#format wiki #language en == Contact Information == *Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~mrand *Email: mrand@pobox.com *GPG/PGP key: [[http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xD86DDDD8159FAAC2 | gpg --recv-keys 0x159FAAC2]] *IRC: mrand on irc.freenode.net *Ubuntuforums.org: [[http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=451329 | MarcRandolph]] /* *IRC Channels (on Freenode): #ubuntu-mythtv-dev, #ubuntu-mythtv, #ubuntu-bugs, #ubuntu-us-tx */ /* *Webpage: */ == Areas of contribution == * Free up developers and maintainers by * triaging bugs (especially getting bugs forwarded upstream in a timely manner) * answering questions as time permits on #ubuntu-mythtv, #ubuntu-bugs, and in the [[http://ubuntuforums.org/index.php|Ubuntu Forums]] * Test upgrades and upcoming releases of Mythbuntu and Ubuntu * Generating patches for (minor) bug fixes * Lot of random things over the years. Most recently documenting what it takes to get a Gyration remote working == Goals == * Increase bug fixing ability (and ability to contribute new features back to Mythbuntu, and MythTV [especially Mythweb]), by learning more Python, Perl, and C++ * Become proficient at PPA and other launchpad build related items * Become less frustrated at how launchpad and loggerhead seem to get in the way and hide things (by learning how they work and hopefully help to improve them) == Affiliations == * [[http://www.mythbuntu.org | Mythbuntu]] development team * [[UbuntuBugControl]] and [[UbuntuBugSquad]] teams * [[DallasTeam]] and [[TexasTeam]] teams == Bio == ||||'''Location:'''||Dallas, TX USA|| ||||'''My roadmap to Ubuntu:'''|| TRS-DOS > CP/M > Tandy Xeninx > SCO UNIX (original one) > PC-DOS 2 thru DR-DOS 6 > SunOS > Windows 3.11 WG > FreeBSD > Windows NT > Solaris > Windows 95 > Windows 2k > Windows XP > Ubuntu 7.10 > 8.04 > 9.04 > 9.10 || ---- CategoryHomepage