
Meeting Minutes

April 26, 2010


  • Attendance:
    • BlackZ
    • showard
    • huats
    • dholbach
  • After a brief discussion agreed that mentee selection will go through reception, self selection not allowed.
  • Mentors will be recruited through email lists and as a way of getting new MOTUs and devs involved more in the "higher" levels of the Ubuntu community.
  • The mentoring program will leverage existing infrastructure (e.g. packaging training sessions and Ubuntu Beginners Development Focus group) for "general" and pre-"general" training. Mentors would be encouraged to participate with those groups.
  • Action items:
    • BlackZ will set up a wiki page for the mentoring program proposal and add sections for (1) general overview and (1) mentee workflow.
    • showard will type the minutes and add (3) mentor workflow and (4) relationship with other teams to above.
    • Team members will review the proposal and discuss it on the mailing list so that it can be approved next week.
    • Once approved, the proposal will be shared with designated development teams, DMB, potential mentors, packaging training team, etc. in order to get feedback to improve the proposal.

April 19, 2010


  • New members (showard314, BlackZ, RoAkSoAx) were added the the private email list by hauts.

  • Agreed that the role of the mentorship program reception team is to be the coordination point between a pool of mentors and potential developers.
  • After discussion, agreed that the reception team should be reception for all development teams (not just MOTU). ScottK pointed out that developer training is now the responsibility of each designated development team, of which MOTU is one. The mentorship program should thus be called "Ubuntu Developer Mentorship" and the reception team "Ubuntu Developer Mentorship Reception" (or some derivative of the name, nothing officially approved). As of April 19, the designated teams are
    • Ubuntu Desktop Developers (Launchpad: ~ubuntu-desktop)
    • Mythbuntu Developers (Launchpad: ~mythbuntu-dev)
    • Kubuntu Developers (Launchpad: ~kubuntu-dev)
    • Edubuntu Developers (Launchpad: ~edubuntu-dev)
    • MOTU
  • The team will come up with the new mentorship program (using designated development teams as discussed in the previous UDS), and get feedback from the teams before implementing any new process.
  • The program should consist of two parts: "general" training (where anyone can mentor) and "specialized" training (where designated development teams are responsible for training their members).
  • Work flow discussed:
    • interested person contacts reception
    • reception acknowledges contact
    • reception evaluates candidate as one of three categories: (1) needs basic packaging experience, (2) has basic packaging experience needs "contributing developer" level experience, (3) has "contributing developer" level experience, needs experience to gain archive upload status. This way we follow the steps outlined by the Developer Membership Board for becoming an Ubuntu developer UbuntuDevelopers

    • Reception organizes or points mentees to "general" training (packaging training sessions) classes with all in group (1) (connects mentees and whoever is running the general training).
    • Mentees in group (2) and those that completed (1) are paired with "general" mentors
    • Mentees in group (3) and those that completed (2) are connected with a development team
  • Agreed that mentors and mentorees should hold their discussions on #ubuntu-motu; private mentoring should be discouraged. Therefore, mentors should be paired with mentors with compatible time zones and schedules.
  • Using LP to track mentees was discussed:
    • Mentee files a bug against a project owned by ubuntu-devel-reception.
    • "NEW" = unprocessed
    • "Incomplete" = needs to attend a packaging training session, neds to learn
    • "Complete"=currently in the "general" mentorship program
    • "Triaged"=currently in the "specialized" mentorship program
    • "Fix Released"=done with program
    • "Won't fix"=lost contact with, not in program
    • "Assigned to"=mentor
  • Discussed having mentors "shop" through "Complete" and "Triaged" unassigned bugs to find mentees. Hauts pointed out that in the past mentors did not pick mentees to avoid creating pockets of knowledge (e.g. same mother-tounge, nationality, mentoring that would not occur on the IRC in English).

April 12, 2010

  • the mentoring process might evolve : the junior step would be quite general, and the senior more specific. Before entering the junior step an applicant is asked to attend one or many lessons that would be given.It will reduce the need for each mentors to say the same things to each mentee.
    • - [ACTION] huats to add the rest of the new reception team to the mailing list.
  • the new workflow for the reception of applications might be base on LP and the private bugs (only the applicant and the reception team to be able to look at the bug).
    • - [ACTION] huats to investigate on that possibility.
  • a mentor should not sponsor his mentee
  • each meeting of the reception should be prepared on the wiki
    • - [ACTION] RoAkSoAx to setup wikipages.

MOTU/Mentoring/Reception/Meeting/Minutes (last edited 2010-04-28 13:46:08 by cpe-24-58-159-82)