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About Me


My name is Mohamed BEN BOUZID, my nickname is MBuBuntu. I live in Denden, Manouba - Tunisia and I am an engineer in computer science from the Faculty of Sciences of Tunis.

Start using Linux since 2006 (Mandriva, Fedora), and ubuntu since 2007. I joined the group ubuntu-tn from the first days of its occurrence, and I'm one of the members who participate in the first days of the offcial launch of group ubuntu-tn.

I'm one of the core members of the Tunisian Local Community. I'm one of the founders of the approved Tunisian Loco Team ubuntu-tn and I was the first coordinator of the Event group. Currently, I am the Deputy of the Group "Secretary".

My main goal is to promote Ubuntu in Tunisia, with a focus to Tunisian universities.

Free Softwares Community


Ubuntu Member of DFSA (Digital Free Software Association) since 2006.
Ubuntu Member of CLLFST (club of free software in the Faculty of Sciences of Tunis) since 2006.
Ubuntu Member of Ubuntu-Tn (Tunisian LoCoTeam) since 2007.
Ubuntu Member of many other groups as CULLT (Culb of Free Softwares users), TeeJUG (Tunisian JAVA Group), Joomla-Tunisia, Python-tunisia...

FOSS activities


Ubuntu Animation of the first free software program in a Tunisian web radio. (Blediradio).
Ubuntu Organization and participation in SFD2007, 2008, and 2009.
Ubuntu Organization and participation in JLL2007.
Ubuntu Director of Event JLL2008 and JLL2009.
Ubuntu Director of Event Joomla Day 2009.
Ubuntu Organization and participation in many other events.

Ubuntu-tn events


Ubuntu Event Ariana 9.03
- How to install the software on Ubuntu? and presentation of AptOnCD.
Ubuntu Event Ras JBEL 9.03
- How to install the software on Ubuntu? and presentation of AptOnCD.
Ubuntu Event ENIS 8.12 National Engineering School of Sfax
- Migrating Data Center to Ubuntu 8.04 LTS more than 240 Desktop and 3 servers Project Abstract
- Install party Ubuntu 8.04 LTS
Ubuntu Event SFD 2008 Softwre freedom Day 2008
- Organization of the participation of Ubuntu-tn at this event.
- Presentation of the new features of Ubuntu 8.10
Ubuntu Event ISET CHARGUIA 8.05 Institut Supérieur des études technologiques Charguia
- Presentation of the new features of Ubuntu 8.04
- Install party 8.04 LTS
Ubuntu Event ISI 8.04 institut supérieur d'informatique Ariana
- Presentation of the new features of Ubuntu 8.04
- Install party 8.04 LTS
Ubuntu Participation in the SFD2007, the day of the official announcement of the group ubuntu-tn.
- Presentation of Compiz-fision.

Future involvement


Ubuntu Contribute with Tunisian Loco members to validate the Tunisian Loco Road Map.
Ubuntu Continue my involvement in the ubuntu-tn team life.
Ubuntu Mounting a legal entity (association) in Tunisia to get official recognition of the Loco by the Tunisian State.

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MBuBuntu (last edited 2009-05-23 17:48:49 by 41)