About Me (David Tomaschik/Matir)

I'm a 25 year-old system administrator for Kennesaw State University and I've been using Linux in some incarnation since about 1997. I started with Slackware, then Debian, then Gentoo, and now (since Hoary) Ubuntu. In August, I will begin a Master's degree in Information Security at Georgia Tech. In December, I received my RHCE, and I'm currently looking to earn the Ubuntu Certified Professional cert. I'm also a moderator on LinuxQuestions.org.

Launchpad profile: Matir on Launchpad

Ubuntu Contributions

I've been active in the Ubuntu community for several years, including alpha/beta testing and bug reporting, bug triage, evangelism, and organizing Ubuntu and FLOSS events. I am also actively seeking new ways to contribute more to the continued success of Ubuntu and the strength of the Ubuntu community.

Georgia LoCo

I have been an active member of the Georgia LoCo since its infancy. I have helped to organize several events, including Atlanta Linux Fest, InstallFests, and face to face (F2F) meetups. I helped organize an Installfest at Emory University which included installation and several presentations, including a presentation I gave on open source security/crypto tools. I'm also in the process of organizing an Installfest for 10.10 at Kennesaw State University. I'm currently transitioning to a leadership role within the LoCo, to continue the legacy of work done by Nick Ali, Jon Reagan, and Josh Chase, among others.

Alpha/Beta Testing

I keep a system with the current Ubuntu Alpha/Beta on it starting with the first Alpha for each release. In doing so, I hope to provide useful testing of new features and look for regressions. I have reported several bugs during those phases, including a significant ATI regression several releases ago. Additionally, I use this to discuss new features in the upcoming release as part of my promotion of Ubuntu.

Bugs I've reported include:

Bug Triage

I am a member of the Ubuntu Bug Squad, and often attempt to reproduce bugs to confirm them and provide additional detail. I have been a member of BugSquad since 2007 and have assisted on a number of bugs. This helps developers by reducing the number of spurious bugs they must review and handle.

I've worked on triaging/updating some 70+ bugs, including work on both Ubuntu Desktop and Ubuntu Server bugs. I've also joined the 5-a-day project to help increase both my participation and the participation of others interested in bug triage.

I've also submitted a few small patches, such as this one to disable the slocate update on battery: 280369.


I have been involved in a number of aspects of Open Source Evangelism. I frequently promote Ubuntu with my coworkers and students at the University. I have worked to move a number of applications from proprietary systems to open source on Ubuntu Server. I regularly distribute Ubuntu install disks and assist others in installing it. I also like to educate people that "yes, there is something other than Windows. And yes, it's perfectly legal." At work, I am currently spearheading a transition from RHEL to Ubuntu Server in my department.

FLOSS Events

I am one of the organizers for the Atlanta Linux Fest (sponsored and organized by the Georgia LoCo) which was also host to UbuCon Atlanta last year. Through this, I have helped to promote Ubuntu and Open Source to a large audience and have provided a forum for their discussion. I have been a part of organizing this event for two years and am working on ALF 2010. I've also worked to organize Installfests on behalf of the Georgia Loco.

The Future of Ubuntu

I believe that the future for Ubuntu is strong. I would like to work on increased focus in several areas, including providing a smooth transition from other operating systems, providing strong alternative software for everyday users, and promoting security awareness and unobtrusive security features.


I would appreciate the support of anyone I have worked with or helped in the Ubuntu community here or at the membership council meeting. Thanks.

I had the opportunity to work with David at Georgia State University where he introduced a number of students, faculty, and staff, including myself, to Ubuntu. He created an organization at Georgia State called Students for Open Source that worked to introduce the Georgia State population to Ubuntu and other programs. I am confident he will continue to contribute to the Ubuntu community, and I believe his involvement as an Ubuntu Member would be a significant asset to Ubuntu and the Open Source community. -- byteman007 2010-05-02 02:07:18

David has been involved in the Georgia US LoCo since the beginning. He has helped with organizing big and small LoCo related events. David's contributions have been pivotal in starting and organizing Atlanta Linux Fest. Year 1, not only was he one of the members of the organizing committee for the 150 person event, he did a presentation. Year 2, he spent months recruiting speakers and sponsors, setting the schedule, and was in charge of running of the 750 person event. David has done great, and I look forward to what he will accomplish with the Georgia US LoCo in the future. -- nali

David is a great asset to any team he works with. I had the opportunity to work with him on the Atlanta Linux Fest and Atlanta UbuCon in 2009. He was always upbeat, and ready to dive in to do what needed to be done. He is a dedicated and highly motivated team player. David not only is willing to learn new things but teach what he learns to others in the community as well. I look forward to working on any project David is a part of. +1 from me for Ubuntu Membership. -- akgraner 2010-05-27 20:38:16

Matir (last edited 2010-05-28 00:18:25 by c-98-251-88-239)