## page was copied from MainInclusionReportTemplate = Main Inclusion Report for ec2-init = == Requirements == 0. ''Availability:'' [[http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/e/ec2-init|ec2-init]] is available for amd64, i386 (python) 0. ''Rationale:'' * ec2-init is being developed by the ubuntu team to provide hooks during boot up to do ec2 (and UEC) specific things. One such example is to re-generate ssh keys on each new instance. Another piece of functionality is running/consuming 'user data' input that is provided to the instance via the user who started it. This package is a core piece of functionality of the ec2 and UEC images that we produce. The upstream is [[Ubuntu|https://launchpad.net/ec2-init]]. 0. ''Security:'' * [[http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvekey.cgi?keyword=ec2-init|CVE entries]]: None * [[http://secunia.com/search/?search=ec2-init|Secunia history]]: None * ''Any binaries running as root or suid/sgid ?'' The ec2-init init script runs as root during the boot process. Additionally, the user who started the instance can optionally pass scripts (via --user-data) that are run at this time (as root). There are no daemons in the package. * ''Network activity: does it open any port ?'' No ports are listened on. It does do http requests to the ec2 metadata service ( ''Does it handle incoming network data ?'' No. * ''Does it directly (not through a library) process binary (video, audio, etc) or structured (PDF, etc) data ?'' ec2-init parses user data via the python libraries. It handles multi-part input via [[http://docs.python.org/library/email.parser.html|python email library]] and xml input via [[http://docs.python.org/library/xml.dom.minidom.html?highlight=minidom#module-xml.dom.minidom|python xml.dom.minidom]] * ''Any source code review performed ?'' I (ScottMoser) have been working with the ec2-init code some. Soren is the Primary developer. No explicit source code review has taken place. 0. ''Quality assurance:'' * ''In what situations does the package not work out of the box without configuration ?'' If the package is installed on non-ec2 or uec, it will cause long timeouts on boot. * ''Does the package ask any debconf questions higher than priority 'medium' ?'' No. * [[http://bugs.debian.org/src:ec2-init|Debian bugs]]: Not packaged * [[http://packages.qa.debian.org/S/SOURCE_PACKAGE_NAME.html|Maintenance in Debian]] Not packaged * [[https://launchpad.net/ec2-init|Upstream]] is frenetic/vigorous/calm/dead ? Upstream is not terribly active. The package is reasonably mature. * [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ec2-init|Upstream bug tracker]]: [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ec2-init/+bug/431255|bug 431255]] is intended to be addressed shortly. * ''Hardware: Does this package deal with hardware and if so how exotic is it ?'' It runs on ec2 or UEC guests. No direct interaction with hardware. * ''Is there a test suite in the upstream source or packaging ?'' No. ''Is it enabled to run in the build ?'' Not Applicable 0. ''UI standards:'' * ''User-visible strings are internationalized using standard gettext system ?''. No internationalized text is used. However, the only user-visible strings are during boot (init output). * ''Package with translatable strings builds a PO template during package build ?'' Not Applicable * ''End-user applications ship a desktop file ?'' Not Applicable 0. ''Standards compliance:'' * [[http://www.pathname.com/fhs/|FHS]], [[http://www.de.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/|Debian Policy]] compliance ? '''Yes'''. * ''Packaging system (debhelper/cdbs/dbs) ?'' cdbs. ''Patch system ?'' quilt (currently no patches). ''Any packaging oddities ?'' No. 0. ''Dependencies:'' * [[http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/karmic/configobj|python-configobj]] (Universe: [[MainInclusionConfigobj|MIR]]) * [[http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/karmic/cheetah|python-cheetah]] (Universe: [[MainInclusionCheetah|MIR]]) * [[http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/karmic/python-boto|python-boto]] (Universe: [[MainInclusionPython-Boto|MIR]]) * [[http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/karmic/python|python]] * [[http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/karmic/procps|procps]] * [[http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/karmic/update-motd|update-motd]] * [[http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/karmic/python-central|python-central]] 0. ''Maintenance:'' * ''How much maintenance is this package likely to need ?'' The ubuntu package maintainence needs of ec2-init are not significant. However, the upstream is Ubuntu, and that will/does require resources. * ''Who is responsible for monitoring the quality of this package and fixing its bugs ?'' SorenHanson and ScottMoser, and the ec2-on-ubuntu team. ''Are they Ubuntu or Debian developers ?'' Ubuntu. * ''Who is the package bug contact in Ubuntu? '' Scott Moser, Soren Hanson, Eric Hammond 0. ''Background information:'' * The general purpose and context of the package should be clear from the package's debian/control file. * ''What do upstream call this software ?'' ec2-init. ''Has it had different names in the past ?'' No 0. ''Internationalization:'' * ''Are graphical applications translatable? Do they support gettext?'' Not Applicable == Reviewers == MIR bug: [[https://launchpad.net/bugs/434693]] ''The author of this report should put their name here; reviewers will add comments etc. too''