Any similarity between my page, JeffreyElkner's page, and MatthewGallagher's page is because they used mine and as a template. ||<>|| == Basic Stuff == '''Name:''' Mackenzie Morgan '''Nick pronunciation:''' MACK-oh (''not'' MAY-ko...that's [[BenjaminMakoHill | Mako]]'s name) '''Location:''' Washington, DC '''Hometown:''' Pittsburgh, PA '''Email:''' * '''IRC Op:''' * #kubuntu * #ubuntu * #ubuntu-us-dc * #ubuntu-women * #ubuntu-women-project * #ubuntuforums '''Jabber:''' '''Linux User #:''' 432169 '''Ubuntu User #:''' 8495 '''Launchpad:''' '''Current OS:''' Kubuntu Lucid '''Blog:''' My handle for pretty much the entire internet is maco. Variations are macoafi or macogw if the site requires 6 letters, but maco usually means me. I'm a junior at GWU in Washington, DC. I'm a Computer Science major with a concentration on computer security and information assurance. If anyone who happens to be reading this is from GW or somewhere in DC, say hi. == Governance == I'm an op in a handful of Ubuntu channels (listed above), an [[ | Ubuntu Forums]] moderator, and on the [[Membership/RegionalBoards/Americas | Americas Regional Membership Board]]. == Memberships == I became an Ubuntu Member in October 2007. If you're working on your wiki page to become one yourself, here's a look at one mine looked like at the time: [[ | clicky link]] I became a MOTU in November 2009. Here's what my application looked like: [[MacoMorgan/MOTUApp | clicky link]] What's next? I'll apply for the ~kubuntu-dev team before 11.04 is released. == Tech Stuff == === Programming === Java, C, Python, GTK+, PyKDE === Code/Patches === Adding minimum speed, maximum speed, and acceleration to GSynaptics was my first patch. It's not in the (very old) version 0.9.5 that's in Hardy, though. I packaged up 0.9.14 to take care of it for Hardy. It is in Intrepid. [[|Bug #215729]] was the first bug I helped fix. First kernel patch: ==== Currently working on... ==== Add an option for a gradient background in gnome-panel ... nevermind. GNOME's replacing gnome-panel anyway so it's no use :( [[ | Gally]], a program to teach sign language, built on the KDE4 Platform === My PPA === Add {{{ deb gutsy main restricted universe multiverse deb-src gutsy main restricted universe multiverse}}} to your /etc/apt/sources.list and then {{{sudo apt-get update}}} Currently, my PPA has Twitux 0.61 and GSynaptics 0.9.14 for Hardy. == PGP Key == {{{ -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: SKS 1.0.9 mQGiBEVkcqERBADdRrggUMqKbzGW67Lu75inn2AfK9OZuwkLWbOjrcj8yGheOvjfn22+iavZ hJUy8AsDuv8luCGZaVETQmJIC4U01wcgHeC5PuqLnWi9gCJGoFkAgUf+g96ML0dkMvbvzzCK ACTbfYYv+gP2qffyd3bHIFKvMbki8OaRTzGorsLIHwCg8c55qr8Gbkqz8P8BxcDT7tMBuAkD /20nmn8uLt/eYuiF29XelFN7I6aJ+63It0NOOvKQ3lA7YNiAkwvTau3KDP9aXlR51MuxPC7X ezgAtz7FWBmf9KwOr1ArSujp1Y6BWiqhrqCfcr9igG+xdQaGvjNIWH7OS60DoU23sE5SXt0z CtZ+4DABZJ0sdIUM9kMsrRtKKzf4BACHmjGY1WoOCOveYIjO65883QPmsXohK4RCnflcq6QO qmVK/K+1VrMY9vn+sR+Lw44XkjGPkfbjyyJAfyTG1gj9jZLn0rDqZnrpNos2Lot62kmRFtCk 4an0zwrfAiyeG/DkIWoSC04L3c0MZND52r3jNZRtDEb4tRyXb0rzFRlY6LQuTWFja2Vuemll IE1vcmdhbiAocHVycHVyYSkgPG1hY29hZmlAZ21haWwuY29tPohgBBMRAgAgBQJFZHKhAhsj BgsJCAcDAgQVAggDBBYCAwECHgECF4AACgkQojm3DbyNMmlcKACfUGjHjBKc1kWdxeW5UHfx kq7wlRwAn3dnrAM0or2Me4UqXrDlxhd/EnEhiGMEExECACMCGyMGCwkIBwMCBBUCCAMEFgID AQIeAQIXgAUCRXUPagIZAQAKCRCiObcNvI0yaVueAJ4ro6cH97EW4duroarUfiQLzVIjGACf d2Q/N4pnG9nazFZX2OKRD9BWTOq5Ag0ERWRypxAIAMuVLI4J60JfLGPY2DVU8My02JbqL773 c1FHAbPfKSbdfUaflZdmzaqFKQZi/EwqZBwv73Ky5HwUUXER69FSmYusCcxLfXBnfhiXp08b 0A//8tNEpmueX9eFbO0flilawzSzbMe5SaDOPcdCFlInyzgPGhDb2Y50rGf3MdhTV2J/wae1 rzBvVIKzWHho++ieURrj4AbH8V7+pfSb7bgx3uU/29aZDrj2cUuV/EW9vQrOC/U8zd5vyvui qxV9KrHz18McDLriQ72wm8xeMBMtLoOLPQR2DTtgi8Eh6PXSNPR2ocsZJQ0tV81TP7CjoAwk Y3Q1HCw0nUqqjO/xDBzFSBsAAwUH/1U6K687O3l8jKzm5ict8z6eydFPSkC9PiLECuRlwMqV 8NwG18U1eNIG+Xe4+XCs3+A8hXDhmKzXpLTWFdZkuvwEUPa08e0Ho1ZwqUGAbW5JTHc6auR5 3+DvAaVzNOafs4vTMU8/kYPA36wja/0EHj0fhGRMjychk8y7/Q5I3JKK1CcZJ1MlVg0nBX4t cMVeKpP0xV8VhVLPvylVlZ9RHxaKmKKZfxJ0pSSx/KCh+Wz3ekRHr3Vi9at/4fD59nUUDMA9 BFK/0v+6iX5d8hYfoC7Bd/Yvl1XcAupVxQ8s4V4B1E0hG0dboo+TOf3m9CBC04iIp/yWj01a ThMNGWc2UfuISQQYEQIACQUCRWRypwIbDAAKCRCiObcNvI0yadXrAKDjFsnbtCmAelQKS7pl 3e4ExPofmACfSwIEA8gYQoiifbdx/di0LA1RKu4= =MN4q -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----}}} Oh, and um, by the way...