= Main Inclusion Report for libffado = == Requirements == 0. ''Availability:'' [[http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/libf/libffado/]]; available for i386 and amd64 architectures. 0. ''Rationale:'' * The libffado library provides support for FireWire based audio devices * libffado will allow Jackd into main, fixing Bugs [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/407841|#407841]], [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/152487|#152487]], [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/84900|#84900]], [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/109659|#109659]], [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/360590|#360590]] 0. ''Security:'' * [[http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvekey.cgi?keyword=libffado|CVE entries]]: '''none''' * [[http://secunia.com/search/?search=libffado|Secunia history]]: '''none''' * Any binaries running as root or suid/sgid ? Any daemons ? '''No binaries running as root or suid root, one daemon, which is a dbus server.''' * Network activity: does it open any port ? '''no''' * Does it handle incoming network data ? '''no''' * Does it directly (not through a library) process binary (video, audio, etc) or structured (PDF, etc) data ? '''Yes, processes audio to and from firewire audio devices.''' 0. ''Quality assurance:'' * In what situations does the package not work out of the box without configuration ? '''None, details below:''' * The shared library libffado1 is used by jack-audio-connection-kit to work with firewire audio devices. Jack itself needs to be configured to use firewire audio via libffado. * Most if not all firewire audio hardware require firmware to be uploaded to the device using tools from the ffado-tools package, before they can be used. The firmware in question has to be obtained from Windows drivers. * Does the package ask any debconf questions higher than priority 'medium' ? '''no''' * [[http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?src=libffado|Debian bugs]]: (mention any that are particularly relevant, and any showstoppers) '''None found for libffado, libffado-dbus-server, libffado-mixer-qt4, libffado-tools, libffado-dev or libffado1''' * [[http://packages.qa.debian.org/libf/libffado.html|Maintenance in Debian]] is frenetic/vigorous/calm/dead ? '''Maintenances in Debian appears to be vigorous''' * [[http://subversion.ffado.org/|Upstream]] is frenetic/vigorous/calm/dead ? '''There appears to be vigorous activity upstream''' * [[http://subversion.ffado.org/report|Upstream bug tracker]]: (mention any particularly relevant or critical) '''no noticeably relevant or critical bugs''' * Hardware: Does this package deal with hardware and if so how exotic is it ? '''This package does deal with audio hardware via firewire. Such hardware is commonly in use by audio/video enthusiasts/professionals.''' * Is there a test suite in the upstream source or packaging ? Is it enabled to run in the build ? '''Yes there is a test suite, and it is enabled in the upstrea build system.''' 0. ''UI standards:'' * User-visible strings are internationalized using standard gettext system ? '''No internationalized strings.''' * Package with translatable strings builds a PO template during package build ? '''No translatable strings.''' * End-user applications ship a desktop file ? '''Yes.''' 0. ''Standards compliance:'' * [[http://www.pathname.com/fhs/|FHS]], [[http://www.de.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/|Debian Policy]] compliance ? * The package is FHS compliant. * A slight concern about some python files not being placed in a standard location so pycentral/python-support can handle them, however this may require more work than its worth with the upstrea build system to fix. * Packaging system (debhelper/cdbs/dbs) ? Patch system ? Any packaging oddities ? * CDBS packaging system * no patch system used * The package code does not get built when debian/rules is called with the build target. The code gets built when calling the binary target only. 0. ''Dependencies:'' * '''debhelper''' * '''scons,''' * '''cdbs''' * '''cdbs''' * '''dbus''' * '''python''' * '''python-dbus''' * '''python-qt4''' * '''pyqt4-dev-tools''' * '''dh-buildinfo''' * '''pyqt-tools''' * '''python-qt4-dbus''' * '''autotools-dev''' * '''expat''' * '''glib2.0''' * '''glibmm2.4''' * '''libiec61883''' * '''libraw1394''' * '''libxml++2.6''' * '''libxml2''' * Are these all in main ? '''yes''' 0. ''Maintenance:'' * How much maintenance is this package likely to need ? (Simple packages may largely take care of themselves; complex packages will need dedicated developers paying attention to them.) '''Little maintenance should be required''' * Who is responsible for monitoring the quality of this package and fixing its bugs ? Are they Ubuntu or Debian developers ? '''Upstream (FFADO) developers along with Ubuntu and Debian developers''' * Who is the package bug contact in Ubuntu? (Needs one if its a nontrivial package which does not fully maintain itself through Debian) '''[[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev|Ubuntu Studio developers]]''' 0. ''Background information:'' * The general purpose and context of the package should be clear from the package's debian/control file. If it isn't then please explain. '''It should already be clear''' * What do upstream call this software ? Has it had different names in the past ? '''Upstream calls this software FFADO (Free FireWire Audio Drivers). It was previously known as FreeBoB''' 0. ''Internationalization:'' * Are graphical applications translatable? '''No.''' * Do they support gettext? '''No.''' == Reviewers == MIR bug: [[https://launchpad.net/bugs/416778|https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libffado/+bug/416778]] ''Author: [[https://launchpad.net/~slavender|Scott Lavender]]''