Main Inclusion Report for sourcepackage


  1. Availability:, available for all supported architectures

  2. Rationale: Xubuntu core package

  3. Security:

    • No CVE entries.
    • No Secunia history.
    • No binaries running as root or suid/sgid.
    • Does not open any port (by default).
    • Source code review:
  4. Quality assurance:

    • Package works out of the box without configuration.
    • No showstopper Debian bugs.
    • Good maintenance in Debian.
    • Active upstream.
    • No critical bugs in

    • Does not deal with exotic hardware which we cannot support.
  5. Standards compliance:

  6. Dependencies:

    • All in main.


MartinPitt: approved

MainInclusionReportXfce4Session (last edited 2008-08-06 16:26:50 by localhost)