#format wiki #language en <> ||<>|| == Web Development Meeting (13th November 2007) == * Venue: #ubuntu-my-wdt @ irc.freenode.net * Date: 13 Nov 2007 * Time: 9.24pm - 11.00pm === Meeting Agenda === 1. Server for hosting the files 2. CMS for the website 3. Theme for the website 4. Other online resources 5. Tasks allocation === Meeting Details === '''1. Server for hosting the files''' Currently we have ubuntu.foss.org.my, ubuntu.com.my and ubuntu-my.org and we are going to centralize all the files from different servers to one server. We agreed to host our official site on the current ubuntu.com.my server (VPS) and all the domain will be pointed to that server. '''2. CMS for the website''' We have 2 choices of CMS: plone and drupal. Plone have lots of features compared to drupal, but drupal is cheaper to maintain. Plone uses python and most of us are not very familiar with python, therefore we are choosing '''drupal''' as the content management system (CMS). '''3. Theme for the website''' Since we going for drupal, and both ubuntu.com.my and ubuntu-my.org are using the same theme, we will stick with the existing theme with few re-design on it. First will be the blue banner, which e-jat will work with gunbladeiv to change the color to brown (ubuntu official color), and secondly will be the ubuntu-my logo. Also, the website will be in Bahasa Malaysia (BM) and some of the images will have local touch. '''4. Other online resources''' Currently we have both the website and forum up at ubuntu.com.my, and we will continue to maintain and improve on both. For now, we will not have other resources (ie. wiki, etc) on that server until we have both website and forum fully up and running. '''5. Tasks allocation''' For the task allocation, we have the following arrangement: * '''e-jat''': re-design the banner and ubuntu-my logo * '''sumardi & mypapit''': carry over the existing topics and threads from the ubuntu.foss.org.my's forum to ubuntu.com.my's forum * '''nbliang''': re-direct ubuntu-my.org (and possibly ubuntu.org.my) to ubuntu.com.my server === Conclusion === The official domain will be http://ubuntu-my.org, but http://ubuntu.com.my and http://ubuntu.org.my will be pointing to the same location (server) and we will be using drupal as the CMS with the existing theme. Both the blue banner and the ubuntu-my logo will be re-design to suit ubuntu's color and malaysia's taste. All four members of the Web Development Team (WDT) will be assigned as Administrator for both the website and forum as well as given access to the VPS. All the tasks assigned to be completed by '''23 Nov 2007''' (Friday) so that we can announce and let the rest of the members to access both the site and forum. <
> == General Meeting (11th November 2007) == * Venu: #ubuntu-my @ irc.freenode.net * Date: 11 Nov 2007 * Time: 9.00pm === Items Discussed === 1. Goals for Ubuntu-my * To build up the website (and forum) * Encourage as many people to be active in mailing list 2. Web Development Team * Members: e-jat, mypapit, nbliang, sumardi * headed by nbliang (for now), and will be rotated among the 4 members * In-charge of the website and forum development