= LukeYelavich = You can find all my contact details, and evidence of recent packaging/bug work on my [[https://launchpad.net/people/themuso|Launchpad Page]]. == About Me == I am a 25 year old vision impaired Canonical employee living in Australia. I have been using Linux since early 2001. My history of distributions used is Debian 2.2, Slackware 8.0 through to 10.0, and Ubuntu Warty (from preview release) onwards. I have a bachelor of Music, and a certificate 4 in information technology, technical support. My Linux contributions started in mid 2003, when I was a Slackware user. I founded the now defunct AudioSlack project, which aimed to package audio/multimedia software for use with the Slackware Linux distribution. My other major contributions have been in the area of Linux accessibility, starting with a couple of releases of a modified Hoary live cd, with extra accessibility, back in early 2005. == Ubuntu Work == My contributions to Ubuntu are focused in two key areas. My primary interest, is helping keep Ubuntu's accessibility software up to date, and as tightly integrated into the core distribution as possible. My other area of contribution is the Ubuntu Studio project, a derivative of Ubuntu which aims to provide an easy to install and set up operating system for musicians, multimedia artists, graphics and art designers, and video enthusiasts. I have been a member of the MOTU team since January 2007, and a member of the Ubuntu core-development team since January 2008. As well as keeping all accessibility software in main/universe up to date, I have helped where help has been needed. My MOTU workload has included bug triaging, sponsoring uploads, reviewing new packages, assisting with various administrivia, usually relating to meetings, and recently, becoming a member of the MOTU SRU team, a team who's responsibility is to assess the suitability of packages requiring updates in stable releases of Ubuntu. A large amount of my UbuntuStudio work has also involved working with packages from universe/multiverse, as that is where the vast majority of Ubuntu Studio's software resides. As a Canonical employee, I am on the platform team, responsible of the part of Ubuntu that all Ubuntu flavours depend upon. My primary workload includes keeping the audio stack (alsa userspace, pulseaudio, etc) up to date and as bug free as possible, and as mentioned earlier, I maintain all accessibility related packages in the core Ubuntu distribution. I also help out the platform team where help is needed.