 20:31:48 UTC. == Votes == * Egypt LoCo Approval For: 5 Against: 0 Abstained: 0 == Action items == * SergioMeneses to update LoCo Council wiki pages with updated text * czajkowski to ask dpm for translation help * czajkowski will add the announcement to the Council blog * greg-g to write a quick post re the updated policy document * xdatap1 to separate out the list of Council members to separate page and <> where appropriate == Action items, by person == * czajkowski * czajkowski to ask dpm for translation help * czajkowski will add the announcement to the Council blog * greg-g * greg-g to write a quick post re the updated policy document * SergioMeneses * SergioMeneses to update LoCo Council wiki pages with updated text * xdatap1 * xdatap1 to separate out the list of Council members to separate page and <> where appropriate == People present (lines said) == * greg-g (57) * thelinuxer (54) * czajkowski (37) * meetingology (19) * SergioMeneses (17) * xdatap1 (14) * itnet7 (6) * huats (4) * paultag (3) * YoBoY (2) * Menopia (1) == Full Log == 20:01:27 #startmeeting 20:01:27 Meeting started Tue Mar 20 20:01:27 2012 UTC. The chair is greg-g. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 20:01:27 20:01:27 Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired 20:01:50 thelinuxer: ping 20:01:55 hi czajkowski 20:02:03 We only have one thing on the agenda today, and that is the approval of the Egyptian LoCo 20:02:09 hi thelinuxer 20:02:12 anyone else here from the team 20:02:14 hi greg-g 20:02:20 hello 20:02:21 do you mind doing a quick introduction of the Egyptian LoCo? 20:02:24 yes ashams MohamedAlaa98 20:02:29 greg-g: of course 20:02:30 #topic Egypt LoCo Approval 20:02:45 the team started to be really active almost 2 years ago 20:02:51 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EgyptTeam/ApprovalApplication 20:02:53 hi guys 20:03:03 we made our main objective to introduce more people to free software 20:03:11 and we decided that ubuntu was the right way to go 20:03:11 #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EgyptTeam/ApprovalApplication 20:03:21 we had several install fests 20:03:25 workshops 20:03:46 and of course we do support on our different channels, IRC, Faceboook ...etc 20:03:47 there was a choice? :) 20:03:49 thelinuxer, nice pictures! 20:03:52 (of Ubuntu vs ???) ;) 20:04:02 SergioMeneses: thanks check out more on facebook 20:04:12 lovely application folks well done 20:04:17 does make things a lot easier! 20:04:21 czajkowski: thanks 20:04:25 yes we had a choice :) 20:04:33 they have a good number of ubuntu members 20:04:33 but ubuntu was winning in every way :) 20:04:49 Very concise, I really enjoyed reading about what the Egypt team has been doing 20:04:49 thelinuxer: :) I know I know, we all do. I'm not always serious in meetings :) 20:05:05 itnet7: thanks :) 20:05:38 are there any questions ? 20:05:50 yup 20:05:55 thelinuxer: so tell us how things are done in your tema 20:05:57 *team 20:06:02 how do you organise events? 20:06:13 any issues you've come across and how you've delt with them 20:06:33 yes of course there are always issues with venues 20:06:49 but most of this is solved because we have so many active members in different universities 20:06:56 which is really a good place for our events 20:07:10 nods 20:07:13 true 20:07:14 * greg-g nods to issues associated with venues 20:07:20 mostly to organize an event we set a date for it like a week after the release date 20:07:32 then we start to search for an appropriate venues 20:07:34 * greg-g nods 20:07:46 thelinuxer, I like the new structure, it's working now? 20:07:56 we start calling for volunteers for the help desk activities and FAQs and giving presentations 20:08:13 we are actually test driving it right now 20:08:29 some bugs have been reported on launchpad 20:08:35 but it's not 100% active 20:08:42 still some rough edges :) 20:09:02 thelinuxer, ok!... 20:09:11 SergioMeneses: :) 20:09:20 you do seem very active my only concern is many members being from unis, will they still be involved once they finish and how to get non uni folks invovled 20:09:59 we are trying our best, but the fact is if we get for students involved then this technology choice would adopted by companies 20:10:04 and hence we can make real change 20:10:09 great stuf 20:10:15 I've no other questions 20:10:18 we also have a couple of members who has graduated and they are still active 20:10:24 thelinuxer, I like the idea of an orientation session. Could you tell us more about it. How do it works? Is it online or face-face activity? 20:10:25 Definitely true thelinuxer 20:10:27 very good. 20:10:44 xdatap1: sure 20:10:48 I will say I'm not gone on the use of n00b would perfer to see the word new user. but that's my only comment 20:11:11 #voters czajkowski itnet7 huats greg-g xdatap1 20:11:11 Current voters: czajkowski greg-g huats itnet7 xdatap1 20:11:13 czajkowski: sure we can think about another geeky term :) 20:11:16 czajkowski, I'm agree 20:11:20 agreed re "n00b" :) 20:11:28 alright, I think we ready to vote! 20:11:32 greg-g, wait, I asked a question 20:11:37 ah, yes, please do 20:11:38 xdatap1: the session should includedfull details about how the team works 20:11:49 and what's the different activities people can get involved in 20:12:04 if it's offline then it would be a normal presentation so the new folks would meet the team 20:12:18 and if online we can use IRC, Google+ or whatever platform we choose 20:12:28 )done answering the question : 20:12:31 :)* 20:12:42 :) 20:12:54 thelinuxer, thanks, it's a nice idea, congrats 20:13:02 any other questions? I don't want to step on anyone's toes. Hard to read people's faces over IRC :) 20:13:04 xdatap1: thank you very much 20:13:14 good here 20:13:25 thelinuxer, last info, just a curiosity 20:14:05 xdatap1: please do 20:14:13 thelinuxer, egypt is a very big country. Where are from most of the members? Are them mainly from big cities or do you have people from all around? 20:14:33 i am happy you asked that 20:14:45 our biggest governorates are Alexandria and Cairo 20:14:55 a great number of members are from these 2 20:15:08 but also there is a small governorate called Mansoura 20:15:21 some people from Mansoura joined the team 20:15:35 and one of our very active members is originally from Mansoura 20:15:41 * xdatap1 checking the map :) 20:15:55 they are planning to start a team there but it hasn't been officially on 20:16:16 and they were the ones who gave us a chance to participate in OSDay in Mansoura 20:16:36 cool! Thanks thelinuxer! 20:16:43 xdatap1: yw :) 20:16:56 awesome 20:17:00 greg-g, I'm ready to vote 20:17:12 alrighty, I think we're all ready then 20:17:27 #vote Egypt LoCo Approval 20:17:27 Please vote on: Egypt LoCo Approval 20:17:27 Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me) 20:17:46 +1 20:17:46 +1 received from greg-g 20:17:48 +1 20:17:48 +1 received from itnet7 20:17:52 +1 20:17:59 +1 keep up the good work 20:17:59 +1 keep up the good work received from xdatap1 20:18:07 +1 well done 20:18:07 +1 well done received from czajkowski 20:18:13 20:11 < greg-g> #voters czajkowski itnet7 huats greg-g xdatap1 20:18:18 you missed SergioMeneses 20:18:20 +1 20:18:20 +1 received from huats 20:18:23 great work 20:18:24 whoops! 20:18:29 :) 20:18:30 #endvote 20:18:30 Voting ended on: Egypt LoCo Approval 20:18:30 Votes for:5 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0 20:18:30 Motion carried 20:18:35 I realy like the application 20:18:37 I see 20:18:39 thanks everyone :) 20:18:41 congratulation thelinuxer ! 20:18:43 oh well, Egypt still was approved without SergioMeneses' vote :) 20:18:48 huats: that's Menopia's work our designer :) 20:18:50 thanks everyone :) 20:18:56 greg-g, :D 20:19:01 great job thelinuxer and everyone else in the Egypt team 20:19:10 Awesome job, way to go!! 20:19:14 SergioMeneses: my apologies, my second faux pas during the meeting ;) 20:19:20 Thanks again I will go spread the news :) 20:19:25 well done folks 20:19:26 thelinuxer, congratulations 20:19:31 is there any other business for this LoCo Council meeting? 20:19:36 greg-g, don't worry! 20:19:36 and again if you could use another word for n00b like new user that would be best 20:19:36 #topic AOB 20:19:43 SergioMeneses: thanks :) 20:19:49 we have a new wiki page created 20:19:53 for approval/re approval process 20:20:02 czajkowski: we will reconsider the names for sure 20:20:04 it would be good to get that out there and possibly ask for translations 20:20:13 so we need to A) update our wiki page 20:20:17 #topic approval/reapproval process 20:20:18 b) post to loco contacts 20:20:21 c) add to a blog 20:20:24 d) translate 20:21:19 alright, who wants to edit the wiki and who can do the announcements? 20:21:25 czajkowski, +1 it looks like a good plan 20:22:09 it's basically copy n paste from sergio and pop into our wiki 20:22:13 we have to chage this page too https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/TeamApprovalGuidelines 20:23:12 so, just that page and this one, right https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/LoCoTeamReApproval ? 20:23:30 SergioMeneses: mind updating the wiki sense you have the wiki text, right? 20:23:36 yes 20:23:37 s/sense/since/ 20:23:43 which does make sense 20:23:44 :) 20:24:19 #action SergioMeneses to update LoCo Council wiki pages with updated text 20:24:19 * meetingology SergioMeneses to update LoCo Council wiki pages with updated text 20:24:22 thanks SergioMeneses ;) 20:24:33 greg-g, jaja 20:24:34 oks 20:24:38 thanks SergioMeneses :) 20:24:50 once there're done I can ask dpm to get the translations in order 20:24:53 alright, blogger, anyone want to blog? I can if no one else does 20:24:59 czajkowski: cool, thanks 20:25:07 greg-g: I'll add it to the loco council blog 20:25:08 #action czajkowski to ask dpm for translation help 20:25:08 * meetingology czajkowski to ask dpm for translation help 20:25:17 once I find my login 20:25:22 :) 20:25:28 czajkowski, :D 20:25:30 #action czajkowski will add the announcement to the Council blog 20:25:30 * meetingology czajkowski will add the announcement to the Council blog 20:25:57 czajkowski: do you want me to write a quick "Here's our updated policy..." post you can copy paste? 20:27:01 "sure" 20:27:12 #action greg-g to write a quick post re the updated policy document 20:27:12 * meetingology greg-g to write a quick post re the updated policy document 20:27:24 I think that's it for that topic 20:27:27 anything else? 20:27:37 can I suggest you to keep the list of the LC members on a separate page to let translator include this list and not "translate it" ? it can help to keep all the page updated 20:28:11 YoBoY: yeah, not sure why we're listed there, honestly. It might be an <>'d page anyway 20:28:18 we can keep them in a separate page and then include it 20:28:27 (oh, its not) 20:28:28 greg-g: sure :) 20:28:51 greg-g: there or on other pages. can be usefull on lot of other pages :) 20:28:58 the list is here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil 20:29:08 xdatap1: mind doing that? making it a separate page that we include where appropriate? 20:29:21 I can fix it, no problem 20:29:27 cool, thanks 20:29:44 #action xdatap1 to separate out the list of Council members to separate page and <> where appropriate 20:29:44 * meetingology xdatap1 to separate out the list of Council members to separate page and <> where appropriate 20:30:00 anything else? 20:30:46 going once... 20:30:55 greg-g, continue 20:31:21 going twice 20:31:26 going a third time... :) 20:31:33 alright, thanks everyone for showing up! 20:31:35 :-) 20:31:40 nope all good 20:31:44 thanks greg-g 20:31:46 have a great rest of the day! 20:31:48 #endmeeting Generated by MeetBot 0.1.5 (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology)