= Creating a Website for your LoCo Team = <> ||<>|| The purpose of this page is to create a central resource for finding information related to creating a LoCo website. = Canonical-hosted Sites = Hosting space on Canonical servers is available to approved LoCos. To see how a LoCo is approved, see LoCoGettingApproved. There are limitations to what applications may be hosted on the Canonical servers. If you are interested in Canonical-hosting, see LoCoHosting. If you are interested in hosting your own sites, continue reading. = Decide on Content = Decide what content will reside on the website and what will be on the wiki. Creating content on the wiki allows information to be centralized and can be found easily by rest of the Ubuntu community. See the Colorado Team's ColoradoTeam/EnhancedLoCoWeb for what features could exist on the LoCo website. A good example of using both the wiki and a separate LoCo website is the Australia Team: * Wiki-Page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam * LoCo-Website: http://ubuntu.org.au/ = Select a Website Platform = == Drupal Resources == * The [[UbuntuDrupal]] project team has been creating a theme and modules to help with creating a Lo``Co website. These are modules that have been geared to Lo``Cos specifically that run on Drupal. Many of these projects can be used elsewhere. * See the [[http://ohio.ubuntu-us.org/|Ohio Team website]] as an example of the use of Drupal. * See the EdubuntuSitePublishingTools for a discussion of the pro and cons of using Drupal. * DrupalConcepts - Background information on how Drupal works. * DrupalPaths - More background information on Drupal. * DrupalHowtos - Information for creating multi-lingual sites, mailing list integration. * DrupalModules - Useful add-ons. == Joomla Resources == * Help on installing and setting up Joomla!: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Joomla == MoinMoin Resources == * HelpOnInstalling - Installation instructions. * Instructions on how to use MoinMoin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MoinMoin. == Wordpress Resources == * Instruction to installing Word''''''Press: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WordPress. * Ta pa Ponga is a WordPress theme based on Ubuntu website: [[http://wiki.altuxa.com/WordPress:en#Ta_pa_Ponga|download]] [[http://blogs.altuxa.com/tapaponga/|demo]]. ([[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AsturianTeam|by Asturian team]]) == Django Resources == * LoCoDjango - using the python-based Django framework = Forums = Forums from the website should link to the LoCo forums on ubuntuforums.org, unless its a language not supported already or there is a good reason to have a separate one. [[http://www.punbb.org/|PunBB]], [[http://www.phpbb.com|phpBB]], [[http://www.xmbforum.com/|XMB]], Drupal (integrated into the Drupal platform), and [[http://www.simplemachines.org/|SMF]] have been used and are free. The popular [[http://www.vbulletin.com|vBulletin]] requires the purchase of a license. == phpBB == * See the [[http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/|China Team forums]] as an example. * Installation instructions for phpBB: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PhpBB2 == punBB == * See the [[[http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/|French Team forums]] as an example. * Installation instructions for punBB: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PunBB == SMF == * See the [[http://forum.ubuntu-fi.org/|Finnish Team forums]] as an example. == MyBB == * See the [[http://www.ubuntu-rs.org/forum|Serbian Team forums]] as an example. = Templates = For templates to use with some of the mentioned CMS tools and forums, see LoCoTemplates. = Additional Add-ons = == Planet Aggregator == [[http://www.planetplanet.org/|Planet]] allows feeds of blog posts by the LoCo's members to be displayed on the LoCo website. See [[http://planet.ubuntulinux.org/|Planet Ubuntu]] as an example. To set up such a feed, see LoCoCreatingPlanet. == LoCoMap == Creating a map of locations of a LoCo's members can be an interesting addition to the website. Take a look at the [[http://ubuntu-fr.org/carte/|French Team map]]. Instructions for creating a similar map are at LoCoCreatingMap. == Calendar == It is very helpful to set up an event calendar providing an ical based machine readable format as this enables your followers to include a list of upcoming events automatically in applications like Evolution, Mozilla Sunbird etc. This might increase the amount of visitors. An example is the [[http://drupal.org/project/event|Drupal Event module]]. = History = To see the history of hosting services provided for Ubuntu, visit FrDeHosting. ---- CategoryLoCoTeams