
Scheduled Time: 7:00 PM EST Thursday, January 29th, 2009
Scheduled Location: Wiesner Building, E15
map Streetview 20 Ames Street
Cambridge, MA 02139

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Meeting Chair: Martin Owen
Meeting Minutes by: Steve Pomroy

Agenda Items

The following agenda items were proposed for this meeting:


The following team members were present during this meeting:

Physically Present:

Virtually Present:

Action Items

See progress for Action Items here


Group Introduction (Martin)

Describing basic parts of how a loco works. Haven't had a meeting in about 2 months due to holidays Main aims of group:

advocate use of free software in general.

Saturday, need one person there.

Teaching Program

One program that's running is a program at the south end technical center every Tuesday from 7-9pm.

Mel King runs this and we help out; we train people how to use the basic operating system. Mel makes sure they are trained and then gives them a recycled computer for free.
People will come back for extra things, such as uploading pictures to their ipod or download music.
We've had quite a few people, looking for different things, but doesn't happen too often.
Want to encourage it, so martin is creating a network of these types of facilities and the communities behind them.
Martin teaching [person from a facility] about ubuntu, for the goal of expanding the available reach.
Looking to help out places that don't have computer labs and get them involved.
Plenty of people out there who want to learn how to use computers without paying a lot of money.
First thing is to build the network of communities, South End of boston has a particularly high number of community centers.
We can't touch enough people by ourselves. we need to leverage our skills.


there; great place for people to talk with people about ubuntu and play with it, good place to practice; Johnathan Prigot spent an hour with someone, teching them. found it exhausting.

spread to other community centers

offer more computers to teach on

poorest communities; great way to get in touch with those most in need

rewiring; students messed with wiring, need to redo it

[someone please post link to poster]

Any comments about poster?
Going to use instead of wiki for loco materials:, link sent to mailing list in an email.

english? around south end, many spanish speakers, portugese too.

do novel and interesting things on their own.

to learn?"; you should want to develop some courses

... first while of teaching them, need to figure out where they're at ... if we want to be more formal, we can go by the curriculum.

not enough for me

... pretty good; sat through all of them

Working with Schools (leftyfb)

Now Mike is bringing up working with schools A lot of people in the group are related to the industry

Setermining how does Ubuntu fit into the classroom and making sure we know what to talk about, finding right people to talk to and the right training for them

support the schools, educating them is important ... for instance Greenpages is a big company that helps out schools, and they are windows people ... so when they know and could answer questions about better or cheaper ways to do things ... so that they can provide bids for both Windows and Ubuntu

manage and submit to governments. All the software that does is Proprietary

ago; teacher's computers need to be like students' computers

... need to think of this as the whole

changing their IT ... needs to be a business.

community teaching and make progress with making people feel comfortable. When the day does come, there won't be so much resistance from teachers and sys admins.

... better as they're independent, not constrained by state; smaller budget still ... primarily concerned with getting kids moving from grade to grade; deal with MCAS which has hijacked what goes on in schools; the process means tools are somebody's choice, but not what drives the focus; ... integrators don't care, they just know what integrates, nothing to do with teachers

administrators have that kind of control; done this for fitchburg state; ... don't have the toolset to compete with that yet

company to talk to

non-profits? I used to work for a buddhist non-profit, and IT was a constant disaster.

Identica (Mike)

It's a tool, like twitter but open source; ... groups; one of groups created is !ubuntuma

posted to mailing list every so often.

... don't want this to be a separate column of communication

Video/Audio conferencing/broadcasting for meetings

... speaking of communication, one request in the past was recording this

aspect too ... lots of people coming to this without much technical knowledge danbhfive: skype replacement: I briefly tested, and it seems to maybe work.

skype works all the time!

Open Floor (All)


MassachusettsTeam/Meetings/Minutes/2009-01-29 (last edited 2009-02-27 06:26:15 by pool-68-163-152-38)