<> = Meeting Details = * '''Date:''' Wednesday, August 1, 2007 * '''Location:''' IRC: #ubuntu-maryland on freenode. * '''Time:''' 7:00pm - 9:00pm ''(meeting may end earlier, but no later)'' == Agenda == * Update on Software Freedom Day activities planning * Discussion on [[MarylandTeam/OperationsTeams|OpsTeam]] leadership == IRC Log == {{{ There has to be more than 30 Ubuntu users/enthusiasts in Maryland. We just have to find a way to reach them. oO easily. more than 30, I mean. The other day I was walking through the grocery store wearing my Ubuntu shirt and someone stopped me and asked if I used Ubuntu, I told him I did and that he should join the LoCo team. I don't think he knew what I was talking about. lol. I got the impression he was questioning himself, "What teams? Ubuntu has teams? Is it the same Ubuntu I'm thinking of?" Well at least there are people who know what to look for yeah.. thats a problem.. Or people don't really care to get that involved.. Biovore, I think that that's the problem is getting people to participate In a big enough population, we can get enough to roll up their sleeves. Building the population is first. but that's doable, I think. It seems that roughly half of our members participate regularly. I imagine that ratio isn't too bad actually. It is doable, it's getting people to make a different choice that's difficult About half do participate, but from the meetings it doesn't always seem to be the same half either I don't think there have been enough yet to draw any conclusions. For instance, I've missed two out of, I think 4 but that shouldn't be an indicator long term This group is still in a relatively early stage (even though we've done quite a bit already). Is the current goal more participating members or more exposure in the community? I'm not blaming, it's just the short term observations JulianC, it's both I' one will hopefully follow the other Julian, did you join yet? that's what I was going to say, well people who are most into this kinda of stuff are college students.. Should push at the colleges Biovore: Agreed. I know at capitol-college they have there own dedicated ubuntu/debian mirror.. I think there are a number of populations that I'd consider "low hanging fruit" College kids would be one of them The over 50 crowd is another. well Today's college student's could be tomarrows leader.. Haven't joined on Launchpad yet. I'm still trying to figure out how involved I can be. I think the college kids have to find a way to use Ubuntu in their daily work And their daily play JulianC, You can join on the launchpad team to show your support A lot of major universities already have LUGs, but the smaller colleges usually don't have such a group. We had a couple of high school kids at one of our meetings, but they weren't there last time. I know when I was involved with the UMBC LUG years ago it was a small crowd JulianC: You've attended at least one meeting, and you've attended an install fest. I think that's enough to join. :) Just because you join doesn't mean you yeah.. capitol-college is the same way.. JulianC: ...doesn't mean you'll have to show up all the time or bust your hump. So, do we have an agenda tonite? The agenda is Install Fest and SFD Are there any ideas on SFD for presentations? what kind of stuff would people be intressed in.. which audience, specifically? ^ better question.. non-linux users? or each other? lamens probably.. Well I'm thinking non-linux users at this point as it will be at the library yeah.. basics of unix and understanding whats going on.. and this would be during an install fest? Are we sure that we want to try to do both simultaneously? I don't even think 'basics of unix' I'm thinking of demoing apps Judging by the last install fest, chaos is expected, and I don't think the atmosphere is very good for a presentations I wasn't at the last fest. What's the noise level? rhoderickj, I'd like to have a section for the curious to observe eye candy then? beryl - compfusion stuff? Oh, so you're thinking of something simple? Like a demo station? that type of thing, yes or stations with different things I've seen this model work with great success. but during the install fest, no? parma_, yes, during the install fest. One side installs, one demos ok. same room? well maybe needs some propoganda on why you should use free software.. people don't really get this yet.. why is it good/better then windows and other propriatary OSes parma_, perhaps. We may be able to annex some extra space I'm asking these logistical questions because the ambient noise level will dictate the type of Or provide some really good real-world examples of common use of open source software. presentation. The venue for that day is perfect for this. Biovore, I agree with the propaganda angle For instance, a speaker with an overhead vs. many small setups that people browse. parma_: I think you had a good point at the last meeting. We should focus at first on open formats and explain the fundamental differences between proprietary and open source file formats, etc. parma_, I m thinking overhead is a bit overkill for my thinking unless it's a running slide show show case open office? clearly the presentation needs to mesh with the venue. But, for instance, Josh, we can't effectively that's one idea, but keep in mind that the library is already a showcase to some degree explain file formats at little stations. I have not yet visited the East Columbia Library. Do we know how much space we will have to work with? Otoh, a stand up presentation won't be very effective with 30 people trying to install OSs right in the middle of it. yeah.. its more about short quick illistrations.. parma_: That's what I was thinking. I believe they need to be separate. I was hoping to get there today but couldn't make it How much time do we have on that day? I think I schedule from 1 hour after opening to one hour before close so we have set up time the schedule is for the public, we have the entire day Wow. That sounds like a marathon. Maybe we can do both. well it's open from 10-5 if I recall correctly Well that's 5 hours. How long did the last fest take? 9-6 on Saturdays. I think the last one was 5 or 6 hours we got there 9:30ish and left at 4 We didn't get there early enough to set up though 'kicking' people out the door about 3 Get any new recruits there? there were some new faces <-- Good deal. I found out you all existed there.. We are EVERYWHERE. We shall assimilate you. I ussualy hang out in #kubuntu and answer questions.. been doing that since dapper.. lol one of those 'K' users yup * Biovore like QT4 we'll keep you anyway Aye. like a mutated fish hehe.. :-P hehe So, Chuck, did you say that two rooms might be available? well I'm not sure if we'll be able to get more or not it depends on the turnout and what else may be going on there that weekend How did it come to be located there? However Amy, Luis, and the culture there are open to the Ubuntu ideas They had the room If we don't have a separate space, I'd recommend against a "presentation" during the install fest. Personally, I don't think we should do an install fest for SFD. presentation as in demos or overhead presentation I think we should go pure informational And give away CDs of course what's informational mean? I'm not sure that we can change the install fest at this point except we have those machines from the library, right? I think it's in the library publication we do have those, yes The problem I see with demos is that you don't reach many people at a time. If we're going to be doing demos, which systems would we use? Presentations are way more efficient. overhead, I mean. Informational = Presentations/demos/etc. I see. Well, I think we can do both, just not in the same room Well I just saw this on the calendar: http://host.evanced.info/hclibrary/lib/eventsignup.asp?ID=15049&rts=&disptype=&ret=eventcalendar.asp&pointer=&returnToSearch=&SignupType=&num=0&ad=&dt=mo&mo=9/1/2007&df=calendar&EventType=ALL&Lib=1&AgeGroup=ALL&LangType=0&WindowMode=&noheader=&lad= ok, that's greek in xchat. As much as I enjoy an install fest, it completely monopolizes our time and energy. I think we'd have more success with hosting an open room with multiple demo stations and free CDs with presentations. it's a link http://tinyurl.com/37en5z I'm with Josh on this, although I recognize the preexisting problem. forgot I had tinyurl Hmm... So they've already announced an install fest? Is that what I'm seeing? :) yes because that is what we decided at the June meeting when the ad had to be in the next day Okay, then I suggest we do one of two things: 1) Either abandon presentations in any real sense; or 2) Break up the team into two separate groups with two separate rooms and do both simultaenously I just don't think they'll play well together I'll see about a second room * dsmith_ (n=dsmith@c-76-114-154-224.hsd1.md.comcast.net) has joined #ubuntu-maryland Unless we did installs from, say, 10 - 2, and presentations from 2 - 3 or something rhoderickj, i like that idea Yes, that * dsmith_ has quit (Remote closed the connection) would work. * dsmith_ (n=dsmith@c-76-114-154-224.hsd1.md.comcast.net) has joined #ubuntu-maryland and maybe install 10-2:30 then 3-5 presentations Maybe a few installees might allow their systems to serve as a demo machine for a few minutes after a successful install. chuckf: That sounds good. gives us a little break as well That would require more successful installs, though. Again, though, demos only reach 2 or 3 at a time. parma_, if we go with this plan, we can do group demos parma_: Unless you have a digital projector :) how are group demos done? rhoderickj, I think we can get one from the library chuckf: If not, I'm sure we can rent one for the day well I'm thinking maybe a lightening talk situation huh? each speaker gets 10-15 minutes to do a presetation on a topic oh, I see. unless we have something/someone that wants to go longer I think we need to pick our target audience. That way we can tailor the presentation I'm thinking the general user potential windows refugee? the idea of Ubuntu is 'Linux for Humans' parma_: You have a good point about the audience. We could end up preaching to the choir... or scaring the hell out of newbies. parma_, that type, yes and those that might want to dig a little deeper, give them a tease but I don't want a presentation on the TCP stack yep We can pull this off, I think. I know we can if we get the audience I'm thinking 45 mins, with overhead screen AND HANDOUT. Must have handout to take with them Personalization of the desktop might be a good demo. Otherwise too much to digest in one sitting. yeah kiba-dock maybe.. 45 minutes total? I'm thinking let the talks go for 2 hours and announce the schedule It's a computing task that users at all levels of expertise do at some point. Way too long for new people to digest. people can come for what they want, and drop in and out of otheres chuckf: Do you really think we can get that many presentations together in a few weeks? Well, again, depends on the target aud. well we don't have to announce the entire schedule for a few weeks Besides, I admit it: I'm terrified of public speaking and you'd have to pull my teeth to get me to do it. :) Do you think we'll have enough volunteer speakers for this? And, nothing says we can't repeat the same thing a couple of times. parma_, true I speak in front of people all the time. rhoderickj, I'll be up there for at least one At the last install fest, people were there for an average of 2-3 hours, right? parma_: I can tell by the way you speak at the meetings. You're a great public speaker. Chuck too and I'm like you, I don't like it, but it's for the 'greater good' :) besides, a group like this is friendly Get people in the room, and we can do this. parma_: Would you like to be the OpsTeam leader for the Presentations team? Already volunteered at last mtg. Right on. I was just making sure that I didn't dream that. :) Never suggest solutions unless you're willing to be volunteered. Learned that in the marines! that's true I'm also working some local lugs and previous lug speakers for volunteers as well lol The presentations team should talk specifics offline between now and the next in-your-face meeting Agreed. maybe we can do another irc chat that's easy enough Same for the install fest team I think we really need to break up the responsibility by the opsteams so we each know our responsibilities err... that was a recursive statement but you get the point yeah Hey chuck, did you ever catch up with Mr Hastings for his email address? He had some good points I'd like to take advantage of. I sent him an email the other day, have not heard back Hmmm. Windows pain points, for example. I'll send a follow up tonight one thing that I don't want to focus on is the 'windows is evil' mantra Nah. Not necessary. I understand the pain points, but hopefully you get my evil line Of course. Besides, it's Microsoft that's evil, not windows! unless you were told that you're running a pirated copy :) after paying for it I consider it low hanging fruit to introduce people to an OS that doesn't require them to by McAfee, for instance that is a plus Surf without spyware All kinds of advantages AND FREE * CraigYounkins (n=xxx@c-69-138-194-105.hsd1.md.comcast.net) has joined #ubuntu-maryland <_< the Free should be focused on For newbies, free as in beer is more important than free as in speech. CraigYounkins, arent you hacking out in vegas? But we have to make sure that they know it's free as in kittens. chuckf: Er... well. <_< I lost track of my days. i fly out Friday But the maintenance is easier. sorry about that. Later on, the free as in speech begins to matter more. true CraigYounkins, that's right you're doing defcon, not blackhat Also, it's important to point out the package system. I think that's one Linux's greatest advantages. No searching for apps via the internet; and the apps you DO find are reputable because they're packaged by MOTUs for Ubuntu. right-on. That isn't even on people's radar screen. rhoderickj, that is important and maybe we can demo installing a new package from 'find the app in synaptic to installing and demoing chuckf: The hat I wear is many colors. chuckf: good idea. They don't know they miss it, because it's unheard-of. but they'll WANT it. they will So what else do we need to cover? Do we have leaders yet for the Marketing Team and Install Fest team? Craig: I nominate you for install fest. You rock. lol thanks, I nominate myself too :P Second cool, it's passed then What about marketing? And in writing too. :) the one thing I need help with is physically managing the GX100 machines the library is giving us CraigYounkins, do you know if John wants to co-chair with you on this? probably does. and he's quite welcome to! How many GX100s again? I forgot the quantity. If any team has two leaders, it should definitely be the install fest team if John wants it I suggest we give it to him as he did a lot for us we never got an exact could JulianC, it was about 60 or so. agreed What's the matter with the GX100s? well, i'm working out an imaging system for them first problem is i think i've got a bad one. CraigYounkins, what kind of help do you need? second, we need to get them out of the library to store them I thought luis could store those, not the monitors i really have no idea. i need contact info for him... i don't think i have it. CraigYounkins, If i dont' email you with it by the end of the night, ping me OK. are we registered for SFD yes last week By the way, I want to remind everyone to USE THE WIKI. Especially the opsteam pages. That's what it's there for. It's a great organizational tool to keep us up on our TODO list. great, we are getting free crap? rhoderickj, good point CraigYounkins, I don't know CraigYounkins, If it shows up, then yes hmm free crap.. worth every penny What's next? Install fest photos are up: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarylandTeam/Events/InstallFests/2007July21 heh, just looking at those you got the info I take it? Cool chuckf: Give a few of us forum admin power please. chuckf: Yeah, I got it. Thanks. I second Craig's notion. CraigYounkins, I'm waiting on info lol Josh you make this a constant democracy. it's great. ha. I'm not saying it formally... that's how I talk. Online anyway. :) what about a lead for Marketing I don't think we have enough folk here to decide on a marketing leader obviously, that team will be working closely with mine. I'd take the job myself but I'm already leading the Web team and I don't think two teams should have the same leader it will, yes good deal what about going to the East library branch? rhoderickj, if you want the task, feel free to take it Will we have enough space, power, etc? chuckf: Maybe I will for now. CraigYounkins, I'm going this week chuckf: Regardless of who's leading, I'll do whatever's necessary to help out. That's the spirit. yeah i guess i should get down there rhoderickj, I'm not pushing you to do it, but as it is vacant and if you want a name tonight, it's you Second! i dunno i kind of agree with Josh Nothing needs to be permanent two teams with the same leader defeats the purpose of separate teams.. CraigYounkins, we can always name someone new next week if they step up I'll be the ACTING leader, until someone else takes the position. exactly lol OK CraigYounkins, no, because the volunteers may be different Ok, in the next couple of days, I'm going to post on the wiki (if I can figure out how) an outline for presenting to windows refugees We can flesh out the topics as we go and develop parma_: Sounds good. Don't be afraid to contact me if you need any help wikifying your stuff. parma_, remember that there may already be wiki pages on that topic in the rest of the site Yeah. I'm sure I'm going to flail about some. whats going on Good point Chuck hi dsmith_ MN state bridge collapsed :( if the efforts are already out there, don't duplicate them is my motto I have more work to do on the opsteam wikis. I've already found a bunch of helpful links for each team and I'll be posting them in the next few days. Josh thank you for all your work on the wiki. I stink at 'em and really appreciate your work CraigYounkins: You're welcome. I'm glad to help. hi chuck and everyone else hi hi hi Do we have anything else to discuss? Logo? Yeah, that's a good point. In case anyone didn't catch it, there's a thread in the forums about a team logo we... need a logo? No, we don't need one. dont make this too complicated KISS It's really a way to build espirit well if someone comes up with one or more, great * dsmith_ wonders how long it was before Apple had a logo I like the idea of a logo, but like so much else I'm not stressed over it Take a look at the thread in the forums if you're interested in what's already been discussed logo-wise I'm graphically challenged. yeah i think we have bigger things to worry about Yes, I don't think anyone considers a logo to be a priority we really need to start advertising *now* And if my brother gets some time he said that he'll try to whip something up I was going to give it a go just to learn GIMP however don't hold your breath for that one I looked for the standard logos... we have a month and a half 'till this install fest... chuck please send me an email about the place and anything different that we'll need this time. tables, chairs? after you visit it i mean you did explicitly reserve the place didn't ya? CraigYounkins, I'll let you know, and it's on the library's calendar http://tinyurl.com/37en5z Start Time: 10:00 PM End Time: 5:00 AM GG Whoops! Sorry, I can't make it after all. lol it's a nighttime campout thing ! Need my beauty sleep parma_, yeah, we'll miss you but we'll be happy you slept uh... huh... :) he he Dude, who brought the doughnuts last time? * chuckf did Nice! the krispy kremes Thanks for that. They were awesome. I hope we see more doughnuts at the next event. ;) JulianC brought the holes we'll have to decide if we're doing food for everyone or just us. Oh, I didn't see any holes. rhoderickj, I plan to get them again How do you do the emote thing? 10 pm to 5 am? I would go more with snacks. CraigYounkins, I'm thinking of doing the same pizza type thing if the crowd's the same size Many installees will likely not be there all day. Pizza worked out well chuckf: Well, i'm hoping it will be quite a bit bigger, especially if we are giving away these computers! rhoderickj, emote thing? wow.. * chuckf like this emote thing? Website says $50 each chuckf: yes, that thing talk about late night partying / me wtf? Usage: ME , sends the action to the current channel (actions are written in the 3rd person, like /me jumps) rhoderickj, type /me whatever * rhoderickj drools Oh, okay Now I am empowered heh * rhoderickj is empowered. parma_, that's not my choice, it's a library thing reminds me of college um so are we gonna get the time fixed? CraigYounkins, are we giving away the computers at the install fest? parma_, I'll see how firm that price it s/it/is CraigYounkins, yeah It's going to be a busy day and fun }}}