#format wiki #language en === Introduction === Welcome to my Wiki homepage. I've been using Ubuntu since HoaryHedgehog and helped start the SriLankanTeam. I'm a member of NewUserMentors group and try to help new Ubuntu users by providing support in #ubuntu and #ubuntu-lk. You can find me on irc as ''lastnode''. == Software == *[[Upstream]] - A log transfer system aimed at the end user support process. == Other == *Email - mahangu at gmail dot com *Launchpad profile - [[https://launchpad.net/people/mahangu]] *Public key - [[http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x564308D07BB0B0F1BA065550D31AFB8A6D42CC36|6D42CC36]] ... ---- CategoryHomepage