= Main Inclusion Report for librelp = == Requirements == 0. ''Availability:'' [[http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/libr/librelp]]; available for all supported architectures 0. ''Rationale:'' * Build dependency of rsyslog -- see [[MainInclusionReport/rsyslog]] for more context on this library. librelp was created in part to serve rsyslog's needs. 0. ''Security:'' * [[http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvekey.cgi?keyword=librelp|CVE entries]]: None, but see rsyslog's CVEs * [[http://secunia.com/search/?search=librelp|Secunia history]]: ... * Any binaries running as root or suid/sgid ? Any daemons ? No, just a library * Network activity: does it open any port ? Does it handle incoming network data ? Yes, very much so. Handles incoming data on a given port or writes data to a port. * Does it directly (not through a library) process binary (video, audio, etc) or structured (PDF, etc) data ? Structured data, yes, but in its own format: [[http://www.librelp.com/relp.html]] * Any source code review performed ? Not by me, mterry * Will not be enabled by default. This library is an optional part of rsyslog, pulled in by rsyslog-relp. 0. ''Quality assurance:'' * In what situations does the package not work out of the box without configuration ? None that I know of * Does the package ask any debconf questions higher than priority 'medium' ? No * [[http://bugs.debian.org/src:librelp|Debian bugs]]: None! * [[http://packages.qa.debian.org/libr/librelp.html|Maintenance in Debian]] is calm. Just basic packaging of upstream releases. * [[http://www.librelp.com/|Upstream]] is calm. Very infrequent releases (like, a couple a year) * Upstream bug tracker: None?! Presumably one could use rsyslog's tracker. Still, it's a bit odd. There is a [[http://lists.adiscon.net/mailman/listinfo/relp|mailing list]] and [[http://kb.monitorware.com/forum-f27.html|forums]], both with next-to-no traffic. * Hardware: Does this package deal with hardware and if so how exotic is it ? Doesn't deal with hardware. * Is there a test suite in the upstream source or packaging ? Is it enabled to run in the build ? No test suite. 0. ''UI standards:'' * User-visible strings are internationalized using standard gettext system ? No. * Package with translatable strings builds a PO template during package build ? N/A * End-user applications ship a desktop file ? No, not an end-user app 0. ''Standards compliance:'' * [[http://www.pathname.com/fhs/|FHS]], [[http://www.de.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/|Debian Policy]] compliance ? Yes, in a trivial way. Just puts a library in /usr/lib. * Packaging system (debhelper/cdbs/dbs) ? Patch system ? Any packaging oddities ? Debhelper, but no patch system. Very simple packaging. 0. ''Dependencies:'' * librelp0: libc6 (>= 2.4) * librelp-dev: librelp0 (= 0.1.3-1) * Are these all in main ? Yeah, no problems there, very self-contained. 0. ''Maintenance:'' * How much maintenance is this package likely to need ? Not much, a simple package, with no foreseeable Ubuntu special sauce * Who is responsible for monitoring the quality of this package and fixing its bugs ? Are they Ubuntu or Debian developers ? Debian: Michael Biebl. Same maintainer as rsyslog. 0. ''Background information:'' * The Description from debian/control: {{{ Description: Reliable Event Logging Protocol (RELP) library RELP provides reliable event logging over the network. . RELP (and hence) librelp assures that no message is lost, not even when connections break and a peer becomes unavailable. The current version of RELP has a minimal window of opportunity for message duplication after a session has been broken due to network problems. In this case, a few messages may be duplicated (a problem that also exists with plain tcp syslog). Future versions of RELP will address this shortcoming. . Please note that RELP is a general-purpose, extensible logging protocol. Even though it was designed to solve the urgent need of rsyslog-to-rsyslog communication, RELP supports many more applications. Extensible command verbs provide ample opportunity to extend the protocol without affecting existing applications. }}} * What do upstream call this software ? Has it had different names in the past ? No different names, just 'librelp'. 0. ''Internationalization:'' * Are graphical applications translatable? Do they support gettext? Nope. == Reviewers == MIR bug: [[https://launchpad.net/bugs/388606]] Report author: [[mterry]]