
This is proposed to be merged into LoCoTeamContact as a clarification.


The team contact ...

  • is expected to make sure that information flows
    1. from the LoCo team to the rest of the Ubuntu world (team reporting)

    2. from the rest of the Ubuntu world to the LoCo team

    this does not necessarily mean that the team contact performs all the reporting funtions on their own, but this can be a small team as well.

    It is essential to the LoCo community that we

    1. learn from each other's successes (and mistakes)
    2. feed back information about events, announcements, process changes, ideas and so on to our teams


Please "sign" with @SIG@

  • Sounds good to me! -- ncoetzer 2009-10-02 10:47:09

  • ..

LoCoTeamContact/ProposedAddition (last edited 2009-10-02 10:47:09 by host-196)