<> * '''Date''': Saturday, March 8, 2008 * '''Time''': 10:00am - 2:30pm * '''Location''': Loyola College Center for Community Informatics, 8890 Mc``Gaw Rd., Columbia, MD 21045 ([[http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=8890+McGaw+Rd,+Columbia,+MD+21045&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=47.349227,82.265625&ie=UTF8&z=16&iwloc=addr&om=1|Google Map]]) * '''Discussion''': * [[http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=680280|Official Forum Thread]] == Advertising and Promotional Materials == We manage our advertising using a custom Google map. This map keeps track of all of the brick-and-mortar locations friendly to group advertising flyers. This map may change as events are nearing, as it will be modified to reflect the current status of advertising attempts. See the [[MarylandTeam/Events/InstallFests/AdvertisingLocations|Advertising Locations]] page for information on how to advertise on online venues. * [[MarylandTeam/Events/InstallFests/AdvertisingLocations|Advertising Locations]] (General information on event advertising) * [[http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=106017942038319463394.000437bef4cedc41199d2&z=12|View the Google Map]] === Flyers, Handouts, etc. === * Flyer #1: [[attachment:InstallFest-2008March08.odt|ODT]], [[attachment:InstallFest-2008March08.pdf|PDF]] * Data Sheet: [[attachment:MarylandTeam/Events/InstallFests/InstallFestDataSheet.odt|ODT]], [[attachment:MarylandTeam/Events/InstallFests/InstallFestDataSheet.pdf|PDF]] * Release Agreement: [[attachment:MarylandTeam/Events/InstallFests/InstallFestReleaseForm.odt|ODT]], [[attachment:MarylandTeam/Events/InstallFests/InstallFestReleaseForm.pdf|PDF]] * [[attachment:MarylandTeam/Events/InstallFests/CDStand.tar.gz|CD Stands for LiveCD Display]] == TODO == * Make flyers or other promotional material * Post the flyers around the state. If you've found a community billboard that's friendly to Ubuntu, make a note of it on the [[MarylandTeam/Events/InstallFests/AdvertisingLocations|Advertising Locations]] page. * Post updated hardware and equipment list to the wiki (See above "Available Hardware"). * Make sure our equipment and supplies are ready. * Find or create a legal waiver. * Find or create a simple user manual with information on where to find assistance. * Look into the possibility of creating a presentation for new Ubuntu users. This can be shown at the install fest and also installed onto individual systems for review later.