## page was renamed from MassachusettsTeam/Events/ReleaseParties/MassachusettsTeam/Events/ReleaseParties/8.04-HardyHeron <> '''What:''' Release party for Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron '''Where:''' [[http://www.globebarandcafe.com|Globe Bar & Grill]]<
> 565 Boylston St<
> Boston, MA 02116<
> (617) 778-6993<
> '''When:''' April 24th, 2008 7pm till we pass out '''Who:''' ''YOU!'' There will also be other Ubunteros, developers, geeks, fans, delicious foods, and tasty beers '''Pictures from the previous release party:''' [[http://gallery.ubuntu-ma.us/?g2_itemId=205|Gutsy Gibbon Release Party]] == Answers to All Your Questions == Finger foods will be available (feel free to donate a few bucks). Servers will be around for dinner from the menu, and drinks so bring plenty of cash. '''How do I get there?''' [[http://maps.google.com/maps?f=l&hl=en&geocode=&q=globe+bar+%26+grill&near=Boston,+MA&ie=UTF8&ll=42.352201,-71.072037&spn=0.00712,0.023518&z=16&iwloc=A|Google maps]]( [[http://maps.google.com/maps?f=l&hl=en&geocode=&q=globe+bar+%26+grill&near=Boston,+MA&ie=UTF8&layer=c&cbll=42.350392,-71.076285&cbp=1,338.3034672193804,,0,4.4306358145804365&ll=42.353787,-71.07429&spn=0.00712,0.023518&z=16|Street View]] ) to ''565 Boylston St, Boston, MA.'' The nearest T stop is the ''[[http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=copley+square&sll=42.359686,-71.058884&sspn=0.056954,0.188141&ie=UTF8&ll=42.351,-71.076661&spn=0.00178,0.005879&z=18&layer=c&cbll=42.350111,-71.077241&cbp=1,341.39817346982886,,1,-0.6247690603780892|Copley Square]]'' stop on the Green Line. We will be on the mezzanine, just go all the way back past the bar and bathrooms and up the stairs. '''I don't run Ubuntu yet. Should I come?''' Sure. Bring a laptop. You can try not get beer spilled on it and we can try to set you up with HardyHeron. '''I still have friends who don't use Ubuntu. Can they come?''' Sure. Tell them to bring their laptop. See above. == RSVP == If you are planning on attending, please add your name to the list below. We need a head count so we can reserve a big enough table. * Martin Owens ([[DoctorMO]]) * Mike Rushton ([[Leftyfb]]) * Sara Abbott ("deviousdragen") * T-Burn (avila) * Jason M Normand * Jonathan M. Prigot * Rebecca L. Prigot * Aaron Sherman * YuriyKozlov * Dan Horan ([[MoneyD]]) +1 (my newly converted Ubuntu useing roommate) * Carter McKendry (+1) * RossPeoples * Rachael Anderson * Cameron Cope (maccam94) -- I'll be arriving on a plane from Washington D.C. at 9pm, I'll call ahead to see if the party is still going. Can someone save me a CD? * Dan Boateng (aka dannamite) -- I'm new to Linux and excited about this meeting. * Matt Lee * StevePomeroy If you are embarrassed that all your Windows friends will find out about your Ubuntu habit you can RSVP in secret by emailing Martin Owens at doctormo@gmail.com. See you there!