
Scheduled Time: 7:00 PM EST Thursday, February 26th, 2009
Scheduled Location: Wiesner Building, E15
map Streetview 20 Ames Street
Cambridge, MA 02139

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Meeting Chair: Martin Owens
Meeting Minutes by: Sarah Abbot and Chris Butler

Agenda Items

The following agenda items were proposed for this meeting:


The following team members were present during this meeting:

Physically Present:

Virtually Present:

Action Items

See progress for Action Items here


Group Introduction (Martin)

Action In Review (Martin)

Sugar Sticks (Walter)

Welcome walter to the floor. He is here to present on a project he is doing at the thomas gardener school in austin. He is working on a project called Sugar OS Which is a new way of distributing a sugar program which is a softwere suit for elementary school kids for learning.

Community Teaching (Martin)

We want others to get involved with the technology center. People do come to the tech center...and do need help. Martin feels it's important that people join those tuesday nights for community nights. We hope to get people to learn and to teach. Teaching ubuntu is also good because it gets you to be able to explain ubuntu better.

Fun Group Things

We would like to continue to run an event just for the fun of it. Some ideas follow.

Flash Talk (Brian)

Meshnetoworking, wii remoting (wii remote talk to pc) and GPS in a netbook running ubuntu, Not a gps for a car, but get more then a 300 dollar gps from a store shelf

Open Floor (All)


MassachusettsTeam/Meetings/Minutes/2009-02-26 (last edited 2009-02-28 06:36:27 by pool-68-163-152-38)