Ubuntu Maryland Local Community Team







Meeting Details



Started talking in ubuntu-us-md on Wednesday 02/06/2008 06:49:18 PM

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-> phr0ze has joined ubuntu-us-md

phr0ze hi all

cyounkins pdragon isn't here eitther

phr0ze ohh well.

-> istarex has joined ubuntu-us-md

istarex Is this the MD Loco team meeting?

cyounkins indeed!

phr0ze yes

istarex so, installfest

cyounkins Yep, i'm handling that

phr0ze Yes, it'll be great

istarex is there any way I can help?

phr0ze Are you able to attend?

istarex probably

istarex it's a Saturday right?

cyounkins Yes.

phr0ze Thats great. The more people who help, the better.

cyounkins You can help by assisting people, donating hardware for the day, and putting up flyers

istarex I can do some of that stuff

phr0ze We usually need someone to bring monitors, there are never enough.

cyounkins as far as hardware, we can always use mice, keyboards, switches, power strips, and KVMs

cyounkins we can borrow monitors from their facilities

cyounkins but they do help greatly

phr0ze last time we only got 4 at that place. it was tight. We had more KVMs than monitors

istarex I live in Western MD (Frederick area), so if anybody out here needs a ride, I can give it

phr0ze Wow, we have several frederick people. Perhaps one of them would appreciate it.

cyounkins You might want to see about carpooling with Josh. he lives in frederick

phr0ze I have a suggestion for this install fest

cyounkins let's hear it

phr0ze It seems it's too much to handle 4 computers on one KVM. Most of them sit IDLE for a long time.

phr0ze Lets limit 2 per

cyounkins I've got to post on the forum about the presentation on laptops.... </random thought>

cyounkins hmm.. okay. we can do that

cyounkins it would be easier if we didn't run into problems with every single computer

phr0ze We can always start putting spill overs on the 4 kvms, but only if we have to.

cyounkins where on Earth is Josh and Chuck...

phr0ze I have no idea. I bet they show up at 8


phr0ze Any other suggestions for the install fesT?

cyounkins none from me...

istarex beer?

cyounkins heh

phr0ze yeah, that would be nice

istarex Alright, here's a question for you guys

istarex other than hosting installfests, what does a LoCo team do?

cyounkins our aim is to promote Ubuntu in our community

cyounkins we're working on presentations at senior centers (one has happened)

cyounkins other than that, we have done very little as a team

phr0ze We are always looking for ideas.

phr0ze chuck is on his way

-> chuckf has joined ubuntu-us-md

chuckf howdy

phr0ze Hey Chuck

chuckf sorry, I lost track of the days

phr0ze I lost track of the time. No biggie.

chuckf so what's going on?

phr0ze Not much. istarex is in Frederick and offered to possibly give others in the area a ride to the install fest

cyounkins *sigh*

phr0ze Craig gave up already.

chuckf on this chat?

phr0ze hehe.

cyounkins i'm tired. i pulled an all nighter monday night, and I have a lot of work. and i'm a litle fed up with this team

phr0ze He has been here since 6:45

chuckf ah,

chuckf unfortunatly I didn't remember this chat until John just im'd me

chuckf sorry that you had to pull the all nighter

phr0ze Perhaps we should discontinue the scheduled chat meetings and have impromptu chat meetings as needed.

chuckf that works for me

chuckf I know that most of these mettings are poorly attended anyway

phr0ze I think these were designed to include Josh and other distance members in some meetings.

chuckf that was the intent

phr0ze But they dont seem to be working. I think we should try to plan a Fredrick meeting

phr0ze I am willing to go to one if someone else can drive.

cyounkins i'd like to see a Frederick meeting as well

chuckf I can go, but unfortunatly it's wouldn't be convient to give you a ride out there from columbia

phr0ze I attend another group that meets at a TGI fridays and it works out well. Fridays doesn't mind if its a week night. We can call to be sure they are willing.

-> rhoderickj has joined ubuntu-us-md

phr0ze I can meet you.

phr0ze Josh!

rhoderickj Hey

rhoderickj Sorry for being so late

phr0ze We weren't talking about you, I swear

chuckf hiya josh

rhoderickj lol

chuckf well if you wanted to come down to Olney I can give you a ride from my place

cyounkins hey...

phr0ze I can do that.

phr0ze Craig, can you go to Olney to meet for a carpool?

phr0ze Josh, we are trying to plan a meeting local to you

rhoderickj To me? Why?

chuckf to see what kind of turnout is there

phr0ze There are several frederick members. It would help build support

cyounkins you're sweating details, we don't have a location

rhoderickj Oh, okay. I think that would be a good idea.

rhoderickj Let me check with the library

rhoderickj I'll call them tomorrow

phr0ze heh. Like I said, my other group meets at a Fridays. I would think theirs would be willing

phr0ze I'll call them if you all like.

rhoderickj Look here: http://www.fcpl.org/information/meetingrooms/index.htm

chuckf that works for me

rhoderickj I recommend that we try for the C. Burr Artz branch first

rhoderickj If that fails, then the Urbana branch will do

chuckf well do we want to do the friday's first to get an idea of the turnout?

rhoderickj When were you trying to set this up for?

rhoderickj Yeah, that's fine with me

phr0ze The library rooms do have openings here and there. So with a good lead it should be easy to get a room.

chuckf either place works for me

rhoderickj Did you guys discuss the flyer?

chuckf looking at the google map, we might want to meet up in cooksville and carpool from there

cyounkins John, will you explain your idea for the second type of flyer?

rhoderickj You don't have to repeat yourself. I'll read the log.

cyounkins it's not in the log

chuckf although here or there it's not a huge difference in distance

phr0ze Called Fridays in Frederick.

phr0ze The manager named Jeff said Mon-Wed is best and to call a week or two in advance but it will be fine.

chuckf the second wednesday of the month is bad for me, but otherwise I'm pretty flexible

rhoderickj We might want to set up our web site before the Frederick meeting... so we can use it as a tool to promote it.

phr0ze The idea for the second flyer is to nat talk so much about ubuntu features, but appeal with the lower cost devices these manufacturers are making with linux on them.

phr0ze Such as the EEE PC and the Walmart PC

phr0ze We definately need to advertise that meeting because there are probably locals which haven't considered joining due to distance.

chuckf that is a factor

rhoderickj phr0ze: Exactly. I think having the web site will make it much easier.

phr0ze We should post a few messages on boards. And have a link to the website Josh suggested.

chuckf and we can utilize a wiki page for the time being if needed

rhoderickj Yes, I can post to the Frederick News Post forums (I already post there, they know me). And I can post to the Gazette.

rhoderickj I can also post a craigslist listing, although I don't know if it would do much good

phr0ze it wouldn't hurt. I can put it in my sig perhaps in a few forums.

rhoderickj Oh, and I still have contacts at Hood College, so I can speak with them and ask if they'll let the comp. sci. club know

phr0ze That would be great

chuckf well it won't hurt to put something on craigs list

cyounkins can we set a datee?

phr0ze I'd say we could conduct a real meeting at fridays in a group of 8 or less. However, a groupd larger than 8 would be more of a social gathering. We need to decide if we care.

phr0ze And we need to tell people to RSVP.

chuckf well I think basing it as a social gathering to begin with would be a better idea

cyounkins brb

phr0ze It would if the goal is to build members.

chuckf and just kind of get a feel for what people want as a regular meeting, then book the library if we get enough positive feedback

rhoderickj So this would sort of be just a social gathering of Ubuntu users, enthusiasts, and people who are curious?

phr0ze sounds good.

phr0ze sure

rhoderickj okay, great

phr0ze If there is large enough interest, someone local to frederick can coordinate meetings. If not, we could maybe meet there quarterly or less.

chuckf so if we have 8 people vs 25 we can kind of change things as it flows

phr0ze yeah. Hopefully we'll have an idea of the size before we call fridays.

phr0ze She should have taken the deal

rhoderickj Yeah, I could probably run the local meetings if there were enough interest, but I'm often big on ambition and short on time and energy

phr0ze me too. A lot of us are.

chuckf I could probably make regular meetings out there

phr0ze Lets make the decision after the meeting turn out. This time we should collect email addresses

chuckf we'll do a signin sheet

rhoderickj Right. Like Craig said, we should set a date

rhoderickj We can iron out the details as we get closer to it. All we need right now is a date and venue.

phr0ze Ok. Someone pick a Mon Tue or Wed. And make sure Josh can get to it.

rhoderickj After the install fest?

phr0ze I dont care. More or less, what ever we feel we can get interest for.

phr0ze Wed are best for me.

rhoderickj March 26?

rhoderickj That would be the fourth Wed in march

cyounkins back

rhoderickj Three weeks after the install fest

chuckf I'm thinking before the install fest would be better

chuckf if we get interested people we can say, come out on the 8th

phr0ze The Wed of.

chuckf so how does the 27th sound?

phr0ze so its fresh in minds

rhoderickj Good point

rhoderickj Feb 27?

chuckf that give a week and a half to plan

chuckf yeah, feb 27

phr0ze Yeah, why not.

cyounkins i'm good

rhoderickj Okay, that's fine with me

rhoderickj 7pm?

phr0ze Josh try to hit those ad spots this week

chuckf that should work

chuckf depending on traffic and such, but it shouldn't be too bad by then

phr0ze How long will it take to get there Chuck?

rhoderickj Okay

rhoderickj It takes me about 40 min to get from Frederick to Columbia

chuckf I'm thinking it's about 40 minutes from here, but I'll check with peg to confirm that

phr0ze I'm concerned about the traffic at 6PM

rhoderickj It shouldn't be too bad, but we could push it back to 8pm to be safe

chuckf accoding to google maps it's about 50 minutes

phr0ze Well, if we leave at 6, we should be good. If we're late, we'll count on Josh to shake hands

rhoderickj Yeah, no worries. I don't think you'll have too much trouble with the traffic. The worst of it is coming up 270 -- where I'm coming from work.

rhoderickj 70 west is usually not too bad

rhoderickj until you pass the 270/15 intersection

rhoderickj and you won't be goign any farther than that to go to Friday's

phr0ze This sounds like a great plan. 7PM at Fridays.

chuckf well the 270 is the way that we'll be coming from olney

rhoderickj You might want to shoot up to 70 and go west

rhoderickj But, either way, I'm coming up 270... I work in Rockville, so I don't have much of a choice.

phr0ze Craig, I can drive us to Chucks

cyounkins how far away do you live from me?

chuckf we could do the 70 route possibly

rhoderickj Where are you two coming from?

chuckf craig and john are in columbia

cyounkins yeah, pretty close too

phr0ze I guess we would have room for 1 other passenger either in Olney or Columbia.

rhoderickj In the wiki, should I set this up as an event or a meeting?

chuckf I do have a two door cavalier, so the back seat will be tight for two long legged people

phr0ze Shotgun

chuckf event

chuckf hehe

rhoderickj lol

cyounkins dammit.

phr0ze Meeting

chuckf meeting sure

phr0ze Meetings should be defined as a member thing and events should be more of a public thing

rhoderickj So, meeting or event?

cyounkins meeting

rhoderickj Okay.

chuckf meeting

rhoderickj Oh Craig, dude, thanks for the guilt trip in my inbox


phr0ze Craig is good at that

chuckf and with so few words too

phr0ze I plan to bring my info for key signing too


rhoderickj I'll make a note of that in the wiki

phr0ze Thanks.

chuckf that could be a standing thing I think

phr0ze Yeah, but we should remind people for things like this

chuckf for anyone who wants to do keysignings at an event they should feel free to bring thier info

phr0ze Are we allowed to print ubuntu business cards?

chuckf if you are an ubuntu member, yes

chuckf to use the logo

phr0ze hmm. Ok. I thought we could as part of this Ubuntu MD thing

chuckf https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BusinessCards

chuckf I think we can do a generic team card without logos

phr0ze I'll look at the process of becoming a member. I just wanted something specifically for these meetings

chuckf well if we do just a text card I don't see a problem with that

chuckf I thought you wanted a business card with your info on it

phr0ze No biggie. I may be able to swing the membership.

chuckf if there's a CC meeting between now and then

phr0ze ohh. man that sux.

chuckf but we can do generic cards for the team

phr0ze Well. I'm going to sign off now. I'm glad this meeting picked up some momentum.

chuckf take care John and I'll see you in a few weeks

phr0ze Later all.

<- phr0ze has left ubuntu-us-md

chuckf anyone else got anything?

cyounkins nay.. i've got work...

rhoderickj I was just putting up the wiki page

rhoderickj https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarylandTeam/Meetings/2008February27

chuckf good luck with that craig

chuckf can you put a signup area on there as well josh?

rhoderickj Yep

rhoderickj Craig, we'll have to start an e-mail convo about the web site

cyounkins yeah we will

rhoderickj Better yet. Forum thread.

chuckf do you want to get the basic ideas out between the two of you then do the forum thing?

cyounkins We'll figure it out later... i don't have the time right now

rhoderickj Yeah, we'll talk about it soon

rhoderickj I'll post a forum thread once the real discussion has begun... if there is any.

rhoderickj I have a feeling it won't be too difficult

rhoderickj Anyway, I'll talk with you guys later. Sorry again for showing up so late.

chuckf np

rhoderickj Oh, Craig, will you send me the log or post it on the wiki?

cyounkins yeah I'll post it the wiki now

rhoderickj Okay, thanks. Take care!

cyounkins see ya!

<- rhoderickj has left ubuntu-us-md

chuckf okay craig, I'm outta here too

chuckf good luck with your work

cyounkins thanks

cyounkins see ya

<- chuckf has disconnected ("Quitting this place")

MarylandTeam/Meetings/2008February06 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:37:21 by localhost)