The MOTU Mentoring Reception assures the correct liaison between Mentors and Contributors. The current team is composed of these members.
Team Objectives
The main tasks of the team are:
- to ensure that contributors and mentors are well matched
- to keep track of the mentoring process
To achieve this, information about:
- the mentor
- the contributor
- the last date of contact
is kept in a CSV file in a bzr branch.
Assigning a Mentor
The initial contact should happen when a contributor approaches the Reception Team and asks for a mentor. This should be done just by mailing the team mailing list (
Before assigning a mentor for the task:
the contributor should be asked to subscribe to the ubuntu-motu list
the contributor should also be asked if he has any preference or particular interest. Please make sure that the request contains all the required information from the contributing page, if not ask the contributor.
the mentor should be chosen on the bases of the given availability and matching the contributor's interests (using the info stored in the bzr branch and mentors/mentees LP and wiki pages)
- the chosen mentor should be contacted and should assent to monitor the contributor
- please avoid if possible to match people with the same mother-tongue, we really want our team to be an international team.
- please try to match people with closer time zones
Keeping in touch
The ensure a smooth mentoring process the Reception Team members should periodically check the dates in the CSV files. If 4 weeks elapse without contact mark, the team should prod the mentor and check the status.
Remember that the new programs have a maximum duration of 2 months (extendable to 3 for serious motivations). On elapse of this date, free the mentor slot.
The team member should inform all other members of his actions, to coordinate and avoid duplication of efforts. Use our mailing list for all communications!
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