= LoCo Open Day = <> Go back to the main [[LoCoTeamsUDSMVSpecs]] page Details coming soon. = Brainstorm Section = /!\ Please add stuff here as you think of it. That's how brainstorming works! /!\ == Activities == * general promoting of the channels around freenode (reason: many people in the main ubuntu channels are completely unaware of the LoCo channels/teams) * promotion on the ubuntu forums (reason: many people have not ventured from the forums to the various LoCo channels/wiki/sites) * promotion in other social networks (reason: if nothing else, we might end up with more ubuntu users B) ) * work on documentation (both wiki and team websites) (reason: it would be nice to have somewhere to point people, and it would be even nicer if that somewhere was full to the brim of useful info) * physical meet-ups to get to know your fellow LoCo members, and invite the general public to come see Ubuntu (reason: many people still appreciate face-to-face contact) == Media == What media infiltration can we achieve? Who has contacts they can use?