= Introduction =
'''Scheduled Time:''' 7:00 PM EST Thursday, August 27^th^, 2009 <
'''Scheduled Location:''' [[http://www.tech-center-enlightentcity.tv/ | South End Technology Center (SETC)]]
'''Join On Freenode IRC Channel''' [[irc://irc.freenode.net/ubuntu-us-ma|#ubuntu-us-ma]] <
'''Meeting Chair:''' Martin Owens (doctormo) <
'''Meeting Minutes by:''' Unknown<
= Present =
The following team members were present during this meeting:
'''Physically Present:''' <
* Martin Owens (doctormo), Programmer
* Mike Terry (mterry), Canonical Programmer
* Timothy Konick (tim)
* Doc Keen (doc)
'''Virtually Present:''' <
* Felicia
* Bill (BillN1VUX)
* Elizabeth (|izzie)
= Agenda Items =
The following agenda items were proposed for this meeting:
* Introductions (everyone)
* Review of last month's [[../../../ActionItems|Action Items]]
* PiCon report (doctormo or Jonathan)
* Games event report (leftyfb)
* Open Floor (everyone)
= Action Items =
See progress [[../../../ActionItems|for Action Items here]]
= Proceedings =
Martin's talking about PiCon
Jonathon manned the table
And set it up and was awesome
i wish i was there!
3 days of PiCon
We had a table in dealer's room, a bit out of the way
Gave out CDs, roved around, talked about Ubuntu
Most people were aware of Ubuntu
People would agree, tell their friends that it was good
We offered to do live installs
and did, on at least one windows xp netbook
gave out about 50 cds
We need a new banner, or find old one
Advised to go to arisia
how much space did they use in the room?
feliciaATcapestr felicia_
felicia_, a table about 6ftx4ft
against a wall near the door
trying to figure out how to share a room at Arisia
we had 2 laptops, a netbook, and a printer
for printing signs, posters, comic
sounds good
yeah, we're talking about who exactly will drive arisia
feliciaATcapestr felicia_
felicia_ is offering space, rick said he'd go
but martin is concerned that we need someone to 'organize' it
Back to PiCon, lots of authors that used Ubuntu
or had at least heard of it
i need a serious team, all my effort will have to be on my own stuff Ican only offer space
feliciaATcapestr felicia_
felicia_, right
Compared to last PiCon, lots more had heard of Ubuntu
Someone else at the table, I don't know him (Dreads)
ripe for conversion!
Out of agenda argument with some random guy
martin: mike's report on gaming event
martin: we'll defer that, since mike's not here, hasn't written about it
That's all on the agenda.../.
light this month
open floor
feliciaATcapestr felicia_
felicia_, anything you wanted to say?
felicia_ feliciaATcapestr mterry -- if we need an Arisian in charge for planning, not Felicia and not Martin, it could be me.
BillN1VUX beantown
BillN1VUX, wait one sec, tim's talking
tim: we should talk to people that haven't heard about linux
BillN1VUX, but good! i'll raise it in a sec
tim: need people that will appreciate it, take interest, but we might be better served by a broader scope
mterry: specific ideas?
tim: getting it out more, more in your face, where you don't expect to see it, not just gaming conferences, not just geeky places
martin: they're not as direct as you might think
martin: some locos think we should only be in computer conferences
tim: yeah, we don't need that
martin: so we're already 2 steps out of core
so yeah, bill said he could do arisia
martin: i'm very interested in that
<|izzie> present
mterry: do we need to give him instructions/advice then?
martin: the job is just being the guy in charge, communicates costs, advertises to rest of community, mans the desk, someone who won't quit halfway through
Hi, |izzie
BillN1VUX, so I guess, you're saying you don't mind manning the desk and all that?
martin is whining about WinCE is terrible
i volunteer to plan, and help execute, not spend the *whole* event in Felicias room
BillN1VUX, martin: we don't need someone to man it indefinitely, just someone to organize the manning
BillN1VUX, So there can be gaps or what not, but ideally you'd get someone else that's going (martin said he would be willing) to help man in specified hours
tim is talking about communicating with other locos now
martin: that's a topic for the ubuntu us loco team
martin: says most us locos aren't that interested
since Felicia can lock her own door, gaps are far less problematic than other events !
BillN1VUX, that's good. So I guess we're good to go with arisia, just keep the mailing list in the loop, contact mailing list for who wants to help with manning hours, for example
BillN1VUX, martin will reply and say he can help
BillN1VUX, martin: and maybe ask for posters and art from martin (on the mailing list)
Doc just entered the room
Martin is overviewing the meeting for doc's benefit
definitely want contributions from the list
BillN1VUX, thanks, btw!
for DPic or all - did we have anime booklet at Pi-Con ? can we at Arisia?
BillN1VUX, I think martin said he printed one out, but didn't sound like a lot of them for picon
BillN1VUX, martin says he can get more done ahead of time. costs about $1 each
BillN1VUX, if we want that to happen for arisia
BillN1VUX, let him know if you want chapter 1 or 2, etc. how many
BillN1VUX, maybe email the list to see if there's interest in a group pay or something, and how many would be needed?
is that the Staples price or the Gnomon price?
BillN1VUX, martin: staples price
arisia is in januaryy, right?
martin: once you convince them to not do first page as single color, etc
martin: yes (DPic)
i can get them printed for really cheap at my school next month
i think we should print a ton of chapter 1
leftovers can be used for anime boston
and we can get a solid number of just how many people will take
martin: can you print/cut/staple em? what would be cost per booklet?
DPic, ^
no cutting necessary, but i can cut and staple them too yes
DPic, cool
i had to go to my school to staple them lasst time because staples didn't have the right...stapler
mterry says how many do we think we need for arisia
martin: at anime boston, we gave 250 very quick
martin: says 1000 :) we can use them over multiple events
i agree
DPic, depends on price I guess :)
<-- feliciaATcapestr has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
martin: depends how much we can fundraise
i'll throw in $35
DPic, do you have an idea of per unit cost with school printer
[ACTION ITEM] dpic to find out per unit cost
[ACTION ITEM] BillN1VUX to send email to list about arisia
doc: now that year is ramping up, he's going to talk to ASC admin to see facilities
(this is about a new meeting place in boston common)
[ACTION ITEM] doc to get that conversionation started, will email martin about it
and/or mailing lists
[ACTION ITEM] martin to do ldap logins for setc
mterry: i thought you did that
martin: nope, i failed
doc: even martin's human
martin: i'm talking to mccormick action group and the old colony youth center
martin: about their computer la
martin: will keep mailing list up to date
martin: but it's not driven by me, waiting on them
oh and i never heard back from system76 about sponsoring us at anime boston
martin: try them again and try zereason (sp?)_
sorry my connection is off and on...
felicia_ feliciaATcapestr
so bill is my kinda liasion, the inside man, since I've never done a convention, or manned a Ubuntu booth
felicia_ that's why we take notes!
sounds great
[ACTION ITEM] dpic to try again about anime boston
martin: we also don't have an organizer for anime boston, but I presume.... DPIC wants to do it
martin is delegating today
ah, actually i was gonna ask about that
i could also become a volunteer or paid staff for anime boston in orger to promote ubuntu to the people running the event
but then i wouldn't be able to man our booth
the shifts last 2 hours each tops
DPic, what like an inside man convincing them to use ubuntu for con stuff?
so i'll still be able to help out at the booth
i heard windows errors during the AMV contest which is oen of the main events
DPic, organizing and manning can be separate (see above with BillN1VUX and arisia)
DPic, so yeah, go for it if ya like
DPic, But also see above for good organizer ideas about what to do, like try to get people to sign up for manning
danny, your going deep undercover to work this from the inside!
martin asks doc if there's anything he's got on his plate to do?
doc says he's busy, but next thing is just ASC room
doc's been doing web work, planning for a slashdotting at work
event rundown:
desktop education for setc every tuesday
wednesday: sysadmin classes for 3 more weeks
loco meeting next month, as usual
(maybe at asc if things are awesome)
that's it until jan's arisia
doc: so if I'm correct, what's with 9.10?
martin: no release party scheduled
felicia_ feliciaATcapestr
martin: jason was interested in being involved, as did felicia_
martin: we need it to start being organized. (thought it was on agenda)
sounds like i should give dpic the brain dump i gave martin on print-buying
BillN1VUX, martin says "write it as a course :)"
mterry: what do we need to do organize release party
martin: location, time, food, advertizing
no one's looked into it
martin is pressuring me to do it
martin can hire a courseware editor :-)
martin: "martin is a courseware editor"
the expert on release party arzsara and mike
martin: we don't really like the same place as previous release parties
martin: we want something more day-ish
martin: maybe saturday/sunday?
martin: as a day event, not an evening event
martin: most locos have much bigger events
mterry: yeah, i don't want do to that (organize it)
martin: well we need someone or it's not going to happen this time
doc: can't believe it's been 6 mths
doc's talking about being from ithica
media lab should be back in town ?
martin: do we have a contact there?
martin: maybe we shoiuld get in contact with maco
my sympathy to Doc, i overcame being born in grad school there
[ACTION ITEM] martin contact mako
doc: I liked it, but wasn't going to do astronomy there without phd
martin tries to close meeting
astronomy without phd is largely amateur ...
doc: 9.10 question was answered partially, but what about features?
<-- MikeC_ has quit ("Ex-Chat")
mterry: we just passed FeatureFreeze
mterry: Software Store is being worked on
martin: how about calling it More Programs
martin: hadn't heard about it
now we're talking about the name
talking about how it plans to let people buy software
doc says doing so well could be revolutionary
doc open source could become economically viable if we make it easy to buy open source software
martin and doc talking about making money as an indy dev
and how it's nigh impossible
martin: i want to earn money doing open source development
sorry to change subject again but i'm rewriting my message to system76-- does anybody have some new creative ideas for what we can offer at anime boston?
martin: making a big deal about their hardware and where they can buy it isn't enough?
martin: it's already non-zero-sum, it's just if they think it's worth it
mterry: i'm talking about 'quickly'
it's an app that makes it easier to write apps for ubuntu
martin: calling meeting
martin: talking about 'facepam' --logging in via your face with camera
not to be confused with facepalm
would we like any sort of sys76 partnership for arisia as well ?
will they upgrade us to a suite?
huh? i don't know what that means but i have no idea what they're willing to do. i'm wondering if i should ask
system 76, the computer manufacturer...they have an ubuntu connection? yes
Maybe they'd like a room to fill with laptops, and the loco does it thing with our software their hardware
could it be simple like that?
possible, but they'd probably not mind keeping budget low for arisia ... reg cost and printing
i just sent an email to the list
a draft message to sytem76
please review!
the small nu ber of suites on retail floor are HARD to get, and on other
floors you have to host an open party
(i use a regular room for a closed party)
DPic: i just sent you edited log of print-buyer 101 brain dump previously inflicted upon docmo
yeah i'm looking it over now
BillN1VUX, so should i not have the copies printed at my school?
if your school can and will work for free, hey great
not free, but cheap
i was responding to DocMO's poster / flyer blead
i'll get a quote
school will likely underbid gnomon ! and better quality than staples ?
re which i was hoping we could work together for.
the quality will probably be the same, but i don't think staples was bad
on which i was hoping we could work together .
staples isn't bad, just less consistent ... since not fulltime printers
swap trailing FOR for leading ON
=== Group Introduction ===
* Everyone went around the room and recited their name and profession, recorded in the section above.
=== Open Floor (All) ===
= Conclusion =
* There is lots to do.