## page was renamed from MarketingTeam/SpreadUbuntu/IdeaPool <> ||<>|| '''Idea Pool''' Share your thoughts with the world and we will together materialize them. = Global Material Recollection = As we know SU has a page where we collect material from all places. Right now we are doing this process manually, but If we could somehow get this process "automatized" it would be great so we can continue our work. == Tracking (Bug/Question/Code) == * TBD == Actors == * LoCo teams marketing/material/artwork/events/campaign contact * Marketing/SU team == Work flow == * Material gets compiled by the LoCo teams in their respective pages: * MT page for marketing material; see [[MarketingTeam/Materials/no|Norway]] and [[MarketingTeam/Materials/se|Sweden]] for an example. * The pages are in their own website; see [[EcuadorTeam/MaterialPOP|Ecuador]] for an example. * Include this pages/subpages into our compilation page for easy access and pull out of ALL material == Process == * Take contact with all LoCos worldwide and ask for some help * Invite marketeers and entusiast to collect Ubuntu marketing material in their language == Frequency == * If we do it right once, the next time will be under different and more manageable circunstances (in SpreadUbuntu DIY site, Database and LP backend) = Campaigns = Have frequent and easy to implement campaigns related to our release cycle and other worldwide events related to FLOSS driven from the site taking advantage of our community structure. This can easily e achieved by using a microsite approach in the spirit of '''www.spreadubuntu.com/campaignname''' == Tracking (Bug/Question/Code) == * TBD == Actors == * Marketers * LoCo Teams * Marketing of Ubuntu in their local area and within their and other teams and communities they are part of. * Give feedback to the MarketingTeam through LP & BRainstorm * Give back local material used under campaigns. Add links to a Local Page (MaterialPOP) on the wiki for easy tracking * Other Teams * MarketingTeam * SpreadUbuntu * Organizing all existing relevant marketing resources/Material for the actual campaigns * Adding and maintaining marketing material for all Ubuntu Teams * Core Team * Organize, plan and coordinate the campaigns towards the rest of the Ubuntu Community * Evaluate the reach of the campaign, based on: * Visitor data from the site (Analytics) * Response from the blogosphere, media coverage * Outreach of the activity within the community (how many teams where involved) * Designers * Creating/changing marketing material for different events * CReating the visual concept for every campaigns microsite * Translators * Translate relevant marketing material appropiate to needs voiced by worldwide LoCo Teams == Work flow == == Process == == Frequency == = Viral Marketing = The idea is to make it simple for marketers out there to get access to the material ASAP after the material is available and have an easy way to upload changes (translations, improvements). We need, of course, several steps to get this done. {{http://www.oezratty.net/wordpress/wp-content/marketing-viral.png}} <
> Image taken from http://www.oezratty.net/ - Opinions Libres == Tracking (Bug/Question/Code) == * TBD == Actors == * Marketers * Marketing of Ubuntu in their local area and within their and other teams and communities they are part of. * SpreadUbuntu (MarketingTeam) * Organizing all existing marketing resources * Adding and maintaining marketing material for all Ubuntu Teams * Designers * Creating/changing marketing material for the Ubuntu Community * Translators * Translate all marketing material * Publishers * May be the marketers themselves. People printing the material and make it available for the marketers or posting it locally themselves. == Workflow == * Marketers to SpreadUbuntu Team * Marketers look to the Marketing Team site (SpreadUbuntu) looking for needed material for Local activities * Marketers make availble material through an easy SpreadUbuntu looking for needed material for Local activities * SpreadUbuntu Site Team * Check availability of material for events or campaigns (Globally) * Add existing material to the site, or * Create new material together with the Marketers and the Design/Artwork Team * Help Marketers to find/add marketing material by making it simple for them to search for it in the SpreadUbuntu Site * Make adding new resources easy * Localizing existing material for wider use * Qork with Designers and Translators * SpreadUbuntu Marketing Team * Creating campaigns and looking for events globally * Helping in the QA process to make the content of marketing material fill its purpose * Designers to Spread Ubuntu * Use their abilities to create marketing material together with the global Ubuntu community * Help change/adapt old material to new events/campaigns/languages * Translators * Work with designers to localize marketing material == Process == * Compilation of Material * Making material available * Quality Assurance == Frequency == * Once a month or every two months material = Translation workflow = There is a discussion in Launchpad at the moment to fin a better way to interact with upstream translators. We will deal with *lots* of upstream translators in DIY and should have a plan for this. See more here: * https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/rosetta/+spec/translation-workflow-and-notification-system * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OgMaciel/blueprints/rosetta == Tracking (Bug/Question/Code) == * TBD == Actors == == Work flow == == Process == == Frequency == = Organic Groups = Organic Groups can simply provide a nice staging area for users of a specific language. We can make it so new users are automatically a member of their LoCo through the launchpad team module. Essentially, organic groups could replace almost entirely the need for LoCo's to create their own websites. == Tracking (Bug/Question/Code) == * TBD == Process == * We are to use Organic Groups which is a Drupal module that associates content with one or more groups. The result is that members of groups can coordinate and communicate in a channel that is clear of other chatter and focus on a goal. Each content is not necessarily private to the group - it can be viewed in a global stream, or found through the groups main page by any other members. * Global stream on Drupal: http://groups.drupal.org/ * Our global stream will likely be the marketing materials. However, we could also create a "help wanted" stream or anything else. Groups can create many content types. * Specific group on Drupal: http://groups.drupal.org/design-drupal * Notice how there are many different content types in the group. Wiki's, Polls, Events, News, and discussions. We do not have to have all of those, and can make our own * The other key element for this is, as mentioned above, the Launchpad team module: http://blog.launchpad.net/cool-new-stuff/new-launchpad-plugins-for-drupal = Making SpreadUbuntu more accesible in the FrontPage = Spread Ubuntu, the SIte part, needs to be defined. I think that SpreadUbuntu is not about informing what Ubuntu is, but rather to get people to: * Download and install Ubuntu * Empower excited new users so they can spread it locally * Form a strong community within the existing LoCo teams and trying to catch the excited fanatics that do anything to see Ubuntu everywhere * Give the Marketing Team a purpose and a technical platform in which to focus their activities, beyond a wiki page. == Tracking (Bug/Question/Code) == * TBD == Actors == * Ubuntu Marketing Team * LoCo team members * Ubuntu users non-affiliated to a group, but excited about it! == Work flow == TBD == Process == Ways in which we can improve the SU experience: 1. Make it more cycle focused by creating multilingual Marketing kits (one zip where you can download say, a Guerrilla Marketing kit and go out to the streets and do your thing). 2. Make our campaigns be more activism focused, i.e. make a Marketing Jam in a locality and, with the SU Marketing kit go out and make havoc: Install Ubuntu in 5 places, put posters in 5 public places, Put a leaflet (of those that you can just grab a small paper with www.ubuntu.com www.ubuntu.no or something) in 10 lampposts, Go to a mall ang give away 20 CDs. And takes pictures ofg it all! 3. Karma: We need to implement a way to give our contributors karma for their activities and keep them excited. 4. '''Focus the main page in a way that activism can be accesible wheter as media contributions, havoc making or sending ideas to the list.''' * By this I mean subsections in the main page (besides showing our campaigns) such as: * If you are a LoCo * If you want to share your material (send them to DIY - Share) * If you want to get material for havoc making (send them to DIY - Get) * Get the Guerrilla Marketing Kit NOW! (send them to DIY - Marketing kits) == Frequency == * Release cycle activities as mentioned in point 1 above. * Make some extra campaigns/activities around i.e. Christhmas and summer = Editable tags for material = From a chat with flannel after the UDS marketing session: * huayra: What I'd like to see is some things where we collaborate on a global scale to make materials, instead of a localish one. Artwork is one thing, *words* are another. * Having some sources of good copy (I think that's what it's called) would be nice * can you please explain a bit more Flannel * :) I really want to hear more about that idea * well, like for my CD sleeves, all the text on there is borrowed from the official CD sleeves * the rev2 that's in the works isn't quite so much, and really, some of the wording is what's holding it up at 95% finished right now * We can do artwork as a community well, and we have been. But having a large repository of just text that I can copy/paste for flyers or brochures, or whatever, would make the creation of that stuff easier * "I need a paragraph that covers X and Y" "oh, here's one, hmm, a little too long, lets cut out that sentence" * instead of "what do we want to say about X and Y?" "alright, lets now revise it a few times" * That's the way I use to work with my marketing colleagues * That's one of the 'major' problems I've had when creating these things. (It's not a super big problem, but its what takes up most of the time) * what would such an activity be called? Text editos? * *editors * We usually fire up gobby and start by coming up with what topics we want to cover, and then writing sentences and combining them and culling bad stuff, etc. * see... You have a workflow that works. We need to document that and make that info available to other LoCos * This could all happen under SU too, instead of svgs and pngs and stuff, we just upload text documents, etc * or AMrketing contacts interested in helping out * If we get into the tagging stuff with drupal, it'd be a lot easier to categorize and expand into new things like this * yeah, that could be an idea * AliTabuger7, any thoughts on how we could implement that? * Yeah, it's something we can limp by doing, but i'm sure marketing people can churn it out much faster than we can * just like I can design electronics faster than they can. * certainly... I had a colleague which would always magically turn what I wrote into something really eatable marketing-wise * From what we said before (mind you, I don't do drupal), moving to a tagged set of content sounded doable, instead of strictly defined categories with an "other" category * Those same paragraphs/tidbits could easily be turned into presentations and other stuff too. * Flannel, that is true. And we could present SU in a more Web 2.0ish fashion with a cloud of tags in the side or something * people love that * but moving into a more "freeform" site would probably allow this stuff to happen much easier (certainly without administrator interaction), so *we* don't have to think about every possible way it can be used. It'll be used however the users can find ways to use it. * Makes it easier for the admin people and the users == Tracking (Bug/Question/Code) == * Bug opened to handle this idea/feature request and eventually implement it: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/spreadubuntu/+bug/462275 = Idea Template = == Tracking (Bug/Question/Code) == == Actors == == Work flow == == Process == == Frequency ==