I am ''Mahay Alam Khan'' AKA '''mak'''; born and living in Old part of Dhaka in Bangladesh. I'm not a hardcore programmer (not even a softcore ;-)... I enjoy hamming for OSS. I'm a PC hardware guy. == link to my launchpad profile == * Me (https://launchpad.net/people/mahayalamkhan) * Karma (https://launchpad.net/people/mahayalamkhan/+karma) == Wikipages edited == * this page * UbuntuBengaliTranslators * IndianTeam == Working for == * Ankur. (http://www.ankurbangla.org), * Bangladesh Open Source Network (http://www.bdosn.org). * OO.o MarCon for Bangladesh. == I do == * Whenever there is an opportunity (an event, science-fair or sort of those) just call mak, and I will be there with my gears (flyer, liveCDs of Various distro, my Desktop equipped with ''Dapper6.06 + a heavy 17" monitor'' :-D, my laptop) to preach OSS. * Arrange Boot Camp in various Universities through out the Country along with my Buddies (Ankur, BdOSN) for Localization. * Show my Students (I teach PC hardware) how to install Ubuntu and tell them how to get Free CDs from Shipit to use and inspire their friends 'n family to use Ubuntu. * Once ordered and got 100 CDs from Shipit to distribute. == yet to do == * Localize Ubuntu 100% through arranging l10n boot camps in various universities. * Want to make people of my country not to use pirated software, rather use OSS particularly Ubuntu. == other linkables == * UbuntuBengaliTranslators * Me conducting Boot camp in BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (http://annajiat.googlepages.com/) * Localizing Ubuntuguide into Bangla (http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_dapper_bn) == don't want to == * Get Married (heart broken) == my philosophy (for the time being) == *I never know what I can become. CategoryHomepage