<> * '''Date''': Sunday October 10, 2010 * '''Time''': 11 am - 4 pm * '''Location''': [[http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&q=westminster+community+pond&safe=off&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Westminster+Community+Pond&ll=39.595834,-76.995106&spn=0.028307,0.059309&t=h&z=14&iwloc=A|Westminster Community Pond]] == Additional Information == Join us to celebrate the release of the Maverick Meerkat at the first Maryland Geeknic! == Advertising == *[[http://calug.org/|Columbia Area Linux Users Group]] Mailing List *[[http://www.baltolug.org/|Baltimore Area Linux Users Group]] Mailing List == Attendee List == Add yourself to the list below if you would like to attend the Geeknic and what you will be brining along! If you plan on bringing guests, please add the number in the "Guests" column, otherwise leave it blank. Please update the "Total Attending" as well. [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarylandTeam/Events/Geeknic/1010/AttendeesList?action=edit|Edit this list]] <>