Main Inclusion Report for pidgin-libnotify
Note: when writing a report this template should be vigorously edited; as a rule of thumb, every individual point should be replaced with a description of the actual situation in the package in question. The purpose of the report is to convey information to the reviewer, so there is no problem with varying the text in the bullet items, or with adding additional information.
Please be informative, and in particular be thorough in investigating and explaining any weaknesses and problems with the package. The purpose of the report is to show to the reviewer that the package has been properly investigated, and to give the reviewer the information from that investigation, for their decision.
Availability:; available for all supported architectures
- provides an improved user experience where you get notified of chats happening when you're not at the chat window.
- works better than current status menu item as it provides no context of what was said, just that someone said it.
CVE entries: None
Secunia history: None
- No binaries running as root, no suid programs or daemons
- Network activity: It does not do anything on the network itself. Pidgin handles all the network traffic and provides interal signals of the events that the plugin listens to. It then sends those events (if appropriate) over DBus.
- Does it directly (not through a library) process binary (video, audio, etc) or structured (PDF, etc) data ? No, there is no data that it directly handles. Only information provided by the pidgin and purple APIs.
- Any source code review performed ? I've personally worked with and edited the source code, but haven't done a formal review of it.
Quality assurance:
- In what situations does the package not work out of the box without configuration ? We have patched the program in the latest Ubuntu packages so that when installed, it will be enabled in Pidgin by default. Users still have the choice to disable it if they so choose. This information is stored in the users individual Pidgin settings in their home directory.
- Does the package ask any debconf questions higher than priority 'medium' ? No.
Debian bugs: None. (seriously, first time I've seen that)
Maintenance in Debian is frenetic/vigorous/calm/dead ? calm, released upstream release, but in general not much traffic on this package.
Upstream is frenetic/vigorous/calm/dead ? calm. It seems like translations get releases, but there's not many new features being added.
Upstream bug tracker: Mostly feature requests or patches submitted by Canonical
Hardware: Does this package deal with hardware and if so how exotic is it ? No hardware, which I guess is a very exotic situation for software
- Is there a test suite in the upstream source or packaging ? Is it enabled to run in the build ? No. No.
UI standards:
- User-visible strings are internationalized using standard gettext system ? Yes.
- Package with translatable strings builds a PO template during package build ? Yes.
- End-user applications ship a desktop file ? Not end-user, no desktop file.
Standards compliance:
- follows the FHS and the debian policy: Yes.
- Use cdbs and quilt: quilt
- nothing unusual, all dependencies in main; correct.
- How much maintenance is this package likely to need ? (Simple packages may largely take care of themselves; complex packages will need dedicated developers paying attention to them.)
- Very little. Very small codebase that is a plugin to Pidgin. Mostly likely change would be if Pidgin completely rebuilt their plugin system, but I imagine porting this plugin would be of interest to the upstream Pidgin developers in that case.
- Who is responsible for monitoring the quality of this package and fixing its bugs ? Are they Ubuntu or Debian developers ? Desktop Team. Yes.
- How much maintenance is this package likely to need ? (Simple packages may largely take care of themselves; complex packages will need dedicated developers paying attention to them.)
Background information:
- The general purpose and context of the package should be clear from the package's debian/control file. If it isn't then please explain. It is.
- What do upstream call this software ? Has it had different names in the past ? Yes, it used to be called "gaim-libnotify" when Pidgin was GAIM.
- Are graphical applications translatable? Do they support gettext? Yes, yes.
MIR bug:
The author of this report should put their name here; reviewers will add comments etc. too