Local Community Team Contact

This is the person who acts as the designated interface between the local Ubuntu team (which often do not speak English or might have difficulty following Ubuntu development), and the larger Ubuntu community.

All Local Community team contacts will be subscribed to a special low-volume mailing list (see here).

The team contact ...

It is essential to the LoCo community that we

  1. learn from each other's successes (and mistakes)
  2. feed back information about events, announcements, process changes, ideas and so on to our teams


Team contacts are listed on the LoCoTeamList. All official LoCoTeams need a contact.

Feel free to suggest improvements to this page on the LoCoCouncilAgenda.


LoCoTeamContact (last edited 2009-12-02 20:17:56 by cpc2-farn5-2-0-cust641)