- Not just “all installing” perhaps one on one support.
- Some sort of teaching of Ubuntu for those who aren't sure what ubuntu is.
Pre-Made Presentations exist, JackDaniels knows of them; but the group would like modfied versions for Mass.
- October 13th as the new date for the install-fest
- Talk to John (jabber) about a BLU/Ubuntu Joint install-fest for a go-to guy for a room at M.I.T. (put on wiki)
- Think about name change to something more generic, Not only installations.
- ubuntu-fest
- linuxfest
- Geek-fest
- Install-fests should be in a public place, comfortable and inviting. none exclusive event.
- The BLU group has the right idea and structure, but are very cut-off from how they advertise and plan dates.
- Installfest room should be larger then those of the BLU meeting if we are advertising in a big way.
- Gutsy release is coming up in OCT after the possible installfest in September
- contact with dell turned up as not helpful from Brian D...who had a couple e-mail conversations with them.
- Small computer shops perhaps get some pamphlets so when people come to us and ask for where to buy a new computer with ubuntu, we have suggestions...also, as a “once people purchased” they can come to installfests or info nights to learn more fun things they can do with the computer.
- Organizers collaberative-(aaron mentioned)- It's a free database/ seminar which would be open source type people, or programmers...who usually go to it...Last one was in June, but there will probably be more in the future, They are sponsored by O'Reily. Need to look into it further, but possibly we could have a chance to talk at it...and give a little “use ubuntu”
- DoctorMO has a few contacts in the local rags for when we have a settled date and will look into creating a press release (Globe, Herald etc).
- MIT, see BLU and John (jabber) for details.
- Libraries (Cambridge public library)
- Cambridge Community television
- Wha tis open source, why ubuntu, why should people care.
New Meeting place
something accessible to drivers and train takers) Not too loud, but for people under drinking age.
- Warm
- Parking
- City commuters/easy to get to
- Power plugs (optional)
- Wifi/internet accessibility
- Close to food, cheapish
- Public Libraries possible
Case Badge Project
- Donations for the ubuntu group badges: thank you to Jack D., Yuriy K., Jason N. and Martin O. For donations!
- Ubuntu-MA now fully paid up to get 400 case badges.
- Final design selected (black)
- Other orders and money still coming in, enough orders received to get very good deal.
T-Shirt Project
- t-shits handed out ($15 each)
- Jason - Paid
- BF “Brian” - Paid
Brian DeLacey - Paid
- Jack Daniels - Paid
- Yuriy Kozlov - Paid
- Aaron - Paid
- Martin Owens - Paid for one of two still owe $15
School and educational prospects
- Talking to schools to see if we could see where they are with linux and/or ubuntu
- Let them know we exist for training and understanding, filling in any gaps
- Watertown possibly made a switch, but perhaps it was an armanian school? Has 2 ubuntu computers...the computer teacher is pushing it as a forward progression in the computers...
- Pressure from PTA groups to use only Windows computers needs overcoming.
- Talk to mass department of education about what ubuntu is, and how it could “improve” the quality of education, and present a financial benefit
Upcoming Events
- Ubuntu Developer Summit in Boston, November, devs form Boston encourage to sign up.
- Have a phone number to call for people who get lost to meetings.
- Have an updated member list.