About Me

I'm a software developer working in Higher Education. As well as being part of the Ubuntu community I am a regular contributor the to FOSS Moodle online learning platform. I started using Ubuntu when I was about 17 and joined my local LUG, where I met many of the Ubuntu community members I still know today. At home, I run Ubuntu on all my computers, whether for servers, gaming or general purpose computing.

Contact Information








I have been a co-producer co-presenter of the Ubuntu Podcast for the past 10 years. The podcast is a light-hearted and family-friendly show, discussing Ubuntu, Open Source, and all aspects of technology. The work of producing the show includes gathering news, discussion ideas and feedback, compiling notes, setting up hardware & software for recording, editing and releasing the show. Over the years, I have performed all of these functions to a greater or lesser extent as well as appearing on the podcast as a regular presenter since 2010. We have also performed occasional live shows at community events such as FOSS Talk Live.

As part of the podcast, I administer and moderate the Ubuntu Podcast Chatter Telegram channel, a place for casual discussion between members of the community.

Aside from the podcast, I have also been instrumental in organising OggCamp, an unconference celebrating all aspects of open source and free culture. While not specifically an Ubuntu event, the OggCamp and Ubuntu communities have a significant overlap.

Future Goals

I would like to continue to discuss and promote Ubuntu as a free software platform, keeping users informed of the latest developments and goings-on in the community.


Note: If you have anything nice to say about this person, please do add it below along with @ SIG @ (no spaces). The @ SIG @ command will sign your name and date/time it after you "Save Changes".

Mark's selfless commitment over the years is impressive. The Ubuntu Podcast is one of the best things about the community and I for one am very grateful. Culture tends to reflect leadership, and the telegram channel is edifying and friendly, influenced in no small part by Mark's calm oversight without any hint of ego. Mark is a great asset to the community and membership is long overdue! -- sbutcher 2020-12-16 09:22:03

Mark is a fantastic ambassador for Ubuntu, not only through his significant contributions to Ubuntu Podcast over the years but also via the excellent work he has done as an OggCamp orgasniser and volunteer. Absolutely a worthy membership application that I whole heartedly endorse. -- flexiondotorg 2020-12-17 10:02:40

As a newbie to the Ubuntu community earlier in the year, I found the Ubuntu Podcast to be an invaluable resource as a lens into the open source community of distro development as well as general geekiness. Through Mark's role as podcast host I had been able to learn about various tools as well as the news of the week and represented to me what a more relatable way of understanding what open source in general represents. Mark deserves a long overdue Ubuntu membership for his long-serving roles in educating users new and old about Ubuntu and beyond -- hayashiesme 2020-12-17 13:44:55

Mark has been an outstanding advocate for Ubuntu and OSS. He is a great representative of the community, his work on the Ubuntu Podcast has helped bring that community spirit to numerous people over the years. I am surprised that Mark is not already a member and endorse his application without reservation. -- franksmcb 2020-12-17 16:02:14

Mark has been a good content creator who has helped inspire the community whether through presenting the Ubuntu Podcast or through helping organize OggCamp. The current membership application is one of those cases in which the application itself is long overdue. If anything it became assumed over time that Mark was already an Ubuntu Member. I wholeheartedly endorse the membership application without reservation. -- -- skellat 2020-12-18 05:04:49

Mark does a good public relations job for Ubuntu with the Ubuntu Podcast. Every fortnight they have an extra community part in the podcast, which I really enjoy listening to. Through this long-standing success of the podcast, he has made a significant contribution to the success of Ubuntu. I highly recommend Mark's membership. -- torsten.franz 2020-12-19 20:01:59

Mark is the best kind of community advocate, especially for people new to Ubuntu or Linux in general. As part of the Ubuntu Podcast, his down to earth, warm, and open approach encourages people to learn more, to ask questions, and to try things out! On the podcast's Telegram channel, he is equally approachable and helpful, and has always been graciously to answer any questions I've had, and I'm sure numerous others. He has my enthusiastic endorsement, without reservation or hesitation. -- madhens 2020-12-21 04:51:07

MarkJohnson (last edited 2020-12-21 04:51:07 by madhens)