<> * '''Date''': [[https://www.google.com/calendar/event?action=TEMPLATE&text=NSA%20Museum%20Tour&dates=20080802T100000/20080802T113000&details=Details%20Coming%20Soon&location=NSA%20Museum%20in%20Beltsville&ctz=America%2FNew_York|Saturday August 2, 2008]] * '''Time''': 10am * '''Location''': [[http://www.nsa.gov/museum/|National Cryptologic Museum]] [[http://www.nsa.gov/museum/museu00009.cfm|NSA's Map]] [[http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=39.1148,+-76.7748&ie=UTF8&ll=39.117775,-76.774821&spn=0.012419,0.02914&t=h&z=15&iwloc=addr|Google Maps]] == Additional Information == Please join us on July 9th for a joint presentation on [[http://www.gnupg.org|GnuPG]] at the July [[http://www.calug.org|Columbia Area Lug]] meeting. We will also be going over the procedure of how the keysigning will work at the NSA museum. Then at our regular LoCo team meeting we will have an open format. We'll go over any regular business that we need to attend to. Additionally any CALug members and others that want to show up for some hands on assistance with GnuPG are welcome. To get some history of cryptology the Columbia Area Linux Users Group and Ubuntu Maryland LoCo Team are presenting a field trip to the NSA's National Cryptologic Museum on August 2, 2008. The tour is scheduled to be about an hour and a half starting at 10am. After a guided tour of the museum we will be holding a GPG keysigning for those interested. If you only want to come for the key signing please feel free. This will occur after the tour so the approximate time would be 11:30-11:45 to begin. == Advertising == *[[http://calug.org/|Columbia Area Linux Users Group]] [[http://lists.unknownlamer.org/pipermail/calug/2008-May/000338.html|Mailing List]] == Keysigning Presentation From CALug == [[[attachment:keysigning_party.odp]]] <> == MD5SUMS == The MD5SUM for the event fingerprint list is f7d04837d8db6576fa8e370d9c28697c for those who need to confirm it. == Attendee List == Add yourself to the list below if you would like to attend the field trip. If you plan on bringing guests, please add the number in the "Guests" column, otherwise leave it blank. Please update the "Total Attending" as well. If you do not have, and do not wish to have, an account on the Ubuntu Wiki please email your name and the number attending to <> [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarylandTeam/Events/FieldTrips/NSAMuseum/AttendeesList?action=edit|Edit this list]] <>