<> * Face to face meeting. * Split north and south. * North after the hamfest on Saturday April 26th, contact r2d2rogers * South TBD Contact hfwilke * Discussion on Funding * Non-Profit status tabled pending further research * [Action Item] Forum post and research into non-profit status and collection/handling of money * Was agreed that some funding would be needed for some events. * LoCo Team Bug Day * macd was not available for details * Newsletter * wharp will put together a newletter with summary of activities and cross post it on the mailing list and forums. * Submit items to wharp for the newsletter. * Mailing List Update * Admin access has been given to r2d2rogers * Additional admins nominated and granted access, boomer, Robdgreat, and wharp * Hamfest http://www.ares-nela.org/hamfest/ * Setup is Friday April 25th from 1pm till 7pm * Fest is Saturday April 26th from 8am till midafternoon * Booth details * Staffing - three people at a time, one for each table in the booth, in shifts. * Demo Machines, planned at 2 laptops per table for a total of 6. * Possible computer for burning additional/different disks * 400 discs of Hardy Heron, if there is no delay in release, will be available to hand out. * Flyers, Stickers, and Possibly demo loaner laptops to be provided by System76 * Conference Pack ordered from Canonical; Conference Pack B for Non-Approved LoCo Teams * Costs * Tables @ $10 is $30 * Electricity is $10 * Entry fee for the Hamfest is $5 per person * 400 Hardy CD's burned for 25- 40 cents per disc [ACTION ITEM: r2d2rogers] Find out cost on CD-R's * r2d2rogers will be attending the next Ham Club meeting to make contact with hams who are already interested in linux to see if we can get a partner in the Ham related Demos * Several LoCo Members expressed interest in getting a Ham license. * People wanting to help at the hamfest need to sign up on the project page at FIXME * Hamfest team meeting TBD * Call for subteam participation * General Team contact email to be setup * Some discussion of domain name for when the team is approved. * Business cards discussed and added to Hamfest tasks